Issue 2025-2

18208 Preston Road, Ste D9-552
Dallas TX 75252


I heard you from the heart of the storm.

Read this newsletter in PDF format for greatest clarity.

I’d gotten so accustomed to losing against the Federal government, I’d have been satisfied with just a few scraps, but Team Trump isgiving us the whole smorgasbord!

If he had only gotten the pro-lifers and J6ers out of prison… it would have been enough.
If he had only stopped taxpayer-funded abortion and abortion travel… it would have been enough.
If he had only sent help to western North Carolina… it would have been enough.
If he had only closed the border… it would have been enough.
If he had only withdrawn us from the WHO… it would have been enough.
If he had only officially declared only two sexes: male and female… it would have been enough.
If he had only stopped gender mutilation of minors… it would have been enough.
If he had only exposed NGO’s taking big money to resettle illegal aliens… it would have been enough.

Evil is not vanquished by any means, but it’s been a long time since We the People weren’t the targets of a hostile government. It’s been a long time since anyone in office acted on our behalf. We have some oxygen. We have allies. Truth is coming.

Opinions expressed in this newsletter, unless otherwise attributed, are my own.

Sheryl Collmer, editor
February 1, 2025

From the cockpit of the Subaru

CORAC founder Charlie Johnston travels from coast to coast in his trusty Outback to speak in person to those now weathering the Storm.


Making Warp Speed Great Again

Oddly enough, after the most vigorous, accomplished first week in presidential history, I find I am... more >


For Good or For Evil

Some thoughts about the LA fires, the incompetence of the left at virtually... more >


J6 Update

All over the country on January 20, the day the J6 pardon was expected (and delivered)… more >

J6 Meets Public Rosary

Tyler CORACers and friends have been meeting in the City Square for three years to pray the Rosary…. more >

Voice of a Shepherd

Bishop Joseph Strickland has begun a weekly “fireside chat” on YouTube… more >

National Conference

Ever since the last CORAC National Conference in June 2021, we’ve been hankerin’ for another… more >

Ten Stories the Media Buried
This Week

What the media won’t tell us… more >

Fire Cider

Fire cider is an apple cider vinegar concoction meant to ward off winter colds and flu… more >

The DOGE Clock

The online National Deb clock has now added a counter for DOGE savings…. more >

A Catholic Immigration Policy

American immigration policy has been broken for two generations. It speaks to how unserious our political and religious leaders have been that it has gotten progressively worse during those two generations, until it became a fullblown existential crisis under Joe Biden.

On the one hand, it is far too complicated and expensive to immigrate legally to America. It can take a decade and tens of thousands of dollars for a perfectly law-abiding person to become an American citizen. That is ridiculous. I would set these standards for entry in search of citizenship:

  • Pass a background check. (We would have to look closely at specifics, not just a general vetting. Some formerly free western countries consider people who had Facebook posts their government didn’t like as hardened criminals. We want to screen out REAL criminals, not political criminals.)
  • Minimal fees, based on actual costs of processing applications and services extended.
  • Financial responsibility. No welfare or other federal benefits for applicants. Each would need a sponsor who would guarantee the applicant’s finances for their first three years.
  • Learn English within three years. After three years, the applicant would be eligible to take a citizenship test. If they pass and have lived financial and legal responsibility, they become fully an American citizen.
  • The U.S. has the right both to suspend or slow down immigration from hostile countries and to put a priority on applicants with needed skills.

That, in a nutshell, is pretty much it. Now, here are current problems and why:

If immigrating legally is a long, expensive, drawn-out process, illegal immigration is easy and lightning fast. We do not know who is entering the country or why. Why then, do so many political and religious leaders prefer the illegal variety? Let’s start with government and business.

  • Illegal aliens live in the shadows and work cheap, constantly having to deal with the threat of being turned in and deported if they defy those who are “helping” them. The availability of cheap labor that is easily intimidated and controlled is obvious for companies which are shady and greedy.
  • Democrats have provided massive benefits for illegal aliens that they do not offer to American citizens. Their aim is to create a permanent underclass and harvest votes from them. Eliminate all benefits for non-citizens and this is obviated. Even so, it will not be complete until we have reformed election security laws. Scammers can easily assign legal names to immigrants for purposes of getting fraudulent ballots through.
  • Blue states, by flooding themselves with illegal aliens, increase the number of Congressional seats they get by having so many more “residents.” Make the census differentiate between the number of citizens and the number of residents in a jurisdiction, then apportion seats based on citizenship. Then those states which want to flood the zone to increase their influence in Washington would get all of the costs and bother of dealing with massive numbers of illegal aliens with none of the benefits.
  • Politicians funnel our money to NGO’s to provide services for illegals. This is nothing but a midwit jobs program for political loyalists and a way to ensure their loyalty and compliance.

