I promised that on this, the 104th anniversary of the penultimate day of the apparitions at Fatima, I would offer a prayer of repentance and renewal for all those who have been damaged by the counter-scientific Covid restrictions, including the experimental gene therapy shot. The prayer is a single one, but in three parts for the sake of this piece. The prayer appears in bold italics, interspersed with some commentary.
I will not put up any links with this article. The disorders created by the shots are so common and growing that to miss them now you have to intentionally be turning your head in the other direction. I have no patience left with the “correlation is not causation” crowd. In statistical analysis, vast departures from statistical norms are early warning of potential causation. When the statistical aberration from the norm of deaths is over 30,000 percent higher than normal (as it is with this shot), you have to be intentionally blind not to be terribly alarmed. When you find that those numbers are actually suppressed by defining “unvaccinated” as up to two weeks after the second shot – so doctors don’t report so many adverse events and so they can say the dead were “unvaccinated” rather than died shortly after taking the shot, there is nothing I can say to keep you from going off that cliff. Today, anyway, you will have to do your own research – and if CNN, the other networks, the CDC (which has been proven to have lied repeatedly throughout all this) are your only go-to sources, well, we each will pay the price for the decisions we make. Mine is a loss of liberty. Yours is a loss of health. All of ours is the loss of a constitutional republic.
I am extremely uncomfortable with the use of religious and medical exemptions – though I strongly encourage each of you to use whatever tools are at your disposal to maintain some vestige of liberty. When those exemptions are used, they tacitly concede that these unconstitutional mandates are consistent with our free system; just subject to some limited exceptions. The only exemption I will claim is that of a free American citizen who will never bow the knee to tyranny, medical or otherwise.
The fearful thing is that, despite the massive numbers of disorders (death, clots, heart problems) popping up from this already, these are only the short-term disorders. In the animal studies, as common as short-term disorders were, it was the long-term disorders that killed almost all of the animals. The injected spike proteins tended to intensify future infections and to constantly attack the soft tissue of internal organs. Most animals died from long-term pulverization of their lungs. We won’t see the long-term disorders start to kick in in a significant way for another six months. Ah, but as one genuinely well-intended doctor told me, while conceding what a disaster the animal studies had been, public officials had assured him that they had solved the problems. If they did as good a job with the long-term disorders as they did with the short-term disorders, nearly everyone who got the shot will die over the next three years, without divine intervention. Whistling past the graveyard with a lot of happy talk will not change that. Safe and effective, indeed! But divine intervention is a reality in crisis.
When I went on my pilgrimage, I drank from hundreds of streams, rivers and ponds – and I never once filtered what I drank. When I was in the wilderness, I often would eat a very small piece of a common plant I saw. If, within an hour, it did not sicken or kill me, I would take advantage of it to cull my hunger. This is a minor modification of the prayer I would say before consuming anything:
“Come, Lord Jesus, purify this food and drink and all I consume in any way. Let it lead me to strength, to apostolate, and to take the next right step; at all times, in all places, and in all situations…”
A fellow I met along the way asked me, incredulously, if this meant that if he poured poison into my water I could drink it and suffer no ill effects. “That would be presumption,” I told him, “I would not deliberately drink poison. If, however, you poisoned it unbeknownst to me, I believe I could drink it with no ill effect. I have no desire to test God, only to trust Him.”
I also took no personal protection for the journey. A fellow in Jasper, Alabama tried to give me a .22 pistol for my safety – and actually cried when I refused it. I told him that, though normally a prudent man, I believed this journey was divinely inspired to build my confidence in God, among other things – and that if I relied too much on myself for protection, I risked forfeiting the divine protection that was absolutely essential to me. I did not engage in the presumption of jumping off cliffs or putting myself knowingly into dangerous situations, but I did not worry about my safety in the least so long as I acted with normal prudence. Even the knife I carried I kept in my pack where it was not quickly accessible. I was in more than a few hairy situations. I often found myself praying, “Jesus, I trust in you.” Comically, more than a few times I quietly prayed, “I will fear no evil, but come quickly Lord, for I am feeling pretty nervous right now.”
