Issue 2025-1
18208 Preston Road, Ste D9-552
Dallas TX 75252
For they will be made holy who observe holy things in holiness.
Read this newsletter in PDF format for greatest clarity.
During this most fateful month, for which we have waited so long, this newsletter is about the J6ers. At CORAC, we have tried to keep a steady focus on J6. We had members who were there. Many of us are J6 penpals and supporters. Despite the four-year firehose of deception, we know at least some of what really happened that day. If you don’t know, if you have even a morsel of reluctance to see the J6 prisoners pardoned and restored, please take the time to watch one of the documentaries linked in this newsletter.
Ultimately, J6 is about all of us because the Constitution was violated, over and over again, in regard to these defendants. The Constitution will stand or fall on J6.
Opinions expressed in this newsletter, unless otherwise attributed, are my own.
Sheryl Collmer, editor
January 15, 2025

From the cockpit of the Subaru
CORAC founder Charlie Johnston travels from coast to coast in his trusty Outback to speak in person to those now weathering the Storm.
Fiery Trials
The late Chicago Mayor, Richard J. Daley, had a saying I loved. “Good government is good politics and... more >
For Good or For Evil
Some thoughts about the LA fires, the incompetence of the left at virtually... more >
Learn About J6
For years, we have been denied access to the video evidence of the J6 events… more >
The J6 Pardons
While all the nasties were playing political games, those arrested for J6 were suffering…. more >
Guidelines: J6 Release Steps
Prior to 1/20/25, try to link up with others who are planning to be at the facility you can assist at… more >
California Wildfires
There’s no shortage of commentary on the fires, but here are some exceptionally good takes… more >
California Wildfires
There’s no shortage of commentary on the fires, but here are some exceptionally good takes… more >
Great Responsibility
The American founders were very serious men. Their astonishing accomplishment was due more to a seriousness of purpose, combined with rigor and candor, rather than a unique collection of genius. They were the very embodiment of my oft-repeated dictum that truth will stand the test of examination. There was no shallow bumpersticker sloganeering in the debates on the Constitution.
Less serious delegates could have wailed, “The people deserve to decide all things,” in defending pure democracy without grappling with the reality that, historically, almost all pure democracies dissolve into chaos and violence well within 20 years. But they dealt honestly with both the real-world advantages and disadvantages of their proposals.
Through that rigorous assessment, they built a blended system that would gain us the advantages of liberty, order, and fundamental rights while obviating the disadvantages of the systems involved…IF we faithfully followed that system. Most of our dysfunction now has to do with how we have allowed sloganeering to replace serious, rigorous thought. Complaints about the system the founders designed are like complaints against a paint-by-number set that the user just smeared random crayons over. The fault, as Shakespeare said, is not in our stars but in ourselves.
Would that the hierarchy in the Church would re-adopt the American founders’ method in approaching serious and complex issues!
There are plenty of examples in Church history on how to do this. Start with the Angelic Doctor, St. Thomas Aquinas. Long ago, I thought Aquinas must be over-rated, because almost every self-proclaimed “Thomist” I encountered was pedantic, obsessed by process, used impenetrably dense language to obscure their inability to get to the heart of a problem, and considered it great sport to set up straw men to knock down rather than deal with actual objections to their positions.
Then I started reading Aquinas’ Summa Theologica. The language was similar, but in his case it was to make fine distinctions in deeply substantive discussions rather than to obscure the lack of substance in his arguments. He adopted no straw men whatsoever. In fact, for every proposition he raised, he took great pains to find the very best counter-arguments he could – and systematically demolished them on their own terms before even bothering to criticize them on his terms. He did not avoid the heart of the problem; that is where he started. I realized that mediocrities flattered themselves that their self-absorbed intellectual inanities were “Thomist” because they used a similar literary style to St. Thomas’ genuinely scholastic method. In St. Thomas’ case, it was a fine instrument used to illuminate impenetrably difficult issues. In the mediocrities case, it was the “beard” they use to hide the reality that they are incapable of dealing soberly and in depth with difficult issues.
