Issue 2025-5

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Dallas TX 75252


He who ponders the law of the Lord will yield fruit in due season.

Read this newsletter in PDF format for greatest clarity.

In the spirit of Lent, I’ve been “digitally de-toxing” and I rather like it. I trust Jeff Childers (“Coffee and Covid”) to give me the most important items each day, while I spend more time reading and praying, time that was previously used scrolling X. It’s a good strategy for Lent, as it gives peace of mind and rest. I hope you’ve a good strategy, too. If not, several Lenten resources are included in this edition.

Opinions expressed in this newsletter, unless otherwise attributed, are my own.

Sheryl Collmer, editor
March 16, 2025

From the cockpit of the Subaru

CORAC founder Charlie Johnston travels from coast to coast in his trusty Outback to speak in person to those now weathering the Storm.


A Convocation of Dragons, Part I

You’re going to want to bookmark these articles and save a copy so that, a year or three down the line... more >


Push Back, Parry
& Advance

Some thoughts about the battles the left is losing, the stark challenge of our national debt... more >


Save the Date

Mark your calendars for a summer weekend with like-minded CORAC’ers and speakers Bishop Joseph Strickland… more >

Ten Stories the Media Buried
This Week

What the media won’t tell us… more >

Real Time
Space Rescue

Astronauts Sunni Williams and Butch Wilmore were on a one-week mission, beginning last summer… more >

Crisis Magazine

Crisis Magazine: A Voice for the Faithful Catholic Laity has been on fire lately… more >

Christ is King

A war of words has erupted on social media concerning the phrase, “Christ is King.” In a work of shoddymore >

DOGE Clock

The US National Debt clock is continually rising. DOGE has saved $208 billion as of today, and we desperately… more >

Bursting Triumphalism

Back when I was a Protestant, it infuriated me when some of my family or friends would sniffily dismiss a brilliant piece of work because, “It is Catholic.” I am equally annoyed when my Catholic friends sometimes dismiss a brilliant piece of work because, “It is Protestant.” I wonder how many Catholic theologians initially dismissed St. Thomas Aquinas’ masterful work because so much of it was dependent on the pagan philosophy of Aristotle. As Jesus says in both Matthew and Luke, “Wisdom is justified by her children.” Other translations read that, “Wisdom is justified by her deeds.” The message is the same – that wisdom stands on its own results and effects.

When I was a teenager I spent a lot of time in libraries. (Even so, I was at the top of the social aristocracy in high school. My high school principal once mused that I should have been a twink like most of the other supersmart kids, but somehow I had become the biggest man on campus he had ever seen. He answered his own question by observing once that I just didn’t give a…hoot – not his word. Altogether true. I was just a guy who liked to have fun with my buddies, a guy who happened to be smart but wore it with all the concern that a guy who happened to own a Mustang did.) I just wanted to know how things came to be, and I wanted to trace them back to credible sources.

My family was of a Pentecostal Protestant religion and my Mom insisted (at that time) that only people who subscribed to that particular sect could ever go to heaven. I was offended by that. At one point, I got obsessed with studying the origins of every religious denomination. I laughed when I found that the sect was founded in the early 1800’s in the Carolinas. So if Mom’s and her relatives’ claims were true, nobody born before about 1830 could go to heaven, including the Apostles. This was obvious nonsense, but I both loved and liked Mom a lot – and even some of her relatives. So I didn’t press the issue – but knew it was completely false, even by their own logic. (This was also when I got my first real tickle about Catholicism, though still 20 years before I even seriously considered converting. I discovered, in my studies, that the Catholic Church was the only Church that had a legitimate historical claim to have been founded by Jesus Christ, Himself, while maintaining through the millennia, the essential unity He commanded.)

It cemented in my mind that there is a human proclivity towards errant triumphant tribalism – to elevate your own group as if it is the summit of all virtue and wisdom, while simultaneously (and with greater malice) denigrating others. I have enthusiastically indulged this proclivity when rooting for sports teams, but I have disdain – even contempt – for it in serious matters. It has the effect of deforming reality. If persisted in, it destroys your very capacity to understand what is true and what is beautiful. It is a very dangerous proclivity beyond matters of mere entertainment and amusement.

Metaphorically, I view religions (including my own) as a set of golf clubs. Duffers the world over convince themselves that if they just get the latest, newest, shiniest, most expensive set of clubs they suddenly will become world-beaters on the links. Ideally, superior golfers will equip themselves with the best clubs to get the best performance they can, but it is their skill and work ethic that most determines outcomes. In his prime, Tiger Woods, with a garage sale set of clubs, would have trounced anyone with even the most sophisticated set.