Prudence means never spurning the abundant natural means of protection God has provided us. But it also means examining honestly what others recommend, using the mind God gave each of us to discern between what is good and what is a fraud. Almost 30 years ago gene therapy was touted as the great new miracle that would solve all human ills. Early efforts were a complete bust, mainly triggering toxic, immune and inflammatory reactions in people or temporarily dampening a viral reaction only to see it recover and actually strengthen. In the last 20 years, as humbled scientists dialed back their enthusiasm, there have been some very limited successful therapeutic approaches to various disorders developed with gene therapy. Now, with these shots, we are engaged in the most massive and expansive experiment with gene therapy ever ventured – and given the predominant failure of gene therapy (usually compounding rather than resolving a problem) these last 20 years, we had an obligation to do some due diligence before jumping into such an experiment. Mandating it is a crime against humanity – and God is not mocked.
I am appalled at how many Bishops have completely succumbed to the artificial narrative, refusing to even look at the hard evidence themselves enough to know what questions to demand their credentialed experts answer. Several Bishops I otherwise have high regard for have enacted mandates and refuse to do any personal research other than, “Dr. so-and so says.” This is appalling. At the very start, I asked Steve Baker (Steve BC to most here) to do serious research on this as we went along. I trust Steve completely on scientific and medical matters – not just to get it right, but when I ask him questions, to dive in, do the research and get it righter – and not to work from a pre-settled narrative, even if it is his own narrative. He is an honest man. In March of 2020, Steve, too, was very fearful of what Covid might portend. As he settled in and did the hard research, by May of 2020, he was furious. He told me that Covid should have a death rate near zero, that there were therapeutic approaches which, applied early, have a nearly 100 percent rate of eliminating the most dangerous symptoms – but that, inexplicably, both medical and public officials were suppressing them. Among these were the hydroxy-zinc treatment, ivermectin and heavy infusions of zinc and vitamin D. He told me before I saw any other reports that Covid is primarily an attack on the blood and circulatory system – not the respiratory system, and that intubation would be a death sentence for most people. The bottom line is that, unlike Anthony Fauci and the CDC, everything Steve told me panned out – well before the CDC and company started reluctantly conceding it. Because he is an honest man, Steve did not need any pointed direction to find good answers that held up under examination. But when I had questions, not once did he ever petulantly tell me I should just do what he says because he is a gifted scientist. Not once was there ever even a hint of that. I was perfectly comfortable asking him the most pointed questions, knowing that I would get answers that made sense, even if it took me a while to digest some of them. Occasionally, he would gently chide me when I misunderstood something he had told me, but our relationship was always based on mutual respect and a determination to get to the truth of the matter. It has genuinely horrified me that so many otherwise respectable Bishops have eschewed their obligation to fully examine the issue, under the guidance of scientific experts who are expected to answer their informed questions, and instead just issue orders without making even the most cursory examination into the contradictory issues themselves. But God intends to humble a lot of people who use self-centered hubris to make their decisions rather than duty and responsibility.
“…Lord, let me never spurn the abundant natural means you have prepared for us. Let me take the next right step while never petulantly demanding that only Your supernatural means of protection are acceptable to me. Never let my obedient prudence stray into hubris that I know better than You, thus forfeiting the divine protection that is essential to me. Let me use all the tools You have given to discern between good and evil, knowing that I am responsible to You for every decision I ever make and cannot abrogate them to anyone else under the color of authority…”
When the widespread consequences of large cultural decisions are unveiled, we are called, above all, to want what Our Father God wants; the reclamation of all souls to Him that are willing to be humbled. If we are wrong, let us not sulk, but pray for more wisdom and go forth with a firm resolve to do better, under God. If we are right, let us not crow, but go forth to care for those injured and reconcile them joyfully to God and to ourselves.
