Issue 2025-4
18208 Preston Road, Ste D9-552
Dallas TX 75252
Train me to observe your law, to keep it with my heart.
Read this newsletter in PDF format for greatest clarity.
Opinions expressed in this newsletter, unless otherwise attributed, are my own.
Sheryl Collmer, editor
March 2, 2025

From the cockpit of the Subaru
CORAC founder Charlie Johnston travels from coast to coast in his trusty Outback to speak in person to those now weathering the Storm.
The Vanities are Hitting the Bonfire
Whoa! The establishment press is in a lather over losing its ability to decide who gets to sit where... more >
Push Back, Parry
& Advance
Some thoughts about the battles the left is losing, the stark challenge of our national debt... more >
Save the Date
Mark your calendars for a summer weekend with like-minded CORAC’ers and speakers Bishop Joseph Strickland… more >
Ten Stories the Media Buried
This Week
What the media won’t tell us… more >
Project Ukraine
We’ve all seen the headlines and memes of Zelensky self-destructing at the White House on Friday… more >
Spring: Time
for Gardening
We welcome Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and hope for his initiative cleaning up our food supply… more >
Caveat Emptor – at Least a Little
Some of you may be aware of the bombshell study done by Yale University which identifies Post-Vaccination Syndrome (PVS). It posits that perhaps what is called “long covid” is actually a serious injury from the Covid shots.
In the Yale News story linked above, the University starts with the usual claptrap about how many lives the shots saved, how rare PVS is, and what a blessing the sciency fiction they impose on us all really is. But at the bottom of paragraph four, they subtly give up the game, refuting most of the happy claptrap they began with. “More studies are needed to understand the prevalence of PVS,” they write, tacitly admitting they don’t have a clue how many people it affects and how widespread it is.
What this all translates to, in layman’s terms, is that (at least in some people) the Covid shots begin breaking down the larger immune system until a person effectively has no effective immune system left. It entirely destroys your immune system eventually.
Some of you may remember the 1976 TV movie, The Boy in the Plastic Bubble. It was about a boy with so severe an immune deficiency that he had to live in a perfectly sterile environment to survive. As Chief Brody from Jaws might somberly say, after reading this report, “We’re going to need a bigger bubble.”
Many alternative media outlets jumped on this, as it is the first significant concession by the establishment that maybe the Covid shots were killing some people – that it was not quite as “safe and effective” as both the degraded medical establishment and the idiot press had insisted. The author I linked to at the beginning of this paragraph claims he knew this within a year and a half of the introduction of the shots. I believe him – while claiming pride of place as knowing much earlier.
I wrote, on December 23, 2020 in the piece, Embers in the Wind, that the Covid shots were likely to become the greatest medical disaster in history. In the piece, I vastly underestimated the public’s tolerance for intentional authoritarian bullying. Yet if effective reaction came about three years later than I expected, the rest of it holds up remarkably well. We were lucky I was wrong, for if the reaction had come when I thought it would, it could only have been accompanied by widespread violence and strife.
To call the Covid shots a “vaccine” literally required medical authorities to redefine what a vaccine is, for the Covid shots did not qualify under the classic definition that had existed since the beginning of vaccines. The Covid shots are immunotherapy, which is a form of gene therapy. About 45 years ago, scientists were touting gene therapy as the great new breakthrough that was going to change everything, curing almost all human illnesses and diseases. Within decade, scientists’ dreams lay in ashes. Gene therapy turned out to be an ocean of abject failure with a few islands of limited success. Scientists’ fantasy that they would be better, more humane gods than the real one crashed and burned once again. The media, which at the beginning of the ‘80s, had touted this next great breakthrough, let its abysmal failure go quietly, for they, too, had succumbed to the devil’s first seduction, that man could supplant and become God.
