Issue 2024-13

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Now, more than ever, it’s imperative that you reference TRUSTWORTHY MEDIA. The mainstream media has shown their bad faith indisputably in the misleading coverage of the assassination attempt. This newsletter has frequently recommended alternative sources, and I’ll give more in this edition. These are sources that I’ve found independent and not beholden to shadow agencies, but you should vet all media before letting it take up space in your brain.

​Opinions expressed in this newsletter, unless otherwise attributed, are my own.

Sheryl Collmer, editor
July 16, 2024

From the cockpit of the Subaru

CORAC founder Charlie Johnston travels from coast to coast in his trusty Outback to speak in person to those now weathering the Storm.


The Sound of
Distant Thunder

On May 13, 1981, the anniversary of the first apparition at Fatima, a crazed man tried and failed to assassinate... more >


CORAC Alerts

If you have not yet joined the Alerts Signal channel, install the Signal app on your smartphonemore >


Mainstream Media Shows Bad Faith

If you are still getting anything but weather (and even that is suspect) from the mainstream media, then you… more >

Deep Dives
on JD Vance

Hillbilly Elegy: A Memoir of a Family and Culture in Crisis was written by Vance in 2016… more >

Independent Media

Recommendations for alternative sources of news on Twitter/X, Telegram and Substack… more >

10 Hidden Headlines

What the media won’t say… more >

The Man in the Arena

I’m going to go way out on a limb in this piece, which is being composed on Tuesday night, July 16. This is one where you may say, by the time you read it, “Charlie, you were right on the money,” or you may say, “You misfired on this one.”

Let me start with a confession. I was not always sold on Ronald Reagan. There were many Republicans like me at the time, but their memories of being against him before they were for him are not as candid as mine. In 1976, at the age of 20, I was a delegate to the Illinois State Republican Convention. In various caucuses, we voted on who we preferred as a state party. I voted for Gerald Ford. (Hey, I was 20! What did I know?) When Reagan won the nomination in 1980 I immediately quipped, “Great, we have a choice between Grits and Fritz or Bonzo and the Preppie!” (Grits was Jimmy Carter and Fritz was Walter “Fritz” Mondale. Bonzo was a reference to Reagan’s silliest movie and George H.W. Bush was widely viewed as too preppy for high office.) I could always turn a catchy phrase, even when I was, myself, way off base.

As election season moved on, I warmed up to Reagan a lot. But it was a single moment – after the election but before the inauguration – that snapped my head and made me think Reagan might turn out to be something very special. As president-elect, he was running towards a helicopter to go somewhere and the press was calling out questions. I think it was Sam Donaldson who caught his ear and said, “Governor Reagan, some people think the Ayatollah is afraid of you. Do you think that’s the case?” Reagan thought for the briefest moment and then said, “Well, I don’t know why he would be. I’m not afraid of him.” And with a cheery smile he was off to his helicopter. I could feel the Ayatollah’s blood curdling in his veins. It was the moment when I suddenly felt that this guy wasn’t just going to be okay; he was going to be great. That one played out.

On Monday, watching Donald Trump on the first night of the Republican convention, I felt something different radiating from his face than I have ever seen before. I sensed a very humble gratitude, along with a steady, gentle – but iron – resolve. I think that Trump has understood and fully embraced what God calls him to, what his mission is in the aftermath of the assassination attempt.

Now God uses each of our own distinct personalities for His purposes – and our characteristics and quirks do not suddenly vanish when a deep sense of mission takes hold. Trump will maintain his personality quirks, his broad sense of humor, his sharp bargainer persona. But I think there will be a new depth visibly there, a largeness of spirit that will always be visible even in his “Trumpiest” moments. I think Trump’s acceptance speech on Wednesday night may well be a speech for the ages. Rather than just having political impact, I think it may have profound and lasting cultural impact. If so, it truly will turn this race on its head…but more importantly, if what I suspect comes, it will turn the trajectory of this country and its culture on its head.