For a long time, I did not seriously examine the Catholic Church as a potential faith home because of the general inanity of formal pronouncements of bishops and Bishops’ Conferences. During the last couple of decades of the Cold War between America and the Soviet Union, Bishops’ Conferences in both the U.S. and Europe overwhelmingly came down on the side of unilateral disarmament by the U.S. – ignoring the aggressor while making strident demands of the aggrieved (much like our current Pope does in his approach to Israel). When some American bishops took to declaring their dioceses “nuclear-free zones” I nearly quit listening altogether. Fat lot of good their pompous pronouncements would do when a nuclear-tipped Soviet missile burst over their diocese.
Fortunately, a few years after St. John Paul became Pope I hedged my bets. He was at least one serious, responsible thinker in the Catholic Church. Thank God for St. Augustine, whose Confessions led me to seriously examine the doctrinal and philosophical basis of the Church, rather than judge it by the serial inanities of its reigning Bishops Conferences.
The feckless inanity continues in the hierarchy of the Church I love. The US Conference of Catholic Bishops is overwhelmingly in favor of open borders / free immigration. How do they deal with the inevitable vast increase in human trafficking that always results from standardless open borders? How about the effect on employment for the citizens nations are primarily responsible for? How about how it affects cultural continuity? How about the effect on crime when you indiscriminately allow all comers to come without standards? You wouldn’t know because, when the conference deals with these types of questions at all, it is to sniffily dismiss them. The bishops’ general attitude about human rights is to leave the actual transgressors alone while insisting that the US has a moral obligation to absorb all the problems of the world.
What about gun control? The bishops are almost unanimously in favor of it. What about all the times guns are used in self-defense? What are the actual real-world results of jurisdictions that have tight controls on guns and those that don’t? How to explain the order of magnitude greater violent crime in jurisdictions that hold very restrictive rather than permissive gun laws? The bishops don’t even try to grapple with this. Their position is little more than the childish sloganeering that, “all persons deserve not to be shot.” Unfortunately, the bishops’ approach to almost all genuine issues of social justice are this asinine.
Of course, the bishops do not have any more authority over these issues than the average laymen. At times throughout history, bishops have thought they could enhance their authority and prestige by weighing in on things they had no formal authority over. At times, they have – but only when they address complicated matters with deep and honest candor – and don’t neglect their actual responsibility to speak on faith and morals in fidelity to Christ and the Magisterium.
When they engage in bumper-sticker sloganeering, written in the Scholastic style, they diminish the actual authority they do have. A seven-year-old girl puts on her Mommy’s high heels and smears on her make-up, thinking it makes her look like a sophisticated princess. A lot of modern bishops (and particularly their conferences) dress up their inane absurdities in the scholastic style thinking it makes them profound. The former comes off comical, the latter pathetic.
I pray that, in this New Year, Bishops throughout the world will candidly address their growing irrelevance in moral debates by working to become serious people. I once read a Catholic evangelist write that, “if a bishop does not have to speak on a matter, he should NOT speak on it.” While there is some merit to that position, I would not go nearly that far. I do pray, though, that in this New Year, if a bishop is not willing to delve into all the complexity of a serious issue and only has a bumper-sticker inanity to offer, he will keep it to himself and go about the business of running his diocese.
If all the bishops would make that their New Year’s resolution and keep to it, they would end 2025 with a lot more moral authority than they began it with.

If communication goes out for any length of time, meet outside your local Church at 9 a.m. on Saturday mornings. Tell friends at Church now, in case you can’t then. CORAC teams will be out looking for people to gather in and work with.
Charlie’s Latest Blogs
A Convocation of Dragons, Part I
Crossville, Tennessee – You’re going to want to bookmark these...
The Vanities are Hitting the Bonfire
Louisville, Kentucky – Whoa! The establishment press is in a...
