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We have had a few people who have confused homeopathy with New Age Eastern Mysticism. Since our Health and Wellness Team at CORAC makes prominent use of homeopathy in its teaching of various home medicinal techniques, I asked our Team Leader, Micki Blunt, to address those concerns. I had already done a light dive study of homeopathy and was satisfied with it – and have been glad of the good results many are getting from it.
The concerns disturbed me, though, as they pointed to a larger issue. If we pay no attention to what might be diabolic, it has room to influence us. But the devil is clever. If we are on a hair trigger, the devil has room to push us away from what is good. This is why I have long regarded with contempt those speakers on “spiritual warfare” who attribute everything they personally don’t like to the devil. I have actually seen one who passed out a seven–page list of common, benign things as “satanic.” The man was deceived and used his authority to deceive and panic others.
One of the most common techniques of the fearful fabulists is to take ordinary items that New Agers often use and define them as “satanic” because of the way that they are abused by disordered people. This is putting the cart firmly before the horse. New Agers also use crystals extensively in their practices. Does this mean that analog ham radios are a product of Eastern Mysticism? After all, they use crystals extensively. Satanists are big on using the pentagram form of a star. Does this make the American flag satanic? After all, it has 50 pentagram-style stars on it.
The question must be, what is something, in itself. Anything good can be used for good or evil. That it is sometimes used in a disordered fashion does not make it evil. There are some things that are evil, in themselves. But to try to come up with a formulaic laundry list to avoid all deceptions is, itself, a deception.
I was satisfied long ago that homeopathy is a sound, science-based form of medicine that does not rely on any superstitions. We are using it to good effect in our CORAC Regions and will continue to do so. And now, Mick’s piece, which is a reprint of a letter she sent to a person with a particular concern (and I should note that Mick is quick to share with me her concern when something might be not quite right) -CJ:
Micki Blunt speaking at CORAC National Conference
By Micki Blunt
I would like to address your concerns about homeopathy. You are not the first person to express such concerns to Charlie or to CORAC’s Health and Wellness team; in fact, the team has been contacted by several people who have questioned our inclusion of homeopathy in the paradigms which we recommend. Like you, they have stated their belief that homeopathy is based in the occult, or in the New Age, or in Freemasonry.
First, let me say that I understand your concerns. Because of my family’s history, I am extraordinarily sensitive to anything smacking of the occult. I’m guessing that this is because my great-grandmother was a practitioner of the occult (she was half black and half Cherokee; so as well as being a Cherokee medicine-woman of sorts, she practiced the “dark arts” that were not uncommon among the blacks of that era and locale). Her son–my grandfather–was a Freemason (more about him later). Two of his daughters–my aunts–are members of the Eastern Star, which is the women’s branch of Freemasonry. Since spirits can attach generationally to families, my great-grandmother’s involvement in the occult has affected my family down to the fourth generation (wow, I never thought about it until now… but my children’s generation is the fourth; that really makes me view Deuteronomy 5:9 in a whole new light). This generational spirit has affected different family members in different ways. But by the grace of God, the way it seems to have affected me is that I tend to “clue in” when I’m around something that has an occult influence. This has been true since I was in grade school.
This is not to say that I think I’m a mystic or that I have the charism of “discernment of spirits.” All I mean is that ever since I was a young girl, I often become (for lack of a better term) interiorly unsettled when I see certain books or artwork or TV shows and such, or when I hear certain music. This has kept me out of a great deal of trouble over the years, and it has also made me wary of anything that causes me to get that interior unsettling. Thus I have always steered clear of things like heavy-metal music, astrology, centering prayer and enneagrams (remember when they were all the rage in some Catholic circles?), yoga, and such.
When I started to learn about herbalism and homeopathy over two decades ago, my antenna were definitely up. As a math major who ended up getting a law degree, I tend to be a logical, linear thinker who wants evidence and proof of everything. I also tend to view any “evidence” or “proof” with an eye of skepticism until I’m convinced beyond a reasonable doubt. To make a long story short, my studies have left me convinced that herbalism and homeopathy are both based in sound science and not in the occult or New Age or Freemasonry or any such error.