I think Trump could begin the trajectory that will bring us back to a true, patriotic 80’s mentality, marginalizing all the yammering heads on the left, both in the media and in politics. If so, while Barack Obama was a transformational president in a very toxic way, opening wide the gates to the many degeneracies that have plagued us, Trump will be a transformational president in a restorative way – tossing all the old degeneracies of the Obama-Biden revolt away as so much flotsam and jetsom. It could restore us to a time when friends could agree to disagree, when nothing but politics is heavily politicized, and where people cannot shamelessly accuse others of doing what they actually are doing without being held to account and banished from polite society. It will be even more fun than watching TV news would be if liars’ pants actually did catch on fire.

Perhaps I am in the grip of an irrational exuberance after recent events. If not, we are about to take our first step in truly making America great again. I will not miss a moment of Trump’s acceptance speech at the RNC.*

*According to the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel, Trump’s speech will occur some time during the General Session on Thursday evening, slated for 5:45 to 10:30 pm Central Time. He may also speak tonight, Wednesday.

If communication goes out for any length of time, meet outside your local Church at 9 a.m. on Saturday mornings. Tell friends at Church now, in case you can’t then. CORAC teams will be out looking for people to gather in and work with.

Charlie’s Latest



“Woe unto the world because of offenses! For it must needs be that...

Be Not Afraid

Be Not Afraid

A dark pall shrouds the earth these days. People can feel and hear...

Update Briefs

Now is the Time

Now is the Time

A Special Message from Charlie:  Friends, we need your help as we go...


If you have not yet joined the Alerts Signal channel, install the Signal app on your smartphone by going to >

To request to join, simply click or tap on this link on a device where Signal is set up >

The latest alert concerns the attempted assassination of President Trump. If you are on the Signal channel, you got this at 6:06 pm Saturday evening. It’s reprinted below for those not on the channel.

It has been confirmed that President Trump just survived an assassination attempt at his rally in Butler, Pennsylvania. He was grazed on the ear, but he was able to leave the rally under his own power, when the Secret Service whisked him away from the rally. This turn of events has an elevated probability of causing tension and violence to increase and possibly spiral out of control. Going forward, please consider avoiding large crowds, especially political rallies and political protests. Please also practice situational awareness whenever out in public.

Here is a link with video >


NOW is the time to prepare. This is the main purpose of CORAC: to prepare individuals to help them survive when the various “cups of evil” spill over, as well as to help others. To accomplish this, the CORAC website is loaded with helpful information. There are pages that cover:

NOW is the time to become more active within the CORAC community, especially within your Region. You will find there are regular meetings that can help you to prepare and organize. NOW is the time to network and organize within your community. Our Founder, Charlie Johnston, is releasing his new publication “Revival: A Handbook and Manual for Forming Functional Communities” later this month. Community networking and organizing requires strategic planning, talking to the right people and implementation at the time when especially needed. The Crisis Scenarios team will be publishing articles as a sort of introduction of how to go about this as well, but we recommend you acquire Charlie’s publication, as well as search online, find books, magazines, etc. where you can get more detailed information on those things that will help you to survive, cope and help others.

We strongly feel that the storm is full on, or near full on at this time, and that things will begin to deteriorate rapidly. We urge you to act now in protection of yourselves, family, friends, church and civic communities. Be on the lookout for continued prayers, updates and resources from Crisis Alerts, the CORAC website and Charlie’s publications. God bless and Godspeed.


Mainstream Media Shows Bad Faith

“Trump removed from stage by Secret Service after loud noises startle former president” – USA TODAY

“Trump is fine after apparent gunshots fired” – NPR

“Secret Service rushes Trump off stage after he falls at rally” – CNN

“Trump rushed off stage after loud noises” – Washington Post

“Secret Service rushes Trump offstage after popping noises heard” – NBC

If you are still getting anything but weather (and even that is suspect) from the mainstream media, then you should take these headlines as the final wakeup call. There was a UNITED effort to downplay and mislead. It’s not just that they got it “wrong,” they deliberately lied. For a reason. On purpose.

I was watching the rally live, and I saw it unfold in real-time. I’d been texting with a friend from the beginning of the event: “Look at all the people,” “He’s coming onstage,” and we were speculating as to whether he’d announce his VP and who it might be. I have the time stamp of 5:12 pm (6:12 in Pennsylvania) on my text that said, “There are gunshots. Trump is down.”

