Issue 2024-18

18208 Preston Road, Ste D9-552
Dallas TX 75252


God is a shield to those who take refuge in Him.

Read this newsletter in PDF format for greatest clarity.

It’s game time… and I’m not talking about football. We are going to be tested in October. This edition of the newsletter is trimmed down in an attempt to include only the most important items. Please take action now on anything you have put off. Consult the CORAC website for ideas and help. I’m reprising the STAY-IN BIN at the end of this newsletter; it’s the bare minimum, and it’s easy to assemble.

Be not afraid; we were born for this…and CORAC has helped us prepare. None of this will be easy, but we are going to save our country for the next generation. Even if they give us things to fear, refuse to give in to fear. Fear makes us easier to manipulate. BE NOT AFRAID.

Opinions expressed in this newsletter, unless otherwise attributed, are my own.

Sheryl Collmer, editor
October 1, 2024

From the cockpit of the Subaru

CORAC founder Charlie Johnston travels from coast to coast in his trusty Outback to speak in person to those now weathering the Storm.


of a Road Warrior

You get to thinking about the role your parents played in your life and the traits you inherited... more >


Special Brief
From the Road

As he makes the rounds in his old stomping grounds in Illinois, Charlie shares some thoughts aboutmore >


This Is Why
We Prepare

Report on towns in North Carolina after the flooding: “These towns have been captured by… more >

Dockworkers’ Strike

The first item on the menu of October messes is the dockworkers’ possible strike beginning tonight… more >

The FBI Whistleblower

Marcus Allen, a former FBI agent who has been put through the wringer by his employer for… more >

Media Blackout

What the media won’t tell us… more >

Stock Up Medications

There is talk of a dockworkers’ strike that could cripple the supply chains for a while… more >

Power Sources

Many members have generators or solar panels for emergency power… more >

The Mandate of Heaven

Throughout their long history the Chinese have had a very useful concept, a concept that has survived the Communist takeover of the land in 1949. It is called the “mandate of heaven.” Over the millennia it has toppled great dynasties, some that lasted for centuries. The concept basically asserts that a government that is effective, however raggedly or brutally, has the mandate of heaven. When it loses all legitimacy and effectiveness, it has lost the mandate of heaven – and the existing order must fall.

It makes for peculiar revolutions and regime changes in China. It is not so much that there is a violent overthrow of the existing order. Rather, the Chinese people quit paying much attention at all to that order. The fight is over what will replace it – for everyone already assumes the old order is dead. This is why even Chinese Communist leader Xi Jinping is terrified of the serious economic troubles boiling away in modern China. Should it fail to provide even subsistence for a broad swath of Chinese, the result will not be like Tianamen Square, where some people demonstrated for change and the army dutifully put the revolt down. If people came to believe the Communists had lost the mandate of heaven, Xi would suddenly become irrelevant – and even the Chinese Army would pay little heed to his orders as they joined the scuffle to determine what would replace Chinese Communism.

In America, leftists believe the only authority that exists is formal authority. They know nothing about moral authority. They rely on credentials and office rather than expertise and a sense of justice. When they get those credentials or even a petty office, they think it means people must obey whatever they say, abusing whatever formal authority they have in an attempt to rule rather than to lead. When they are out of power, they say dissent is the highest form of patriotism. When they are in power, dissent can get you cancelled or jailed.

The problem for the left is that every time they abuse formal authority, they tear away a chunk of their moral authority. When moral authority is sufficiently drained, formal authority collapses entirely. The mandate of heaven is lost and something different emerges. Like termites, the left is busy gorging on the formal power they have won or stolen, completely unaware that they are eating away the very structure they seek to control.

    1. By pushing to destroy all safeguards to election integrity, they are destroying confidence in the legitimacy of elections.
    2. Choosing their preferred outcome and then reverse-engineering a legal sounding justification for it, leftist judges are destroying confidence in the integrity of the judiciary.
    3. By jailing dissidents and releasing violent criminals, prosecutors are destroying confidence in the justice system.
    4. Making big promises big to justify ever greater taxes while delivering a pittance and usually making things worse is destroying confidence in governmental competence and good will.

The listed items are merely the edge of a much larger conflagration. While they think they are taking over, the left is actually setting fire to all public legitimacy.

The problem for most ordinary folks is that normalcy bias is so strong they cannot see the fullness of the comprehensive effects of left-wing abuses of authority. They tend to see each depravity in isolation while assuming everything else will stay the same. I see somewhat silly analyses about how, if Democrats win this time, they will import even more illegal aliens to swing states, grant them citizenship, then build a one-party state throughout the country that will rule permanently. Oh yes, that is the Democrats’ plan. But it won’t work. Reality always catches leftists by surprise – and it will again this time.