It may be true that Samuel Hahnemann, the founder of homeopathy, joined the Freemasons when he was a young man. This is by no means certain, given that assertions that he was a Freemason seem to have surfaced only in the past twenty or so years, even though he died in 1843. However, I’ll postulate for the sake of this discussion that Hahnemann did in fact join the Freemasons. Well, so did George Washington. But like Washington, Hahnemann was a devout Christian whose faith influenced all that he did. It seems paradoxical to us that a man could be both a Freemason and a faithful Christian; but that was very common in previous centuries: back then, even as today, many Freemasons treated Freemasonry as a sort of “good old boys’ club” rather than as the truly evil organization that it is. In fact, most of the low-degree Freemasons don’t even know what Freemasonry is truly about, given that the truth is revealed “in degrees” as one advances through the degree ranks. I know this because my grandfather was a 33rd-degree Freemason. He broke with the Masons immediately after his 33rd-degree ceremony, which, as he described it, was essentially a “black Mass.” But the low-degree members don’t know this because the members are sworn to secrecy about the goings-on in the lodges and in the degree-ceremonies. My point in all this is that, in spite of his Freemasonry, Washington was a faithful Christian, a talented military leader, an excellent President, and a founding father of the greatest nation on earth; and likewise, in spite of his (possible) Freemasonry, Hahnemann was a faithful Christian, a talented scientist, an excellent physician, and the founding father of one of the greatest medical paradigms on earth.
Homeopathy is not rooted in the occult any more than herbalism or allopathic (conventional) medicine or physical therapy is rooted in the occult. The fact that there are occultists and New Agers who practice homeopathy does not mean that homeopathy itself is evil. These people have attempted to hijack homeopathy for their own purposes, in the same way that the New Age movement hijacked angels a few decades back, and the “gay-rights” movement hijacked the rainbow (a sign of God’s promise to Noah). And homeopathy is not the only medical paradigm that New Agers have attempted to hijack. The occult infiltrated herbalism centuries, and perhaps millenia, ago; and it has also made a lot of headway into allopathic medicine (just look at the satanic bloodlust of the Planned Parenthood ghouls exposed by David Daleiden). But should allopathic medicine be thrown out as a system because some MDs are New Agers? Should no one use the medicinal herbs that God put on this earth because some herbalists mix authentic herbal practice with the occult or with superstition?
Rather than being rooted in the occult, homeopathy is in fact rooted in solid science. It has been tested and employed for more than two centuries in Europe, and for nearly as long in Asia and the Americas. In the early 1900s, there were over 100 homeopathic hospitals in the US, along with 22 homeopathic medical schools. For example, the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor established its homeopathic medical school in 1875, and also had a homeopathic hospital; and to this day, one can find homeopathic references on the hospital’s official website:
Although conventional medicine has long failed to see the scientific underpinnings of homeopathy, that lack of understanding is beginning to change (although most conventional practitioners may not understand or admit this point). If one is at all familiar with nanopharmacology, he will understand that homeopathy is nanopharmacological even if no one knew that word in the early 19th century. Here is an informative article, in case you’d like to read it:
If you are so inclined, here are two short articles that might be helpful. The first is from the archives of Michael Brown’s Spirit Daily website. It discusses a document issued by the Vatican bureaucracy in 2003, a document which without any explanation states that things as varied as “chiropractic…homeopathy…various types of herbal medicine…and twelve-step programs” are New Age. The second article is an excellent article with commentary from a man who is a theologian, scientist, doctor, and Dominican priest. Among many other interesting things, he notes Pope St. John Paul II’s view of homeopathy, which view was expressed the year after the Vatican bureaucracy classified homeopathy as New Age:
If homeopathy were in fact evil, then it would make it hard to explain Pope St. John Paul II’s take on it; and it would also make it impossible to fathom why St. Mother Teresa of Calcutta and her Missionaries of Charity employed it (and in the case of the Sisters, continue to employ it) in their apostolate to the poor of India.
I’m truly sorry about the negative experiences that you had when you were studying homeopathy. With all due respect, however, I must take issue with some of the assertions that you made in your comment to Charlie:
(1) “But, there are problems: First, Homeopathy invariably includes ‘muscle testing’ which is decidedly new age”: While some homeopaths and chiropractors employ muscle testing in their practices, muscle testing did not originate with homeopathy and is not in fact homeopathic.
(2) “I began wondering why it seemed that illness (especially mental issues) just seemed to require an increasing number of expensive remedies to remain ‘in balance’, and few persons ever seemed physically decidedly ‘cured’”: I know people who have used homeopathy to successfully address depression and Seasonal Affective Disorder (if those can be called mental issues). Their treatments have been inexpensive (maybe $50 apiece over the course of 2 – 3 years) and have helped them tremendously. I also know people who have successfully used homeopathy to cure or significantly ameliorate frozen shoulder, high blood pressure, arthritis, pre-diabetic blood-sugar issues, torn ligaments and tendons, pinched nerves, seasonal allergies, chronic seizure disorder, and vaccine injury. The total expense for each of these people ranged from around $20 (the chronic seizure disorder) to around $100 (the frozen shoulder, which went from “my doctor says I need surgery” to “my shoulder is 90% better” in 3 months, and the improvement continues nearly a year after the beginning of treatment).