At 5:49, a relative, who monitors the mainstream media all day long, texted me about a dessert recipe, which felt like a scouring with a wire brush, given the state I was in. I testily asked if she was aware that Trump had just been shot. She said she’d heard it on the 5:30 news but it was no big deal; he was fine.

In former days, if a president had been shot, the networks would have interrupted programming to give the news. They didn’t even report the watered-down version until 18 minutes after it happened, by my reckoning. By that time, it appears they had agreed how it was to be presented, a minor boo-boo, if not Trump’s own fault for tripping like Biden so often does. I’m guessing that order came from somewhere close to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. No, not Biden; he would have been nighty-night by that hour. If it was indeed an inside job, and it looks very much like it was, the strategy would have been agreed on before the event, the Plan B if anything went wrong.

It’s not so much that they got it “wrong.” It’s that they appear to have colluded with a multi-department strategy to allow the President to be taken out. (Yes, I know I should say “former President” but I have my reasons.) The screwups, malfeasance, incompetent personnel show every sign of being coordinated, from the office of the First Lady, to the Secret Service, the DHS, perhaps even local law enforcement, and then the media.

Think about this: they wanted us to see Trump’s head blown apart in real time. Many services were there to livestream; I was watching Right Side Broadcasting. There was no 7-second delay, like at the debate. The mainstream media all had reps there, which we know because a brave man who spoke what so many of us felt, yelled his head off at the press section, “This is your fault!”

The mainstream media’s coordinated bad faith should convince everyone not to trust them. They are covering for people who mean us harm. They’re not just mistaken; they’re the enemy. DO NOT LISTEN.

“If Trump becomes President again in 2024, it will be the final death blow… to the Global Order.”
– Yuval Noah Harari, World Economic Forum

Deep Dives on JD Vance

The Gateway Pundit, Jim Hoft >

Wayne Allyn Root >

The European Conservative >

Charlie Kirk >

And from the mouth of the horse himself: Hillbilly Elegy: A Memoir of a Family and Culture in Crisis was written by Vance in 2016. It’s the previously untold story of the great swath of poor and lower middle class Americans who have been largely forgotten as America moves on. Vance is actually a very good writer. This book was not written as a campaign ad, with ghostwriters in the background. It’s just pure JD, before his entry into politics. It’s from the heart, and it gives me a good feeling about the man who will stand next to Trump from here on out.

Get the book here >

Homemade Bug Balm

My skin always looks like a Braille sheet when I come in from outdoors. Here’s an anti-bug balm you can make for yourself, without heavy-smelling chemicals: DIY Anti-Bug Balm >


For safety’s sake, and especially if you have dependents, you would want to avoid crowds at this time. However, if we are successfully kept tucked away at home, not exercising our right to speech and assembly, then something essential will be lost. The attempt on Trump’s life has made me determined to stand up despite the terror tactics.

However, we should take steps to protect ourselves. In Tyler, a group of us prays in the public square every Wednesday evening, and none of us are prepared to stop. We have always been vigilant in watching our surroundings, but I am thinking about hiring a security service to join us in prayer.

In short, take extra precautions while attempting to hold on to our treasured rights as Americans. Eyes wide open, head on a swivel.

National Eucharistic Revival

It’s here! The National Eucharistic Congress is this week, July 17-21. The National Pilgrims will be pulling in to Indianapolis this week from the four borders of the country, having covered over 6,000 miles carrying the Eucharist.

It’s a risk, making the Eucharist the focus of an event this size. It could turn into a giant entertainment, or as some critics call it, “The Disney-fication of the Eucharist.” One critic complained that they commissioned a commemorative beer for the pilgrims instead of having AA meetings. Many people are saying, “It just won’t work,” and bemoan all the money being spent.

I think it’s worth the risk. There are scads of people we trust involved who would rather die than disrespect the Eucharist. Despite their best efforts, there will undoubtedly be some hiccups; there always are, but if we don’t take bold steps for the Eucharist, God can’t turn them into bold advances. Look at King David; he was so giddily mad about the Ark that he completely embarrassed himself in front of his wife, dancing and leaping. And yet he was a man after God’s own heart.