I believe, as anyone should, that my Catholic faith is altogether true in its formal doctrinal precepts. In effect, that means I believe I have the best set of clubs to achieve holiness and do God’s will. That means, further, that I am obligated to produce with those clubs. To him whom more has been given, more will be expected. If I lay around admiring my clubs, thinking that alone makes me superior, I am the most pitiable of men – and will face a severe accounting. If I further seek to denigrate the guy who is producing astonishing results with a set of garage sale clubs, not only am I pitiable; I become malicious and am doing the devil’s work, blasphemously using what is objectively good as my bludgeon for the purpose.

Almost two years ago, at a CORAC event I attended, a woman surprised me by denigrating the Jews and asserting there was no Holocaust. At first, I politely disagreed with her, but then she asked me why Dwight Eisenhower hadn’t mentioned it in his memoirs. I was utterly flabbergasted. Not only HAD Eisenhower spoken of it in his memoirs, it was Eisenhower who ordered soldiers to film the liberation of the extermination camps so no one could deny that this atrocity had happened. Turned out she had not read his memoirs, just took the word of someone who made that provocative, idiot assertion. It fit something she was inclined to believe, so she ran with it. In doing so, she revealed a blind malice that most assuredly did not come from God.

In the ensuing two years I have discovered (to my horror) that there is a small, but growing, strain of antisemitism among orthodox Catholics. Some of it is downright virulent. I have listened to absurdities and assertions that do not hold up under the least scrutiny advocated by otherwise serious people. Some have taken genuine offenses, committed by Jews in the midst of conflict, and cited it as evidence of their genocidal intent.

An iron rule of armed conflict is that some of the people on the most righteous side are going to commit horrific offenses in the heat of battle. In the Crusades, the genuine offenses Crusaders committed in the process of defending Christianity from the war of extermination Islam had launched did not make them genocidal. So it is with Israel in defending against the two overt wars of extermination launched by Islam against it and the ongoing shadow war of extinction by Islamic Jihadists. There must be honest, consistent standards of analysis. You cannot call offenses committed by your tribe, “regrettable, but understandable,” actions in the heat of battle, and call the same offense under almost identical duress “genocidal” when committed by a competing tribe.

I have had highly intelligent people who I admire tell me they support Jews, but not Zionists. Say what?! That is a distinction with little difference. A Zionist is simply a Jew who believes Jews should have a defensible homeland. There are always dark insinuations that Zionism is some form of advocacy for Jewish supremacy, but it is not. To be sure, there are some members of any group that push for the supremacy of their own tribe at the expense of all others. But that is not what the Zionist movement was or ever has been.

Then there are those who tell me that a huge percentage of Jews are not real Jews anymore. On this, I concede that Jewishness is both a religion and an ethnicity – and ethnic Jews who have effectively abandoned their faith have the most amazing penchant for partnering with those who overly want to destroy them. Then again, there are a huge number of cultural Catholics who have effectively abandoned the faith while holding tight to its cultural trappings.

Some quote popes from a century or more prior, who at times, spoke of the “perfidious Jews.” Yes, that has happened – all too frequently in Church history. It was a failure of faith, though, and is not doctrinal. I prefer the formulation of St. John Paul, who called the Jews our “elder brothers in the faith,” and put prayers in the Wailing Wall in Jerusalem – while noting, that that, too, is not doctrinal.

Over 30 years ago, Emory University historian Deborah E. Lipstadt published a seminal book, Denying the Holocaust: The Growing Assault on Truth and Memory. It had a big impact on me, as I had been bombarded with and was bewildered by the detailed frauds with charts and maps that were being sent to me. (I was in media at the time, with some little prominence). I was puzzled at the detail being created for these frauds – and alarmed that even the historically literate, if this was not an area of specialty, could be easily taken in by them. I was even more shaken by how eagerly some very intelligent people were to be taken in by them.

St. Paul preached that it pleased God to maintain a remnant of the Jews until after the fullness of the Gentiles had been evangelized and they, last of all, will recognize Christ as the Messiah. They are, indeed, our elder brothers in the faith, no matter how detailed and intricate the modern versions of the fraudulent blood libels and Protocols of the Elders of Zion are crafted.

I need to make clear where I stand. I would not dismiss anyone if I found they had become prey to these intricate instances of bearing false witness. But my esteem cannot help but drop. If you are denigrating anyone based on sloppy or maliciously twisted work, you are doing work, but it is not God’s work. Take great care.

If communication goes out for any length of time, meet outside your local Church at 9 a.m. on Saturday mornings. Tell friends at Church now, in case you can’t then. CORAC teams will be out looking for people to gather in and work with.