(3) “I recall my instructor telling me that she spent a good part every morning testing remedies to balance herself before leaving for her day”: The concept of getting into or remaining “in balance” may be one belonging to chiropractic or some other modality; but it is a concept foreign to homeopathy. So I’m not sure where your instructor learned this concept, but it wasn’t from the treatises of Dr. Samuel Hahnemann.
(4) Homeopathic remedies as “energetic medicines” and homeopathy as an example of “energy medicine” similar to reiki: It is true that homeopathic remedies are “energetic”; but homeopathy has nothing in common with reiki or so-called “energy medicine.” Homeopathic remedies are energetic because homeopathy (unlike conventional medicine and herbal medicine, which are based on the principles of chemistry) is based on the principles of physics; and physics is largely concerned with energy and energetics. The explanation of why and how this is so would get into high weeds for which neither you nor I have the time right now. But, as I said above, homeopathy is in fact based in sound science, that science being physics rather than chemistry.
(5) “And of course the dispensing of medicines requires knowledge unavailable to an average person.” Average people (and by that, I assume that you mean people without formal, specialized, years-long medical training) can and do learn how to use and dispense homeopathic medicines. In fact, on September 19, members of CORAC’s national Health and Wellness team completed the teaching of a 4-week homeopathy course via Zoom (2 – 3 hours on 4 consecutive Sundays). There were over 50 students from 4 time zones. The course was offered free of charge; the attendees just had to buy the book for the curriculum that was used–which, incidentally, was “Gateway to Homeopathy 1,” by Joette Calabrese. Since beginning the class, one of the attendees has successfully used her newfound knowledge to treat family members for a moderate acute illness, pain and bleeding from a blow to the face, an infected spider bite, and incapacitating spasms of the back. This course is available to anyone by going to Joette Calabrese’s website: www.joettecalabrese.com. (Full disclosure: I have been a student of hers for years, and I get no compensation or kickback for plugging her and her website.) Furthermore, all of the 15 CORAC regions are in the process of forming regional Health and Wellness teams. For those who are CORAC members (and those of you who are not, please consider joining): if you would like to take this course, please consider contacting your regional coordinator and asking if the regional Health and Wellness team would consider offering it.
(6) “Indeed, there are some homeopathic medicines that used individually are effective; Boiron’s Oscillococcicum, for example, is effective to lessen or cure flu. But, it cannot be processed by anyone outside a homeopathic manufacturer, as is true for all homeopathic substances. Ultimately it seems that without these manufacturers, homeopathy is not useful to a survivalist”: Homeopathic remedies, like herbal tinctures, can be made at home. The process is called “grafting,” and the attendees of CORAC’s recent homeopathy course learned how to do it. In fact, part of the fourth class consisted of their being walked through the process (they all had their materials in front of them). I have been grafting my own homeopathic remedies for a couple of years; I learned how to do it from the book “Homeopathy: An A to Z Home Handbook,” by Alan Schmukler. The book is available from Amazon for about $20. It seems to me that along with herbal medicine, homeopathic medicine is a great fit for those with a preparedness mindset.
In closing, I want to reiterate that I understand and empathize with all of the concerns that you raised about homeopathy. I hope and pray that my efforts here have at least somewhat alleviated those concerns, as well as any concerns that other readers might have; because I consider it a tragedy that so many people who could be helped by homeopathy avoid it, out of a mistaken belief that it is evil or ineffective or out of reach of the average person.
God bless you and yours.
We are in the first week of our fall fund-raising campaign for CORAC. Won’t you go to our donations page and help us reach our goal of $50,000? And for those who are or become monthly donors, offering ongoing support, I have made arrangements to send out a little gift of a handmade CORAC Rosary. It has a little squirrel on it.
The anti-God left-wing media and their allies in the Democratic Party these days remind me of nothing so much as the army of flying monkeys from the old Wizard of Oz. Has anyone thought of trying a bucket of water, yet?
on 2021-10-01 at 10:32 pm
Good stuff, Mick. Hard work always has its reward.
Good stuff, Mick. Hard work always has its reward.
Thanks, MP. You must have a huge reward coming, because you’re one of the hardest workers that I know. 🙂