National Pilgrimage >

Eucharistic Congress on July 17 >

Physical Healing Prayer Session

Healing session on July 31 this month from 7:00-8:00 Eastern. Led by Mark Kollar, these sessions have been immensely helpful and generated many testimonials. Members of the prayer team are trained and experienced.

If you have a physical need, register here >

You can hear more from Mark Kollar here >

Virus Resources

The release of a contagion before the election becomes more likely with every failed attempt to eliminate Trump.

TWC Contagion Emergency Kit >

Jase Case >

Z-Stack (Dr Zev Zelenko) >

CORAC recommendations >

Independent Media

Recommendations for alternative sources of news on Twitter/X, Telegram and Substack.

X, or whatever. I still call it Twitter
When news is “breaking,” as it was on Saturday evening, Twitter gets you on-location, real-time news well in advance of the usual news channels. And you get news from people on the ground, not filtered and modified by orders from on high. Elon Musk has done the world a huge service by liberating Twitter from government oversight. You have to exercise judgment on Twitter, and harden yourself to some salty language, but it’s worth it.

  • Charlie Johnston (he has a very entertaining Twitter presence)
  • General Mike Flynn
  • Douglas MacGregor
  • Bishop Strickland
  • Cardinal R. Sarah
  • Awakened Outlaw
  • Crisis Magazine
  • Victor Davis Hanson
  • Janet “Retired and Recycled” Smith
  • Billboard Chris
  • End Wokeness
  • Died Suddenly
  • The Post Millennial
  • James O’Keefe
  • Edward Pentin
  • Midnight Rider


  • Jack Posobiec

  • Coffee & Covid News

  • BioClandestine

  • Laura Logan

  • J D Vance

  • Patriot AU

  • Woke Societies

  • Gateway Pundit


  • Dr. Robert Malone
  • Courageous Discourse (Dr. Peter McCullough)
  • Vigilant Fox
  • Badlands Media
  • Pepe Lives Matter

If you have a particular favorite I haven’t mentioned, send it to me and I’ll put it in the next newsletter. Meanwhile, FIND YOUR SOURCES. We are in the fog of war, and listening to demonstrable liars could endanger you.

Drying Herbs

I’ve got herbs hanging from my kitchen cabinets, just because they’re pretty. But here’s some expert advice on how to properly dry and store herbs when you want them to last: Read more >

General Flynn

I trust this man, implicitly. Words from a recent Substack post:

Only God knows what’s in store for Americans in the upcoming months. Ongoing wars persist overseas, while tensions escalate domestically. Our dollar is weak, our border is dismal, and our military is wanting. The potential future leader of the free world faces imprisonment, and a historic presidential election is on the horizon.

We are facing a tremendous amount of uncertainty, but this is not the time to move forward with closed eyes and crossed fingers. Understand the concerning state of our country while keeping in mind that there is hope in the possibility of unexplored potential. Walk with courage and call out lunacy, thereby opening the minds of those around you and building allies.

As big tech, mainstream media, and corporate giants attempt to impose their vision of what an American should represent, an opportunity presents itself to define what we truly value and how we want our communities to take shape. Embrace the opportunities within the chaos and direct yourself towards the future you seek for future generations.

Acknowledge the power of ordinary patriots when their values are questioned. Homeschooling is skyrocketing and school boards have flipped as a result of the public education system’s power grab. Forced vaccinations have caused millions to question what’s going into their bodies, and independent journalists are replacing fake news networks.

When we feel like things are out of control, we take control. When “trusting the experts” becomes questionable and uncertain, you become the expert of your life, and that is powerful. We can’t predict the future, but we can participate in its development. Awakened citizens are recalling the importance of morals, values, and truth. There is a passion and love for our families, our faith and our freedoms that will not be squelched. Everything has an upside, if you see it.

Pray for J6 Political Prisoners

Don’t stop praying. The prisoners are in more danger than ever right now, as they will begin to tell their horror stories once they are freed and that is a danger for the Regime.