That is not to say that the election is not vitally important. It is – but not quite like either the left or the right thinks. It is important in determining how serious and violent the strife will be in bringing the country back to a fundamental liberty under God. The left is destroying all semblance of moral authority in their frenzied bid for raw power. The right is still ringing their hands over their tenuous grasp of formal authority. And so, legitimacy – the mandate of heaven – is up for grabs.

When you destroy confidence in the foundation of law, people become lawless. Should the left succeed in their effort to create a one-party state that rules by decree, do you really think Americans are going to meekly submit? Of course not! They will act to protect their own interests and the liberty and prosperity of their children or grandchildren.

I have spoken before of boundaries changing during the crisis before us. The most obvious instance of that would be secession from those who have overthrown the American Republic in an administrative coup. In Illinois just recently, some folks asked me what would they do, since they live in a deep blue state. I asked them what would happen if Cook County (the Chicago area) were not part of Illinois. I watched the light dawn as several people responded that it would be hard for the Democrats to ever win another statewide election.

When I speak of secession and division, I am not speaking just of existing states changing loyalties. There are a whole lot of big blue tails wagging even bigger red dogs. If the administrative coup is successful, a whole lot of blue cities are going to find themselves isolated and separated from the red states that support and sustain them. Truth be told, country folk are much better navigating city ways than city folk are at navigating through country ways.

The godless left has come to think they are the titans of the universe, that their rule over the folksies is iron destiny. The truth is that they are utterly dependent on technology and formal authority, exercised through raw force, to get their way. They can’t do anything real. They can’t grow food, they can’t build houses, they can’t win wars.

Ordinary, sane people can do and have long done all these things. The left has gotten so mindlessly arrogant, it thinks it is the duty of ordinary people to serve it – and that if it can just seize all formal power, those smelly ordinary folks will forever be their serfs. But if ordinary folks just quit serving, the arrogant left will die on the vine.

If the economy collapsed and all utilities and technology were lost for a time, what would happen? Very bluntly, if Uber Eats were no longer delivering, most of the folks who fancy themselves the elite would starve to death. Ordinary folks would roll up their sleeves and find a way – because they can do real stuff.

In some ways, what we face ahead is more stark and comprehensive than most people can imagine. Yet people worry way too much about things that are not likely at all. We may go back to a frontier society for a time, but we are not going to be invaded by China or any other great malefactor. We may suffer a large terror attack – but it will not facilitate any serious occupation of the country.

What we are engaged in right now is a competition for the mandate of heaven. The left is busy shedding it at an ever accelerating pace. A few on the right are trying to re-establish it, but precious few. Most on the right are just trying to persuade people they would be more benign rulers than the insane left. They are probably right, but miss the point. We are not in the business of choosing our destructors, but of recovering the sovereignty of the people.

We are engaged in the opening battle for the mandate of heaven. At CORAC, we take to heart the words of Christ: “The kings of the Gentiles exercise lordship over them (ordinary people); and those in authority over them are called benefactors. But not so with you; rather let the greatest among you become as the youngest, and the leader as one who serves. For which is the greater; one who sits at table or one who serves? Is it not the one who sits as table? But I am among you as one who serves.” (Luke 22:25-27) We serve God by serving others.

We do not seek the mandate of heaven, but the mandate of Heaven. It is the only lasting legitimacy. Live it and it will come.

If communication goes out for any length of time, meet outside your local Church at 9 a.m. on Saturday mornings. Tell friends at Church now, in case you can’t then. CORAC teams will be out looking for people to gather in and work with.

Charlie’s Latest Blogs

We Can Do It

We Can Do It

Latrobe, Pennsylvania – I am thankful that the monster Category 5...

As I Was Saying…

As I Was Saying…

Butler, Pennsylvania – Donald Trump began his remarks at the Butler...

We’re On Our Own

We’re On Our Own

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania – I’m going to try to do briefer pieces...

Brief Updates Videos

It’s a Test

It’s a Test

Charlie's Brief #55 - Some thoughts about the value of experience,...

Just Know Enough

Just Know Enough

Charlie's Brief #54 - Some thoughts about the paradox of 'the more...


This Is Why We Prepare

Report on towns in North Carolina after the flooding: “These towns have been captured by nature and are completely cut off: no power, no communications with the outside world, no water, no meds and no easy way to get in or out.” (from Coffee and Covid, Monday, September 30 edition; worth reading the whole letter.)