The Covid shots gave scientists another bite at the apple of gene therapy. Of course, the idiot media, which knows nothing, grabs eagerly at anything sciency-sounding to confirm their sense of superiority, then sneers condescendingly at anyone who actually does know something, were taken in hook, line and sinker. Hey, this gene therapy was delivered with a hypodermic, so it must be a vaccine, they reasoned. By this reasoning, lethal injections are a vaccine, too. (In fairness, anyone given a lethal injection is, thereafter, immune to all illnesses and diseases.)
I knew what it was. It didn’t take a rocket scientist to figure it out, just a little basic research. For nearly 15 years before the Covid shots were introduced to people, research with mRNA shots had been done on various animals. In almost all the studies, all the animals eventually died an untimely death, because the mRNA shots progressively disabled their immune systems entirely. A few died quickly as the shots would trigger other serious syndromes to which they were susceptible, most died later of other diseases, such as cancer, that their weakened immune systems could not fight off, but all eventually died untimely, with the bulk not even aware that anything was wrong until they died suddenly because their immune systems had been entirely destroyed.
I will never forget my public discussion with a doctor, a well-meaning, faith-filled man, who was a staunch advocate of the Covid shots. I asked him a bunch of questions, annoyed that he often tried to give deceptive answers that I quickly called out. To his credit, when I did call out his stock answers, he conceded the truth. Finally, he said boldly that the mRNA shots had been tested on animals for almost a decade and a half, so it was not true that they had not been tested. I told him I was very familiar with the animal tests, but did not know of any that were successful – and asked if he would email me the ones he knew of that were. That was the end of it. He hung his head and told me hewas unaware of any, either, but that medical officials in Washington had assured him they had solved the problems.
I dropped the subject entirely. He seemed like a nice enough fellow, I had made my point, and I am not much interested in being a grinder after winning the debate. I am a big admirer of Abraham Lincoln who, when asked how to treat Confederate military and political officials after the war was won, replied, “Let ‘em up easy.”
I get annoyed when someone with a deep, specific expertise, acts if anyone who does not share that expertise is stupid. Most people have expertise in different areas – and what is one man’s delight is another’s impenetrable puzzle. We need to help each other out and remember that most people don’t share our particular niche expertise.
But I get equally annoyed when people describe listening to whatever their favored news source says as “research.” Sheesh, when I was a young man I had to haunt libraries, visit various arcane archives, and make formal requests of institutions for the raw data which constituted actual research. The internet has made it much easier to do real research – and yet people do not seem to even understand what the term means anymore. A minimal amount of real research would have revealed to anyone what rank propaganda the Covid shot assurances were. You didn’t need a science or a medical degree. You just had to know what questions to ask – and the fortitude to tell the sneering ignoramuses to answer the question when they tried to dismiss you.
I am hardly trying to encourage people to become master researchers. But if you are to protect yourselves and your family, you need to know a little. Actually, through most of our history, it was assumed that people would know enough to navigate competing claims reasonably safely. It was called Caveat Emptor – let the buyer beware. With all the snake oil the “experts” are busily peddling, we better learn to be minimally wary. Truth will stand the test of examination. Learn enough on any subject of consequence to ask the right questions – and the “experts” will have a much tougher time imposing snake oil on you.