In many ways, a formal prayer is a sort of Sacramental – a visible sign of an invisible reality. No formal prayer is of much use if it does not truly signify the heart or, at least, the desired internal trajectory of the heart. Thus, if you throw yourself into reliance on God, but continue to act as if you are still the titan, the lie on your lips about what is in your heart will avail you nothing. If I had put together a great security package to protect myself during my pilgrimage and took great pains to purify all I ate and drank by my own means, I would have been living a deceptively pious lie, saying that I was throwing myself into radical dependence on God while continuing to live complete dependence on my own cleverness. My pilgrimage would have been a fraud instead of an acceptable offering to God.
That does not mean that saying a prayer while you are trying to live it well, but are not yet there, is of no avail. I sometimes think that these prayers are among the most powerful. The cry of the father of the tormented son to the Lord, “I believe, help my unbelief!” (Mark 9:24) is one of the most moving prayers in the Gospels, rigorously honest in the confession of his own infirmity and eagerly seeking for it to become fully true in his heart. But a prayer must reflect either the reality of the heart or its true desire. It is useless as a mere magical incantation.
“…When I err, Lord, show me Your mercy by firmly correcting me and filling me with resolve to get back up and go forward in Your service. When I have done well, give me the grace to minister to Your people who have stumbled, acting as true brothers and sisters in building each other up to strengthen Your Kingdom. Teach me to want what You want, never to attack the freedom You have given all people through Our Lord, but to convince and exhort in unfailing patience and humility. Lead me in a plain path, turning neither to the left out of anger nor to the right out of fear. Create in me a clean heart that I may participate with You in proclaiming Your Kingdom. Lord, You know I love you. Have mercy on me, a poor sinner. Amen.”
I frequently say the simple truth that God never leaves us bereft. Last November I said I suspected that these “vaccines” were likely to become the greatest medical disaster in history. The data I have now studied for a year convinces me it is true – and that we are just in the opening act of the unfolding disaster. Yet that unfolding disaster is not for our destruction, but for our reclamation:
For I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord,
Plans for welfare and not for evil,
To give you a future and a hope,
Then you will call on me and come and pray to me,
And I will hear you.
You will seek me and find me;
When you seek me with all your heart,
I will be found by you, says the Lord,
And I will restore your fortunes,
And gather you from all the nations,
And all the places where I have driven you, says the Lord.
Jeremiah – 29:11-14
Say this prayer for yourself and all you love who have been affected by the disorders of this age. Then trust that you will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.
I will speak at the YMCA of the Rockies this Saturday at 1 p.m., following a pilgrimage at the Chapel of St. Catherine on the Rock at Mt. Meeker organized by CORAC’s Region 12. All are invited. If you would like to come, just sign up here and let the organizers know. I will not be at the pilgrimage, but I will stay for dinner at the YMCA buffet after the talk. I understand it is an expansive buffet at a cost of $16. I hope to see you there!
As we begin our third week of our fall fundraising campaign for CORAC, we are now at a little over $18,000 raised, putting us at 36% of our goal. I am sending out thank you notes to all who contribute. I work at it a little each day. If your thank you note has a weird stamp, not to worry. Several years ago I mentioned to our Region 10 coordinators, Joe and Connie Brickner, that I love commemorative stamps. They sweetly send me regular little “care” packages – and ever since then, Connie always includes a sheet or two of commemorative stamps. So, to save money, I am using those commemorative stamps. So, if you get a T-REX, Matchbook Cars, Scooby Doo or other unusual stamp on your envelope, there is no hidden message behind it. I just go through them a sheet at a time.
I write some each day, but I am still only up to Sept. 28. Meantime, all monthly donors will be sent a special CORAC Rosary, with a little metal squirrel attached. These are being handmade by a dear lady in Minnesota (I gave a bunch away at the National Conference). She sends them to me in batches of 20 – so be patient. It will likely be Christmas or even after the first of the year before they arrive to you. It is not just for new monthly donors: ALL monthly donors will receive the Rosary.
Join me on Gab. Look for me under Charliej373 or at the CORAC group. Follow me and I will follow you back.