Read more >

Imagine you live in one of those towns. What would you wish you had prepared in advance? Water purifiers (there’s no shortage of water, only of pure, drinkable water); non-perishable foods; a Jase case with antibiotics; a generator or power supply; a radio and people to contact on it?

Think it through, and then get on it. The time for procrastination has ended.

Lessons on preparedness from Hurricane Helene >

Dockworkers’ Strike

The first item on the menu of October messes is the dockworkers’ possible strike beginning tonight. Labor leaders (not the union rank-and-file) are determined not to settle the strike, as it will cause major supply upheaval all over the country, which is in the interests of the party that relies on chaos to enact its will on the people of the US.

Read more >

Late update: Looks like the strike is on. Personally, I have no doubt at all that it is being pushed by those who want and need chaos in the population in order to succeed. Biden says Federal government will not intervene. This is why we prepared. Steady on, friends.

The FBI Whistleblower

Marcus Allen, a former FBI agent who has been put through the wringer by his employer for questioning agency narratives and trying to get to the truth about January 6, testified last week before the Judiciary subcommittee on the Weaponsization of the Federal Government. Everyone who listens to his testimony is affected.

Allen recommended to all Americans:

• Vote, no matter what

• Arm yourself and know how to defend your family

• Make friends in your neighborhood with the understanding that each will come to the aid of the other

• Pray the rosary, make First Friday devotions and read the Gospels.

Watch the video here >

Stock Up Medications

There is talk of a dockworkers’ strike that could cripple the supply chains for a while, and most of our medications come from overseas. Get them now.

The Wellness Company sells a Contagion Emergency Kit with prescriptions of Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquine, Tamiflu, Budesonide and a nebulizer. Or get the Medical Emergency Kit with Ivermectin, Z-pack and Amoxycillin. You register on the website with your medical history, which is reviewed by a physician. If there are any contraindications, they will call you. Once you’re approved, the kit will come to your doorstep. You can also purchase teleconsults from TWC doctors like Dr. Peter McCullough and Dr. Harvey Risch.

Medical Kits >

Jase Medical sells the Jase Case, with a variety of pre-selected medications that can be customized. You can also get 12-month supply of your regular medications. Same drill: you fill out a medical history which is reviewed and approved, then the case arrives to your home.

Jase Medical >

Fair Elections

It’s up to us. Check these websites to see what can be done in your state to protect the integrity of the upcoming election.

Protect the Vote >

True the Vote >

Check your county election board to find out about being a poll watcher.


Next Physical Healing Session

Wednesday, October 30 at 7:00 pm Central Time.

More info and registration here >

Power Sources

Many members have generators or solar panels for emergency power. I have several power stations, the simpleton’s power source. They will not answer long-term needs, but they’ll do for short power blackouts, and they’re easy to use. Here are some ideas:

Bluetti AC 180:

AC and DC ports, as well as USB. 1150 watt-hours, which will charge your phone 100 times or laptop 17 times. Many configurations for more or less power storage and solar connections. Check the website for options.

Jackery 300:

300 watt-hours for a more affordable unit. Charges your phone 13 times or your computer 3 times. AC and USB ports. Portable, only 8 pounds. Many configurations. Useful in storm blackouts.


October Prayer Intentions

  • If tensions and dangers arise in our neighborhoods, that CORAC members respond in the Holy Spirit with love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control (Galatians 5:22–23)

  • For finishing touches, production, and dissemination of CORAC’s manual: Revival: A Handbook and Manual for Building Functional Communities

  • That CORAC members be inspired and motivated to learn more about and practice healthy ways of life, thus enhancing our ability to serve our communities

  • For safe travels for Charlie in his trusty Outback and for all who attend his gatherings as he spreads the message: Acknowledge God, Take the Next Right Step, and Be A Sign of Hope for Those Around You

  • That many people be healed in body, mind, and spirit through the online Physical Healing Prayer Session via Zoom, on the last Wednesday of each month; and through many other healing prayer ministries in which CORAC members are engaged

  • That CORAC members may strongly desire and find the means to participate in financial support for our vital ministries

  • For all intentions carried in the hearts of CORAC members and those posted on the CORAC Prayer Hotline, with gratitude for prayers answered in our daily lives

St. Gabriel, enlighten us.
St. Michael, defend us.

St. Raphael, protect us.
Ave Maria, Stella Maris!


The Stay-In Bin

because most of us will not bug out in a crisis; we’ll stay in our homes.

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