If communication goes out for any length of time, meet outside your local Church at 9 a.m. on Saturday mornings. Tell friends at Church now, in case you can’t then. CORAC teams will be out looking for people to gather in and work with.
Charlie’s Latest Blogs
A Convocation of Dragons, Part I
Crossville, Tennessee – You’re going to want to bookmark these...
The Vanities are Hitting the Bonfire
Louisville, Kentucky – Whoa! The establishment press is in a...
An Affectionate Letter to Our Bishops
Front Royal, Virginia – Dear Bishops, Though I have not lived in...
Brief Updates Videos
Pushback, Parry & Advance
Charlie’s Brief #68 – Some thoughts about the battles the left is...
How Can They Say That?
Charlie’s Brief #67 – Some thoughts about the party of doom's...
Adoration for a Pivotal Year
Charlie’s Brief #66 – Some thoughts about the pivotal year ahead of...

Mark your calendars for a summer weekend with like-minded CORAC’ers and speakers Bishop Joseph Strickland, David Daleiden, Mike Thompson and a mystery speaker. Registration coming soon.

David Daleiden
Defender of the unborn

Most Rev. Joseph

State Sen. Mike

Mystery Guest(s)
Announcement Soon
Ten Stories the Media Buried This Week
#10 – @DataRepublican blows the lid off $17 million “democracy” scam
#9 – Persuasion Expert Bets His Career on Shocking COVID Claim
#8 – Rachel Maddow DETONATES: Slams MSNBC as Racist in Jaw-Dropping Rant
#7 – RFK Jr. Advisor Shanahan Demands “Full and Accurate Disclosures” on Chemtrail Geoengineering
#6 – “Zelensky is Not Ready for Peace”: Trump Torches Ukraine Deal After Fiery Exchange
#5 – FBI Director Kash Patel and AG Pam Bondi Vow to Crush Epstein Cover-Up
#4 – RFK Jr. Pulls the Plug on Biden’s Oral COVID Vaccine Experiment.
#3 – Scott Jennings gives constitutional lesson to CNN panelists on Trump controlling the military.
#1 – Elon Musk Exposes the “Biggest Scam Ever”
J6 Update
Jeremy Brown was finally released from Federal prison in Atlanta last Wednesday! Now four J6ers remain incarcerated. One of those fighting for J6ers is Suzzanne Monk at X/Trumpertarian. Another advocate is Lara Logan X/laralogan.
“Never forget – they may be free men but most have lost everything. Who will restore the J6ers? Some lost custody of their children, homes taken, businesses destroyed, jobs lost, lives and families obliterated. How do we make this right?” – Lara Logan
A positive force in this mess in J6 Road Home. They seek to provide the support and tools necessary to help J6 defendants rebuild their lives and find a path forward, including housing, financial support, medical needs and job assistance. The ranch is located in central Texas, and I hope to make a visit soon.

As I have delved into a few J6 stories (and there are 1,569 of them) I’ve been astonished at how much people have lost. The Federal government is a powerful opponent, and the lives of the J6 defendants are fragile at this point. You can contribute to the effort here >
Project Ukraine
We’ve all seen the headlines and memes of Zelensky self-destructing at the White House on Friday. In case you’ve been vacationing on Mars this week, full video here >
When you hear the whole thing, you see how polite and respectful Trump and Vance were, going in. It wasn’t until the upstart dictator had a temper tantrum that they got strong with him, and justifiably so.
Most of us have known from the beginning that Project Ukraine was a giant flim-flam. It had all the earmarks of another Deep State operation. Massive uniformity around the world simultaneously, gratuitous support from all the usual enemies of the people (Pelosi, Biden, Schumer), inexplicable flight of the Ukrainian flag by people who wouldn’t be able to find it on a world map and knew absolutely nothing of its history. For Pete’s sake, auto dealerships in Texas were flying giant Ukrainian flags.
It was a lot like COVID and the vaxx. We have now recognized the signs of a “psy-op”:
- Instant conformity worldwide
- Support from the worst people
- Ignorance of the actual issue
On top of all the psy-op warnings, we watched fake reporting (a field of dead Ukrainians in which one got up for his cigarette break before the cameras cut, a pregnant woman at a wrecked hospital who later said it was the Ukrainians who bombed the hospital and Russian soldiers who rescued her from the rubble, etc.)
On the very day of Russia marching over the Ukrainian border, an indie journalist calling himself “BioClandestine” superimposed a map of US biolabs in Ukraine over a map of the first hits of the Russian Army, and whaddaya know? They matched up. After initially denying the existence of the biolabs, Victoria Nuland finally acknowledged them, but the goosestepping media made little of it.
Bankman-Fried was arrested and the money laundering channel of US funds to Ukraine being slipped back to Democrats in the US was uncovered. There were also reports of “baby farms” and child trafficking hubs, which I hold credible even without more evidence because there is some dark reason why the Deep State is so mad to protect Ukraine, and it clearly has nothing to do with their bleating about “democracy.”
Tucker Carlson’s shocking interview with human rights advocate Bob Amsterdam presents a detail of real life in Ukraine and the terrible human cost:
Why some think Zelensky was high on cocaine last Friday, in addition to the constant nose-swiping:
Did you ever ask, “How did a cross-dressing comedian in high heels get to be the president of a country?” The answer goes back to 2014, which is the same time frame of Hunter Biden’s pardon, no coincidence. A cinematic backgrounding can be gleaned from Ukraine on Fire, a documentary about the coup in 2014, commonly known as the Maidan Revolution.
The Deep Church
Liz Yore appeared on War Room to talk about the conspiracy between Obama and McCarrick to traffic children:
Elizabeth Nickson on the Deep State/Deep Church conspiracy:
Archbishop Viganó warns us to investigate the international criminal syndicate that has subverted the Church:
The Viganó interview on immigration, USAID and operation to eliminate Pope Benedict. It’s long, but worth it:
DOGE Clock
The US National Debt clock is continually rising. DOGE has saved us $154 billion as of today, and we desperately need to cut more to avoid financial catastrophe.