An Affectionate Letter to Our Bishops
Front Royal, Virginia – Dear Bishops, Though I have not lived in...
Brief Updates Videos
Pushback, Parry & Advance
Charlie’s Brief #68 – Some thoughts about the battles the left is...
How Can They Say That?
Charlie’s Brief #67 – Some thoughts about the party of doom's...
Adoration for a Pivotal Year
Charlie’s Brief #66 – Some thoughts about the pivotal year ahead of...
Learn About J6
For years, we have been denied access to the video evidence of the J6 events. Facebook and the rest of the social media giants banned the little bit that came out. The media and Democrat leadership straight-up lied about it. Chuch Schumer and his cronies are still trying to make out that the J6ers were there to storm the Capitol and take over the government, without any weapons and wearing flannel and ball caps.
It makes me ill to have to listen to the lies about the “insurrection” but the 40K+ hours of videotape (minus any footage that was illegally destroyed by the J6 Unselect Committee) have finally been released after being hidden over and over the last four years, and researchers are plodding through it. Find clips @TommyTatumNews on X.
Meanwhile, some honest documentaries have been made to get the truth out. Try one or all of these:
The J6 Pardons
While all the nasties were playing political games, those arrested for J6 were suffering the loss of their Constitutional protections. Some will never fully recover from the damage they suffered, from outright beatings to poisoned food, prolonged solitary confinement and denial of medical treatment. They have lost businesses, jobs, family members and spouses, and precious time with their young children. Even after they leave prison, if their records stand, they will be lose any hope of advanced education, decent livelihoods and even voting rights.
If you have the question, “Why should J6 defendants be pardoned?” check the document prepared by Trenniss Evans at Condemned USA. It was delivered to President Trump on December 12, and has now been released to the public. It’s a long document (172 pages) but you can refer to the Table of Contents to zero in. Tab 21 concerns pardons for the pro-lifers jailed unde the FACE Act. Truthfully, this is a legal work, not particularly lay-friendly, but it contains good historical context for pardons and a good deal of specific details about the J6ers position.
It is essential that Americans know that J6 pardons are not a political favor, not throwing candy to the kids, but a well-founded and well-documented legal position.
If the Constitution can be thrown out by one political party without repercussions and corrections, then none of us are protected. This is a critical point and we should all jump on for our own safety and that of the next generations.
Guidelines From Suzzanne: J6 Release Steps
Prior to 1/20/25, try to link up with others who are planning to be at the facility you can assist at. The goal is to assure that when J6 inmates are released, they are met by family or advocates who can help with immediate needs and help get them to the next step of their travel home.
Some families will be there, but some J6ers may need a room/meal until family can arrive.
For those who have solvable problems, people at each facility should work together to solve it. Getting a room, providing gas money, offering rides… each location is there to solve problems as they arise.
MANY JERS ALREADY HAVE PLANS so you volunteers are just there to support them. Respect their wishes. OFFER assistance with gas and travel costs. Work out solutions as you can. Contact Suzzanne for bigger neads. If it is a problem of long distance travel, or housing, or something more, reach out to Suzzanne Monk so she can tap into the J6 resources.
Each facility is different, so you will need to be adaptive. Some facilities have parking lots that can be briefly used, so “scouts” will take turns keeping watch for release while the main group is located nearby. Some facilities drop released inmates at a bus stop, or other offsite location. This is why you should try to communicate with other J6 sdvocates or familes at the facility in the know.
Be prepared to watch on the 20th, the 21st and potentially the 22nd. Take shifts, take turns, but we need to be present to prevent what we know the BOP will do: dump them in winter on the street witn no way to communicate to get picked up. That is their standard procedure.
Many inmates will have family bringing coats and clothes, but volunteers having sweatshirts and pants, coats, backpacks, luggage they can use, boxes can come in handy. Pocket cash can really help them, so have cash ready. Have your phones charged and ready. Know of hotels or a nearby home so that folks can shower, make calls, etc.