Charlie’s Blog

Charlie’s posts are a rich resource, synced to immediate events. There are not many places you can
get a Catholic perspective on the issues right in our faces at the moment.
I highly recommend devoting the time to read them.

Brief Update Videos

Less than 10 minutes of Charlie casual reflections on some aspect of the current situation.
Great company for a drive to the store or post office.


Mark your calendars for a summer weekend with like-minded CORAC’ers and speakers Bishop Joseph Strickland, David Daleiden, Mike Thompson and a mystery speaker. The Planning Committee is working hard, putting all the pieces together. Registration and details coming first of April.

The date and location are fixed: Atchison, KS July 11-13.

David Daleiden
Defender of the unborn

Most Rev. Joseph

State Sen. Mike

Mystery Guest(s)
Announcement Soon

More details in the next newsletter!

Be an Active CORAC Member

Don’t just sign up and wait to be informed: work it! It’s on you to take advantage of the massive resources CORAC makes available. Explore the topics that interest you on the website. Contact your regional coordinator and find out what’s going on near you. If you’re interested in radios, join up with your regional Comms team. If you want to learn more about homeopathy, contact your region’s Health & Wellness leader. The regions have local meetings, Signal groups, field days, Zoom calls.

Find your region here and contact your regional coordinator for more info.


Ten Stories the Media Buried This Week

Coffee & Covid

This daily digest started during the lockdowns, but it actually has very little to do with covid or coffee anymore. Attorney (and wit) Jeff Childers gives a rundown of the three most important daily stories. He has been invaluable in deciphering what’s going on in the courts that are attempting to oppose Trump’s executive authority. If I miss the morning C&C post, I feel vulnerable to the misleading nature of most of the rest of the news media. Him, I trust.

Subscribe to get daily posts in your inbox >

Real Time Space Rescue!!

Astronauts Sunni Williams and Butch Wilmore were on a one-week mission, beginning last summer, but have now been on post at the International Space Station for nine months. The Boeing Starliner that brought them to the ISS developed some failures and was not trusted to return them to earth.

Elon Musk’s SpaceX was commissioned to get the two astronauts back home, and the SpaceX crew capsule arrived at the ISS on Sunday. A replacement crew is being rotated on, and the nine-monthers will return to Earth on a SpaceX capsule some time this week.

The arrival of the relief crew >

A longer video with interviews of Williams and Wilmore >

After you watch the video, you may wonder where Butch is from (Tennessee) and how old Sunni is (59). She claims her hair always looks that way, but gravity actually helps quite a bit.

It is a bit surreal that there is a real time historic space rescue going on, and the news is barely talking about it.

Crisis Magazine

Crisis Magazine: A Voice for the Faithful Catholic Laity has been on fire lately. Editor Eric Sammons chooses authors who represent orthodoxy in theological matters, and balance in secular matters. Some timely reflections from the past few weeks:

Crisis publishes two daily articles, which you can have delivered to your inbox by subscribing on the home page > or you can follow on X >

Christ is King

A war of words has erupted on social media concerning the phrase, “Christ is King.” In a work of shoddy scholarship, Thy Name in Vain: How Online Extremists Hijacked Christ is King,’ Jordan Peterson and a co-author have asserted that the phrase has been hijacked by Nazi extremists and is actually “hate speech.”

Read more >

This reminds me of the 2022 article in the Atlantic, claiming that the Rosary had been weaponized by extremist Catholic gun-toters.

Ever since I began following Jack Posobiec on Telegram in 2021, he has started each and every morning with the post “Good Morning. Christ is King.” Over the last few years, Poso has gained huge traction among highly-placed conservatives. The attack on “Christ Is King” may be aimed, in part, at him. His statement about it is reprinted in its entirety in the Appendix of this newsletter.

Meanwhile the secular press once again demonstrates its ignorance of all things Catholic. Christ the King of the Universe is nothing new; it is no more extremist than the Rosary. What is new is that Catholics are beginning to speak up about it. The demons are jittery.

Physical Healing Sessions

Next healing session

Wednesday, March 26

Check website closer to the date to confirm >

DOGE Clock

The US National Debt clock is continually rising. DOGE has saved $208 billion as of today, and we desperately need to cut more to avoid financial catastrophe.

You can see the clock in action here >

It’s as if you had personal credit card debt of $323,048. You need to pay it off because the annual interest is already more than your whole salary. You are insolvent. The only thing saving you is that your creditors have not yet demanded payment… but the clock is ticking. You’ve managed to cut $1,858 of your expenses, but that’s less than 1% of what you owe. Meanwhile, your debt continues to rise. You’d better do something fast!

Most liberals, and even some conservatives, have no idea how critical our financial situation is. Go, DOGE.