The Churches have become among the most notorious of NGO’s facilitating illegal immigration in this country. It is a shame and a scandal – and they obnoxiously preen about how virtuous they are while doing it. The rank hypocrisy of Pope Francis in demanding open borders from the U.S. from behind the wall that completely surrounds the Vatican – and for which there are stiff penalties for entering illegally – cries out to heaven for justice.

To demand, from that protected perch, that America absorb all the world’s problems without conditions, while giving a pass to all the dictatorships and countries who have made their own peoples lives miserable is both disgusting and a huge embarrassment to me as a Christian and practicing Catholic.

I have seen clerics pompously post that “Jesus was a refugee.” Are they that ignorant? Yes, when still a baby, the Holy Family did flee to Egypt, which was another province of the single Roman Empire. That’s more akin to going to Missouri from Illinois to escape a crazed stalker than it is to illegally crossing an international border.

Clearly, the clerics of almost all our faiths are seriously deficient in history, philosophy, and theology, just to start.

Open borders dramatically increase human sex and slave trafficking, enables child exploitation, empowers criminal cartels, makes both housing and employment less available for natives, while increasing crime and dysfunction everywhere it becomes common. I hope that is not what modern clerics want, but they clearly do not have the intellectual bandwidth or honest candor to deal with these problems directly. It’s all virtue signaling – without virtue. They might start by studying Ordo Amoris to discover what faith, right reason, and Christian honor actually teach. (I have linked to a VERY elementary study guide to help them along).

Even worse, the Catholic Church and major Protestant denominations make tens and tens of millions in government money (our money) by providing services to and helping illegal aliens evade law enforcement. Catholic Charities gets over half of its budget from federal tax dollars to help illegal aliens. What the majority of American religious leaders, including my Catholic Bishops conference, preach is not only wrong: it is deeply immoral.

I am not opposed to churches receiving government money when providing services to the same government. Catholic Social Services, throughout the country, did the best job of facilitating adoptions of any single agency – and were rightly touted for it. (Illinois, despite calling it the best adoption facilitator, banned Catholic Social Services when it refused to place children with same-sex couples. That made me proud of my Church and disgusted with my government.)

The Churches must confine themselves to helping facilitate just laws rather than helping others evade them. If they righteously resist an unjust law, they must do it on their own dime. They can still contract to help with the resettling of genuine refugees and other licit services, but the Churches must take care to never become dependent on government.

Separation of Church and State is not part of our Constitution. When the Constitution was ratified, several states had established churches – and the Constitution guaranteed they could keep them. In fact, it was proponents of established state churches who were most insistent on the Bill of Rights beginning with, “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.” This language was NOT designed to prevent any government entwinement with local religious sensibilities. Just the opposite, it was designed to deny ALL jurisdiction on religious matters from the federal government. The feds would have no say at all on the matter, only individual states. It was only in the middle of the 20th century, that some pernicious courts decided that the 14th Amendment gave the feds power over religion, after all. If you want to verify it for yourself, just look up transcripts of the original debates on the Constitution.

It was Puritan Pastor Roger Williams who proposed a wall of separation between Church and state in the mid- 1600’s. He did not do so to protect the state from religion; his proposal was to protect the “garden of the Church” from the pernicious influence of the “wilderness of the world.”

The Trump administration is very serious about living its duties. Americans are an extraordinarily generous people, but they don’t like being played – by their government or their churches. The Churches need to get serious about their responsibilities. I know that many of them are fearful that if they don’t get government money, they are likely to collapse. It is a reasonable fear. Church revenues have fallen dramatically since 2013. But they can revitalize themselves by ceasing to preach the gospel of woke and starting to preach the Gospel of Christ. Then they can do all things.

