Remember that HAM Radio is NOT private, so we will have to be extremely careful of what we talk about. However, since this is established to assist in an emergency situation, expediency is more important than privacy.
In the below listed band plan, three frequencies are identified. The first is primary (p) then the second is secondary (s) and the third is tertiary (t). If you dial up the primary frequency (p) and it is used by someone outside of CORAC, please monitor for two minutes to the secondary (s), wait and then switch to the tertiary (t). If any particular frequency you choose is not busy, start making your calls, making sure to identify yourself as CORAC.
The CORAC net is held each Sunday at 7:30 P.M. Eastern starting with JS8 Call at 10.130 then moving to 7.078 at 7:45. The SSB or voice portion of the net starts at 8 P.M. Eastern.
Seasonal Variations
Due to propagation, during the fall and winter seasons, (October 1 to through February 28) the net meets on 40 and 80 meters. During the Spring and Summer seasons (March 1 through September 30) the net uses the 20 – and 40-meter band. We use the frequencies as stated in the Emergency Band Plan below.
Emergency Band Plan
During a regional or national emergency please use the following:
- Try 40 meters first then go to 20 then 80 (at night)
- 40 meters (p) 7.284.10 (s) 7.265 (t) 7.178
- 20 meters (p) 14.312 (s) 14.257 (t) 14.228
- 80 meters (p) 3.982 (s) 3.962 (t) 3.762
DATA – Winlink
Use any frequency that can get through quickly for your message. Try doing a relay, through N5NJK at Liberty Center.
JS8 Call
For JS8 call in emergencies use 30 and 40 meters: 10.138 and 7.088.