2 months ago I made this scrumptious Rhubarb Curd (like lemon curd, but instead of lemons you use rhubarb juice). The recipe I followed said they “canned it”. Hot water bath for only 10 mins. I was skeptical because curd has butter and egg… that would need to be pressure canned if it can be canned safely at all. Well, I don’t know why I didn’t listen to my better judgment and I followed the recipe anyway.
4 weeks later, the day before I am supposed to leave for a trip, I look over and the curd is exploding out of the jars and oozing over the counter. The texture had completely changed, with green and grey colors on top. One jar lid had not unsealed yet, but I knew it was not safe.
Be careful who you trust when following “canning recipes” and take no risks when food looks off. Some people “can food” and then store it in the refrigerator… if the item needs to be stored in the refrigerator it is probably not properly canned. We all make mistakes…but some should never be eaten.