PLEASE NOTE. The views and opinions expressed in the comments sections are those of the commenter and do not necessarily reflect the views of Charlie Johnston or other Corps of Renewal and Charity administrators. reserves the right to edit, publish and delete comments as we see fit, without explanation.

A small group of volunteers does their best to provide this site and accommodate reasonable requests. That said, we understand you might do things differently, but we simply don’t have the time or resources to accommodate every request.  In the times ahead, we’re all going to have to get used to working with what we’ve been given and to give abundantly nonetheless.  Now’s a good time to get in the habit.

Build each other up. We encourage a healthy, diverse conversation here that aims to be thoughtful, civilized, and edifying for participants. That said, the Corps of Renewal and Charity is faithfully orthodox, and we will not give space to those who try to disparage either the Catholic Church or the Christian faith of others who we count as brethren.

Read before commenting. We understand that in the modern world, people frequently want to jump into the middle of a topic without seeing what is already said. We treat each other seriously and with respect here. If you want to jump in, please take the time to at least see what has already been said.

Be specific. Personalized comments show the team leads/post authors that you’re genuinely interested in what they have to say, and that you actually took the time to read what they wrote. This doesn’t mean you need to write a long comment, just be sure to articulate why you felt compelled to say something in the first place. Even if you simply want to compliment someone’s work, explain what you liked about it. Avoid vague comments like “Awesome! Thanks for sharing.”

Stay on topic. Take care not to diverge too far from the subject of the original post. If you end up in an off-topic exchange with other commenters, message them directly to avoid distracting from the comments left for the team lead/post author.

Keep it brief. The more concise your comment, the easier it will be for others to read and respond to. In most cases, a few sentences to a few short paragraphs is more than enough to get the job done.

Vet your links before sharing. We do not vouch for links in comments, though welcome other resources that are constructive and help each other learn and grow. Although comments are moderated, team leads/moderators don’t have time to thoroughly vet every link. If you’re linking to resources you would like to be considered for the various team libraries, make certain it’s from a trusted source and is based on facts. Links to popular commentary on current events are changing as rapidly as the winds.   Sharing witness stories and life-experiences first-hand is redeeming for us all.

When making a factual claim that is not common knowledge, please provide a credible reference – preferably a link – to the source so people can assess it. Wikipedia, while a good place to start getting some information, is NOT a reliable reference.

Be charitable. Even if you disagree with someone, it’s never appropriate to use insults or other offensive language. Rude comments don’t add any value to the discussion, divert attention away from the work here, and will not be approved. In short, treat others as you want to be treated.

Don’t bear false witness. We believe that when we are commanded that we should not bear false witness, that does not just mean we should only tell the truth about people we like or agree with – but that we should not bear false witness against anyone. If someone has chosen evil their actions will speak for themselves. If we add to it to try to further discredit them, we simply are adopting evil, ourselves. Take the time to make sure your facts are reasonably accurate.

Respect other brethren in the work. This site has a decidedly Catholic flavor, although we have a deep respect for the profound faith of many of our Protestant and Jewish brethren. Our commitment is that we are to treat all faithful Protestants and Jews as full partners in the work before us. God, Himself, will see to the unity of the faithful. There are no junior partners here.

Remember: Truth and falsity are not emotional categories, they are factual categories.

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