The First Milestone

Posted on 2022-11-08
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I am very confident now that, whatever happens today (election day), it will be our first milestone in the renewal of the world. The sequence I have long spoken of when God wants to pull us back to Him after we have determinedly fallen away is to: 1) Reveal the depth of the rot. 2) Let us reap the consequences of our folly. 3) Force us to choose who we will serve. 4) Publicly declare ourselves and take our stand.

The anti-God left has backed itself into a corner. It may cheat – as it always has in large numbers. But too many people’s eyes are fully open now. If it managed to cheat en masse, it would not cause people to sit back and submit; it would spark large scale civil unrest. Frankly, I think it will not take as long for results to come in as Democrats are hoping. Their fraud machine is prepared for a 10-foot wave…and what is coming in is a thousand-foot wave. The most likely exception I see is Pennsylvania, which has become a Mad Max-style hellscape of electoral lawlessness. Even there, if they steal it, it will be a pyrrhic victory. Pennsylvanians will know that the ruling class has reduced them to annoying cogs in the machine – and it will not stand much longer. You know how to destroy public confidence and respect altogether? Keep cheating and lying brazenly about things people can see for themselves. Woe to the cheaters when their own allies decide the truth is not in them.

You all know I expect it to be a bloodbath of historic proportions on election night – far more substantial than anyone else yet believes. But even if it is not, the stakes are now crystal clear. For all the left’s bleating about “our democracy,” they have made it clear they believe the Bill of Rights and the Constitution to be a dire threat to their “democracy.”

I have little confidence that the GOP is going to effectively defend our rights and hold the leftist predators to account, much less take steps to restore limited government and Constitutional liberty. Even if pressure from new members of Congress is strong enough to force the “reach across the aisle” caucus to do a few things to defend the public, it is not enough to merely correct some abuses from a corrupted system: that is merely to swat mosquitoes. We must drain the swamp. We must dismantle government by bureaucracy wholesale. Gone forever must be the notion that the winning party gets to dictate people’s lives according to their whims. A limited government by the consent of the governed with ordered liberty is the only way forward that will restore American democracy rather than just kick the can of leftist neo-tyranny down the road a few more years. I will be surprised if the new GOP majorities understand that and take anything more than cosmetic action.

I have been telling friends since the spring that I expect Republicans to take a whomping majority, then do little. Even so this, I think, will advance God’s will because it will reinforce the reality that there is no political solution to the challenge that confronts us. It is a challenge of Godliness, of turning back with our whole heart to the God who gives us life and light. Paradoxically, those people who are completely committed to God who have run for office this time are, in fact, doing the Lord’s work, even if entering a system that has become irreformable. We must become, once more, a fundamentally Godly people – and the call for each of us is to become Christian evangelists and activists working to defend the faith, hearten the faithful, and defend the faithful. They are the first fruits of a renewed Godly leadership.

So why do I consider this election day the first milestone rather than a mere exercise in futility? Because the people are aroused and have spoken. We have taken the first step towards reasserting ourselves. The people have said that men cannot become women, that it is wrong to slaughter babies wholesale and mutilate children for ideological fantasies, that destroying our prosperity to appease an angry weather goddess is rank superstition, that experts must have some actual expertise. I do not expect this day to solve much of anything, but it is very good, for it is the first demonstration that the people can rise up and act themselves. Having taken that first step, I DO have confidence that the people will find their way back to God and, thus, back to peace and prosperity – if they don’t sink back into torpor. If people understand that this is the beginning of reclamation, not the end, we will be in good shape. But we have a LOT of milestones ahead of us before we are once more a healthy, Godly people.


A CORAC member, a dear friend, wrote to tell me that a Chinese convert, living in their Christian community in America, has been ordered by China to leave the community or his family back in China will be jailed and persecuted. What a hideous situation, as the Vatican quietly renews its “agreement” with China! The only reason the Vatican’s betrayal of Catholics in China is not seen as one of the greatest scandals in Church history is because this Vatican has become a gushing fountain of scandal, offense, and outright blasphemy. Three of the members of the Pontifical Academy for Life are now pro-abortion, one radically so. What a callous mockery of what St. John Paul intended with the creation of that institute!