Jonathan Roumie on Prayer and Lent

Roumie is the widely recognized actor who portrays Jesus in the series The Chosen. He is a practicing Catholic, and also appears on the Hallow app. In this interview with Tucker Carlson, he addresses Lent, the power of prayer and fasting, and the gravity of representing Jesus on film.

Watch interview >


March Prayer Intentions

  • For the spiritual fruit of patience (Galatians 5:22-23) as we move through the days of worldwide, national, and local dismantling of what ought not be, and building what ought to be, according to God’s loving plan

  • For the Holy Spirit’s gift of discernment between truth and falsehood in these times of necessary upheaval and correction

  • For all who are planning and preparing for the CORAC National Conference to be held July 11-13

  • For Charlie’s good health and energy during the final revisions of CORAC’s manual: Revival: A Handbook and Manual for Building Functional Communities

  • That many people be healed in body, mind, and spirit through the online Physical Healing Prayer Session via Zoom (usually on the last Wednesday of each month); and through many other healing prayer ministries in which CORAC members are engaged

  • That CORAC members may strongly desire and find the means to financially support our vital ministries

  • For all intentions carried in the hearts of CORAC members and those posted on the CORAC Prayer Hotline, with gratitude for prayers answered in our daily lives

St. Gabriel, enlighten us.
St. Michael, defend us.

St. Raphael, protect us.
Ave Maria, Stella Maris!


Statement from Jack Posobiec on the significance of “CHRIST IS KING”

“We live in turbulent times—anyone with eyes to see and ears to hear knows that. The 4th Turning. The West has been unraveling, its moral fabric torn apart by decades of relativism, secularism, and a creeping authoritarianism dressed up as progress. In this chaos, Christians have a choice: cower in silence or stand firm with a declaration that cuts through the noise like a blade—Christ is King. This isn’t just a phrase; it’s a lifeline, a rallying cry, and a defiant assertion of truth. It’s essential for Christians today because it anchors us to the eternal when everything else is sinking sand. And make no mistake: those who smear it, who try to shame or silence it, aren’t just attacking words—they’re waging war on the soul of Western civilization. We must oppose them, not out of spite, but out of necessity if we’re ever to restore a moral core to our society.

Let’s start with why Christ is King matters. For Christians, it’s the cornerstone of our faith—Jesus Christ isn’t just a teacher, a philosopher, or a feel-good mascot for self-help seminars. He’s the sovereign Lord, the Alpha and Omega, the one who conquered death and reigns forever. In a world spiraling into confusion—where men can’t define "woman," where children are mutilated in the name of identity, where power is worshipped over principle—proclaiming Christ is King is a rejection of the madness. It’s a reminder that there’s a higher authority, a transcendent order that doesn’t bend to the whims of ideologues or the tantrums of the mob. When everything’s falling apart, when the institutions we trusted turn against us, Christians need that anchor. It’s not optional; it’s survival.

But here’s the rub: say those three words out loud, and the longhouse comes for you. You know the type—self-appointed speech police who clutch their pearls and cry “bigot” or “extremist” the second you step outside their script. They’ll call it divisive, offensive, even dangerous. They’ll dig through your past, twist your words, and sic their digital mobs on you. Why? Because Christ is King threatens their game. It’s a declaration of independence from their suffocating dogma, a refusal to kneel to the gods of the age—whether that’s DEI, climate hysteria, or whatever new fetish the left cooks up next. They can’t stand it because it’s a power they can’t control.

This isn’t new. Speech policing is a hallmark of the left, straight out of the longhouse playbook. You’ve seen it: the endless lists of forbidden words, the committees formed to enforce them, the nagging tone that demands compliance or else. It’s the same dynamic that’s choked Western culture for too long—matriarchal scolding masquerading as moral superiority. The longhouse doesn’t want debate; it wants submission. And when Christians say Christ is King, they’re not just speaking—they’re rebelling. They’re tearing down the idols and putting the true King back on His throne. That’s why the smears come fast and furious. It’s not about the phrase itself; it’s about what it represents—a refusal to play by their rules.

Look at the groups leading the charge against it. You’ve got the usual suspects: progressive activists, legacy media, atheists, NGOs, and those squishy “tolerant” Christians who’d rather sip lattes with the culture than stand for anything. They’ll say it’s “weaponized” by extremists, or that it alienates people, or—my favorite—that it’s “not the gospel.” Funny how they never cared about alienation when they were ramming their agenda down everyone’s throats. No, this is about power. They want to define what’s acceptable for Christians to say, to shrink our faith into a neutered, inoffensive box. Oppose them? You’re darn right we should. If we let them win this fight, we’re not just losing a phrase—we’re losing the ability to speak truth at all.”

– From Jack Posobiec’s Telegram channel

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