Spring: Time for Gardening
We welcome Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and hope for his initiative cleaning up our food supply, but it may take a while. Meanwhile, gardening is a fun and essential skill to have, giving you some control over your family’s food.
Soil Testing
Knowing the structure of your garden soil helps you decide what and where you plant, as well as how to amend your soil. Most soil contains 3 components; sand, silt, and clay. A good combination of all 3 of these particles is referred to as loam soil. It’s the ideal. To make loam, you need to know what you currently have, so you can make adjustments.
The Mason Jar Soil Test: Use a clean quart or pint size jar with lid. Fill the jar halfway with soil. Add water to about 1″ from the top and put the lid on. Shake the contents for a few minutes, then set the jar aside for a few hours. As the content settles, it will separate into layers of silt, sand, and clay. The heaviest layer will settle to the bottom, consisting of sand and rocks. The next layer will consist of silt. Next will be the layer of clay. Estimate the proportion in each layer. Do you have mostly sandy, silty or clay soil?
If all the layers are approximately equal, you have been blessed with loamy soil! If not, try these amendments:
Mostly Sandy Soil – Add compost or manure. If you already have high levels of salt in the soil, such as in seaside gardens, use a plant-only based compost.
Mostly Silty Soil – Till in 1″ Cocopeat (ground coconut husks, very good for aeration and water retention) to break up clay particles to help with aeration, 2″ of Perlite to help with drainage, and 4″ of compost to help with water retention.
Mostly Clay Soil – Till in 1″ Cocopeat, 4″ of Perlite, and 6″ of compost.

Mail Order Seeds and Plants
The following are some tried-and-true sources, specializing in organic, heirloom, non-GMO seeds.
Physical Healing Sessions
March Prayer Intentions
For the spiritual fruit of patience (Galatians 5:22-23) as we move through the days of worldwide, national, and local dismantling of what ought not be, and building what ought to be, according to God’s loving plan
For the Holy Spirit’s gift of discernment between truth and falsehood in these times of necessary upheaval and correction
For all who are planning and preparing for the CORAC National Conference to be held July 11-13
For Charlie’s good health and energy during the final revisions of CORAC’s manual: Revival: A Handbook and Manual for Building Functional Communities
That many people be healed in body, mind, and spirit through the online Physical Healing Prayer Session via Zoom (usually on the last Wednesday of each month); and through many other healing prayer ministries in which CORAC members are engaged
That CORAC members may strongly desire and find the means to financially support our vital ministries
For all intentions carried in the hearts of CORAC members and those posted on the CORAC Prayer Hotline, with gratitude for prayers answered in our daily lives
St. Gabriel, enlighten us.
St. Michael, defend us.
St. Raphael, protect us.
Ave Maria, Stella Maris!

©2025 Corps of Renewal and Charity is a 501(C)(4) Charity. All rights reserved.