If communication goes out for any length of time, meet outside your local Church at 9 a.m. on Saturday mornings. Tell friends at Church now, in case you can’t then. CORAC teams will be out looking for people to gather in and work with.

Charlie’s Latest Blogs

Brief Updates Videos


J6 Update

All over the country on January 20, the day the J6 pardon was expected (and delivered), family and supporters waited outside 80 Federal prisons where J6ers were held. They brought warm clothing, track phones, decent food, and hugs. It was a marvel of organization put together by J6 advocate Suzzanne Monk. No one came out alone.

The DC gulag only released two J6ers at first. Then there was a glitch in which it appeared that all the J6ers were coming out, but then they were yanked back to their cells. Someone was taken to the hospital in an ambulance, and it hasn’t been revealed who it was or what led to the emergency. A few more were released, and there have been a few trickling out since then. Those remaining after the first few days were moved to one state and then another in a heartless effort to avoid the waiting families . As I write this, there are still half a dozen J6ers remaining in prison.

If you’ve been reading this newsletter for a while, you may remember Jeremy Brown from our 2023-11 edition. The feature article about him is reprinted in the Appendix of this newsletter. He is a highly-decorated Special Forces Green Beret veteran who should be receiving awards from a grateful nation, not prison time.

The FBI failed to recruit him as an informant for January 6, and retaliated for his refusal by conjuring up charges. He’s been moved several times since the pardon, in an apparent effort to separate him from anyone who might help. Right now he’s believed to be held at FCI Coleman in central Florida.

You can follow his story here >

Latest about Jeremy Brown here >

You can try emailing the US Attorney for Jeremy’s release

Another J6er of great concern is Daniel Ball, who had been so brutally beaten by guards that his teeth were exterior to his face. I’m not clear when that beating occurred, but the only photograph of Daniel in prison has his face hidden. Watchers are concerned that he is not being released because of the obvious evidence of damage by guards, and retaliation for talking about it. His mother is beside herself, as you might imagine.

Daniel is apparently in the Orange County Jail in Florida: 407-836-3400

Dominic Box is another victim of this J6 hostage crisis. He’s being held in Federal prison for a DUI charge (not a Federal offense) after his J6 charges were pardoned. It’s continuing abuse of a citizen for being at J6. He’s being held (for today, anyway; they keep moving him) at FCI Tallahassee 850-878-2173.

More about Dominic here >

The situation of these men is evidence that the Deep State is still alive, and thwarting the President and the People at every opportunity. These are American citizens being illegally held hostage by rogue elements of the US Government.

J6 Meets Public Rosary

Tyler CORACers and friends have been meeting in the City Square for three years to pray the Rosary for our country. Last week, we were delighted to host newly-pardoned and released J6er Ryan Nichols and his lovely wife. Though they are not Catholic, the reverence they displayed during the Rosary was heartwrenchingly beautiful.

Many relationships broke up over J6, as the wives and families of J6ers were condemned along with their loved ones, and lost jobs and homes. Ryan and Bonnie, however, grew in their marriage. They hope to become a resource for others whose marriages hit troubled waters.

Ryan told the story of one of his little boys asking him several years into the ordeal, “Daddy, can’t you just say sorry so you can come home?” Two years later, their family of four is united and whole again.

Ryan and Bonnie in the middle

Bishop Strickland’s “Voice of a Shepherd”

Bishop Joseph Strickland has begun a weekly “fireside chat” on YouTube. You can view the first episode and subscribe here >

The third episode just came out last week.

You can also read the transcripts of each chat on his substack >

Bishop Strickland also added a clarification to all the different voices speaking about the Catholic stance on immigration.

Read about it here > 

Malachi Martin

Fr. Malachi Martin is a name I seem to have always known, and never investigated. He is deceased, but his work is coming back into the public eye, perhaps because it so closely mirrors what we are seeing today in the Church. Here are some resources if you, too, are interested in this man.

Malachi Martin 25 Years Later, with Dr. Edmund Mazza >

The Mystery of Malachi Martin, with Fr. Charles Murr >

Part II >

Malachi Martin’s most famous book is Windswept House. Bishop Strickland has cited one of Martin’s other books, The Jesuits, and Dr. Mazza (above) cites The Keys of This Blood.