Some good news: the release of Brad Smith after nearly 3 years. Brad never entered any building, didn’t carry a weapon, wasn’t violent, but got 41 months in prison anyway. He emerged with a laundry bag that was mostly full of letters from supportive strangers who wrote to him during his captivity. Read more >

There are still hundreds of J6ers suffering in prisons. Pick one at random and write to them. They’re particularly vulnerable between now and November 5. >

Martyrs Corner: St. Ignatius of Antioch

He had the highest of credentials: he was a disciple of St. John, the beloved apostle, and ordained a bishop by Simon Peter. He endured through many persecutions of Rome, and stood up against emerging heresies. In a letter to the church at Smyrna, he wrote: “Pray to God for those who abstain from the Eucharist because they deny it to be the flesh of Jesus Christ, who died for our sins.”

The Roman emperor Trajan got wind of the powerful witness of Ignatius and offered to make him a temple priest and Roman senator if he would sacrifice to the pagan gods. Ignatius told Trajan would be happier himself if he would believe in Jesus.

Trajan, angered by his response, sentenced him to death in Rome by wild beasts. For this reason, icons of Ignatius usually include lions, as martyrs were represented with symbols of their form of death. Ignatius was force-marched from Antioch to Rome, to suffer in the arena. On the way, he preached to the people, and these magnificent letters of a man facing death are preserved here >

All along his martyrdom trail, he asked people not to pray for him to be spared; he wanted to witness to Christ. His last words were, “Now I begin to be a disciple… Let fire and cross, flocks of beasts, broken bones, and dismemberment come upon me, so long as I attain to Jesus Christ.” When the wild beasts were released, he calmly laid down his life as a sacrifice and sweet-smelling offering.


Our greatest asset is our website. If you haven’t yet explored it, start on the home page and go perusing from there.


July Prayer Intentions

  • For all CORAC members as we study, disseminate, and implement the principles and ideas presented in Revival: A Handbook and Manual for Building Functional Communities

  • That the Holy Spirit pour out upon each CORAC member the necessary graces to help us move through these historic days with wisdom and strength; and to Acknowledge God, Take the Next Right Step, and Be A Sign of Hope for Those Around (Us)

  • That many people be healed in body, mind, and spirit through the online Physical Healing Prayer Session via Zoom, on the last Wednesday of each month; and through many other healing prayer ministries in which CORAC members are engaged

  • May the Lord draw all people of good will ~ Catholics, Protestants, Jews, and others ~ closer to himself; may he make us holy; and may we live our faith with fidelity, courage, love, and joy as we pray the Prayer of Doing

  • For the peaceful repose of the souls of all whom the Lord will call home this day; and for the consolation and strength of their families and friends

  • That CORAC members may strongly desire and find the means to participate in financial support for our vital ministries

  • For all intentions carried in the hearts of CORAC members and those posted on the CORAC Prayer Hotline, with gratitude for prayers answered in our daily lives

St. Gabriel, enlighten us.
St. Michael, defend us.

St. Raphael, protect us.
Ave Maria, Stella Maris!

Prayer Hotline

Email prayer requests to the CORAC Prayer Hotline at, and we will post your request (using first names only) on the CORAC Prayer Hotline Signal group.

Prayer for the Week of July 15

Dear Lord, we know it was You alone who prevented the unthinkable. Thank you, God. Thank you, Blessed Mary, for deflecting the bullet intended to kill.

Lord, console the family of Corey Comperatore, the courageous father who lost his life shielding his wife and daughter from evil. May his reward be great. Please bring about the full recovery of the other injured, those innocent bystanders caught unawares by evil. Strengthen the Trump family, that they may not be hindered by fear.

Lord, protect all present at the Republican convention in Milwaukee, and at the National Eucharistic Congress in Indianapolis this week. Please send your angels to spread wings of protection over all innocent gatherings of crowds.

Heavenly Father, we ask that Heaven’s purposes be fulfilled in Donald Trump. May he show no fear toward the evil that targets him, but overcome it with a passion for Your law, not backing down or wavering in the face of intimidation. May he know that it is Your hand keeping him and sustaining him. And may we become as bold and true as we pray for him to be, standing united and determined to keep evil from taking over our land.

May we all, from the highest office, to the least known among men, seek to know you more intimately, serve you more passionately and praise you more fully, so that all men will be saved, through the name of Your Son, Jesus Christ. Amen.

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