Don’t assume what they need; ask and give. Reach out to Suzzanne if the need is too big to solve with your resources. We have resources available for flight, travel, temporary housing.
If we remember to respect the wishes of Jers, and we are committed to cooperating with each other, we should be able to stay safe, stay warm and get these Jers home where they need to be.”
My personal plan is to arrive at FMC-Fort Worth on Monday, January 20 at noon with these things:
- An inexpensive burner phone for him to use until he can get a new one
- An envelope of cash donations collected from folks at home
- Homemade snacks for his ride home (I think he’s travelling for several hours)
- A warm jacket (it’s going to be cold in Texas, and he will be in prison scrubs)
- A thermos of coffee
- Flags and signs to make ourselves visible to his family
- A Buc-ees fleece blanket
- Chairs, snacks and water for the watchers.
- An extra phone charger to keep my phone charged while watching Suzzanne’s X feed for the latest info
I’m also planning to call the facility on Monday morning (no sense giving them too much advance warning) to let them know we’re going to be there (“We come in peace, kimosabe”) and to ask for instructions about parking and the specific location where we may expect our prisoner to emerge.
My particular prison is only housing one J6er, but some have more. The DC CTF (the Gulag) is still holding 20 of them, including several women. I would love to be at Freedom Corner (set up by Ashli Babbitt’s mother across the street from the Gulag) next Monday!
You can find out who is at your nearest prison by searching here. Click on “Search By Facility.” Once you find who’s there, you can often find more personal information by searching their GiveSendGo page, if they have one.
Be safe, be courteous, be respectful and stay warm out there! We go to this trouble for particular people who have been abused (seven ways to Sunday) by the government, but also for our children. The abridgement of the Constitution has far-reaching consequences for all.
California Wildfires
There’s no shortage of commentary on the fires, but here are some exceptionally good takes from husband/wife team Brian O’Shea and Dr. Naomi Wolf.
Firestarter: Investigating the California Wildfires | Brian O’Shea >
Ten Stories the Media Buried This Week
Click on headlines to read more:
#10 – Epic Fail: CBS Reporter Fails Miserably Trying to Get Chase Bank CEO to Smear Trump
#9 – DeSantis Threatens to FIRE Officials Who Don’t Obey Trump’s Deportation Orders
#8 – Whoopi Goldberg blames the wind—says “nothing” could have prevented California wildfires
#6 – LA Times owner says it was a mistake to endorse Karen Bass for Mayor of LA
#5 – Bone-Chilling “Conspiracy Theory” Emerges as California Burns
#4 – ‘The View’ co-Host Sunny Hostin’s Husband Accused of Insurance Fraud
Do explore the website! It’s rich with helpful information. Start on the home page.
January Prayer Intentions
That CORAC members receive God’s gifts of discernment and calm during the possibly tense lead-up to Inauguration Day on January 20
For Charlie during the final revisions of CORAC’s manual: Revival: A Handbook and Manual for Building Functional Communities; and for CORAC squirrels to enliven and work alongside our communities according to the principles set forth
That CORAC members seek and radiate the highest levels of happiness, which, in the words of Father Robert Spitzer, SJ, “is the fulfillment of the five transcendental desires: perfect love, beauty, truth, justice/goodness, and home itself, namely God”
That CORAC members draw ever closer to the Lord, and that we respond kindly and patiently to all who are being led by God’s grace from unbelief to belief
That many people be healed in body, mind, and spirit through the online Physical Healing Prayer Session via Zoom (usually on the last Wednesday of each month); and through many other healing prayer ministries in which CORAC members are engaged
That CORAC members may strongly desire and find the means to participate in financial support for our vital ministries
For all intentions carried in the hearts of CORAC members and those posted on the CORAC Prayer Hotline, with gratitude for prayers answered in our daily lives
St. Gabriel, enlighten us.
St. Michael, defend us.
St. Raphael, protect us.
Ave Maria, Stella Maris!
©2025 Corps of Renewal and Charity is a 501(C)(4) Charity. All rights reserved.