National Conference

July 11 – 13

Benedictine College
Atchinson, KS

Ever since the last CORAC National Conference in June 2021, we’ve been hankerin’ for another. Great speaker David Daleiden will be with us once again, and more speakers are being lined up. This event will take place on the awesome campus of Benedictine College, 50 miles from Kansas City.

More details are coming soon. Dorm rooms are going to be available, but if you’ve aged out of dormitory life, you might want to make reservations now at a hotel in Atchison. There are only a few, and they’ll fill up quickly, but there are also Air B&Bs in the area and other hotels in the Kansas City area (20-40 minutes away.) RVs will be able to “boondock” at the college, but additional facilities will be available at a nearby campground.

  • Block out the weekend of July 11-13.
  • Make reservations now if you’re planning on a hotel. It’s not a big town.

Ten Stories the Media Buried This Week

Instead of clicking on each individual story, see them all digested here >

#10 – Senators who took the most Big Pharma cash were the most hostile to RFK Jr. in his confirmation hearing.

#9 – Karoline Leavitt Forces the Media to Eat Their Words in Brutal White House Smackdown

#8 – Democrat Leader Hakeem Jeffries makes a chilling statement that sounds like a call for insurrection

#7 – Peer-Reviewed Study Finds Irrefutable Evidence For Immediate Withdrawal of COVID-19 “Vaccines”

#6 – Stephen Miller Schools Jake Tapper on His “Who’s Going to Pick the Crops” Argument

#5 – Trump Targets DEI Hiring Practices at FAA After Deadly Crash in Washington DC

#4 – Bill Maher Goes Full RFK Jr. in a Scorching Takedown of America’s Failing Healthcare System

#3 – “I Don’t Really Care, Margaret”: Vance Shuts Down CBS Host Over Unvetted Migrants

#2 – Trump’s FCC Chair Launches Investigation Into NPR and PBS

#1 – Kash Patel drops the mic on Democrat Senator with a devastating response to her entrapment questions.

A few bonus links:

Bonus – FCC Investigating NPR and PBS Stations Over Sponsorships

Bonus – Tulsi Gabbard Investigated Obama’s Support for Al-Qaeda in Syria

Bonus – Obama Senior Advisor Flew to UK to Rape Child, Jailed

Bonus – Birthright Citizenship Was For Former Slaves, Not Illegal Immigrants

News is coming so fast and heavy right now, you’ve got to have some filters, or you’ll blow your fuse! As always, I highly recommend the daily email from Jeff Childers. Witty and concise.

On Telegram, I always check Jack Posobiec, Lara Logan and BioClandestine.

On X, there are millions of accounts. Start with the people you trust most, like Bishop Strickland, JD Vance, General Flynn, Charlie Johnston. Their posts will lead you to others worth following.

Fire Cider

Fire cider is an apple cider vinegar concoction meant to ward off winter colds and flu. It’s just disgusting enough to make me believe it might be effective; what could go wrong with vinegar, garlic and horseradish? No pain, no gain.

How to make Fire Cider >

In my hometown, something’s been going around like a hot saber through lard, so I’m willing to try just about anything to stay healthy. As always, daily exercise and sunshine go well with any tonics or supplements

The DOGE Clock

The online National Debt clock has now added a counter for DOGE savings. As of this morning, DOGE has saved the taxpayers $49 billion (with a B), from throwing out egregiously fraudulent programs like condoms to Gaza, the Corn Pop Museum, the Department of Redundant Overlaps, the Federal Office of Triangle Counting, the Bureau of Obscure State Foods, the Department of Imaginary Threats, the Federal Hammock Institute, the Interstate Tug-of-War League, and the Office of Presidential Story-Vetting. This is not fiction; these resting homes for government employees who didn’t want real jobs racked up hundreds of millions of dollars. Over 70% of Americans (all parties) support DOGE.

Physical Healing Sessions

Next healing session

Wednesday, February 26

Check website closer to the date to confirm >


Do explore the website! It’s rich with helpful information. Start on the home page.


February Prayer Intentions

  • That in these extraordinary days, CORAC members prayerfully discern how best to serve our family, friends, and neighbors as signs of hope to those around us.

  • That we get enough sleep and fulfill our regular duties while also keeping up with important and accurate information each day.

  • For Charlie’s good health and energy during the final revisions of CORAC’s manual: Revival: A Handbook and Manual for Building Functional Communities.