I grieve for those Bishops, Priests and Religious who busy themselves correcting the “errors” of Christ and the Magisterium. To take on such a calling, such a vocation is fraught with peril – for to knowingly betray the flock, to repudiate the words of Christ, to mutilate Scripture and the Magisterium for transient political ends under the color of religious authority is to consign oneself to the fieriest depths of hell. I can only believe that the relatively small but furiously active contingent of such clerics does not believe in God at all. They simply leverage the Divine name to try to enhance their worldly power and influence.

Pray for our religious leaders. The very best of them are beset by ravenous wolves in shepherd’s clothing. They need to know that we not only oppose the wolves, but that we live solidarity with the actual shepherds both in our prayer lives and in our activism. Yes, these are the birthing pangs of a great renewal of the faith, but we must pray that that renewal does not have to come by Caesarian Section.


While in Tyler, I attended Mass at Sts. Peter and Paul Chapel – a Mass celebrated by Bishop Joseph Strickland, one of the heroes of those of us in the pews.

Last weekend CORAC’s Region 8 had a glorious Field Day in Tyler, Texas. Some 200 people came to see demonstrations on self-defense, wild food preparation, sanitation, radio communications and more. Our own Sheryl Collmer, editor of the CORAC Newsletter, was the main organizer. It was a living icon of the type of community I am talking about.

I was the opening speaker, welcoming people to the event. I was surprised to find about a dozen people who had moved to Texas from California among the crowd. A handful of them were people I had first met in California. It made me think that California Gov. Gavin Newsom’s theme song should be, “All my exes Live in Texas.”

Next up was Doug Barry, host of Battle Ready on EWTN and co-host of the US Grace Force Podcast with Fr. Richard Heilman. Barry is a tough, no-nonsense guy who helps a lot of Christians live their faith with courage and fidelity in the public square. Over the years, he has done a very popular presentation of The Passion in many Churches and venues throughout the country. If you have never seen it, you have missed a great one.

Rounding out the afternoon was Mother Miriam of the Lamb of God, host of the popular online radio show, Mother Miriam Live. Born a Jew in Brooklyn, she came to believe Jesus is, indeed, the promised Messiah. She is a worthy successor to Mother Angelica, founder of EWTN, in her blunt candor and lively wit. If you are unfamiliar with her fascinating trajectory from young Brooklyn Jewish girl, to Evangelical Christian, to Catholic Nun, you should start listening to her. You won’t regret it.

The event brought people together from across the region, from Louisiana, Oklahoma, Arkansas and Texas (not to mention all of Gavin Newsom’s exes!). We ate together, prayed together, learned together and talked together. This gets right to the heart of what we are building at CORAC – a people who are knitting bonds of friendship and solidarity with each other, not waiting for an incompetent government to come solve our problems, but working with each other, caring for each other, and reaching out to all who will hear the call to faith, family and freedom. This is our future, the future of the Church, and the future of the world. It is a bright future, a future filled with hope and laughter, love and prosperity, under God.

I often tell crowds that I don’t have many skills. I’m kind of like Rob Schneider, that character in Adam Sandler movies who would pop up from time to time to say, “You can do it!” When I say it, people believe me and go out and do it. Glory! What a wonderful network of committed Christians we are forging across the nation and, in nascent form, the world, by just doing the little each of us can right in front of us. I sometimes feel a bit embarrassed that I, the leader of this great group, am a pudgy, crippled old man with bad teeth and thinning hair. But then I thought, while in Tyler, that I guess that has to be inspirational in its own way. If a pudgy, crippled, old man can joyfully press on with the next right step, anyone can. You can. Come join us!


Thank you to all of you who have been helping with our fall fundraiser. As we get ready to give thanks in a few weeks for our abundance of blessings, I give thanks for all of you who make CORAC possible. It is how we are knitting together the people of God in joyful fellowship – to renew the face and faith of the earth. As Tiny Tim once said, “God bless us, every one!”


If communication goes out for any length of time, meet outside your local Church at 9 a.m. on Saturday mornings. Tell friends at Church now in case you can’t then. CORAC teams will be out looking for people to gather in and work with.

Find me on Gab at Charliej373 or at the CORAC group.

Find me on Twitter at @Charlie62394802


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