  • That CORAC members draw ever closer to the Lord, and that we respond kindly and patiently to all who are being led by God’s grace from unbelief to belief.

  • That many people be healed in body, mind, and spirit through the online Physical Healing Prayer Session via Zoom (usually on the last Wednesday of each month); and through many other healing prayer ministries in which CORAC members are engaged. That CORAC members may strongly desire and find the means to participate in financial support for our vital ministries.

  • That CORAC members may strongly desire and find the means to participate in financial support for our vital ministries.

  • For all intentions carried in the hearts of CORAC members and those posted on the CORAC Prayer Hotline, with gratitude for prayers answered in our daily lives.

St. Gabriel, enlighten us.
St. Michael, defend us.

St. Raphael, protect us.
Ave Maria, Stella Maris!


From the June 15, 2023 newsletter

Meet a J6er

Jeremy Brown’s story would make a good action movie. He is a retired 20-year veteran of the US Army, Special Forces Green Beret with two Bronze Stars for meritorious conduct in a combat zone. He was deployed twice each to Iraq and Afghanistan. Interestingly, the government didn’t prosecute him on any of the usual violations they’ve used on J6ers, but on charges of possession of illegal weapons and secret documents. In fact, Brown never entered the Capitol and was not known to have committed any act of violence on that day. Many other J6ers never entered the Capitol either, but they were charged anyway. So Brown was arrested for activities on January 6, but tried on other charges. Was there was some reason the government didn’t want Brown testifying about January 6, as he would have done in his defense?

When the FBI searched his residence on September 30, 2021, they claim to have found live grenades, illegal guns and highly secret documents. The “documents” turned out to be his own notes about a project he’d completed in 2011 on active-duty. Brown claims the grenades the FBI found were never his, and indeed, there were no fingerprints, and DNA tests found that the DNA on them was not Brown’s. None of the officers who conducted the raid wore bodycams that day.

The judge at his bond hearing said that Brown posed a threat to law enforcement, and that no condition could reasonably assure the public safety were Brown allowed to be out. He has now been sentenced to 7 years in prison by a female judge who castigated him for showing no remorse for things he didn’t do. “And you were defiant to the end,” she said, inadvertently bestowing high praise.

In December, 2020, just weeks before January 6, two Federal agents visited Brown about some of his social media posts that were pushed out to the FBI by Twitter. They identified him as “far right” and the agents purported to be concerned about his welfare. After ascertaining that Brown was a “good guy,” they invited him to inform on suspicious activities and players. They gave an example of a man who had a bumper sticker on
his truck stating: “Biden is a pedophile.” The agents hinted that Brown could be paid for delivering intelligence that helped stop an attack, which is an insult to any patriot.

In Brown’s own words:

In December of 2020, the very government I served for 20 years and that entrusted me to hold a Top Secret/SCI Security Clearance, attempted to recruit me to be a Confidential Informant for the FBIs Joint Terrorism Task Force.  I was asked if I would be willing to collect information (AKA spy) on law-abiding American citizens.  I refused, but I recorded the entire meeting.  In January 2021, I volunteered to be part of a Security Detail tasked with protecting speakers at the Jan 5th & 6th “Stop the Steal” Rally in DC. 

It was the testimony of FBI Director Christopher Wray in front of Congress that made me realize I could not stay silent. On March 5th 2021, I went public with what I knew and my professional opinion about what happened January 6th as a 20-year Special Forces Combat Veteran.  I knew that going public against a corrupt FBI narrative would put my safety and freedom, as well as the safety of my family and friends, in jeopardy, but if not me then who? I have prepared for this day, and this is God’s plan for me.

In one of the few released videos of January 6, Brown is seen pushing back police in riot gear from an older woman who had collapsed. The police are massed around him, while he tends to her and eventually helps her back to her feet and escorts her to safety. That is what any trained professional would do.

Brown was held for over a year in maximum security until a grassroots group of citizens successfully petitioned to have him relocated to a lower security level, where he has more freedom of movement and telephone access. That’s the power of a united effort by ordinary people.

Listen to Jeremy himself in a phone interview from prison >

Earlier this year, Brown’s mother was invited to Mar-A-Lago along with other J6 families for dinner with President Trump. The families reported that they left with more hope than they’d had in a long time.

Jeremy’s GiveSendGo page, with links to more articles and interviews >

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