Reservations About Homeopathic Remedy Making Machines

Posted on 2023-06-26
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  7. Reservations About Homeopathic Remedy Making Machines
Discernment Required

Some months back, we had a discussion about radionics machines, which are marketed as having the ability to make homeopathic remedies. The way the discussion ended was that I said that I wasn’t comfortable with those machines; and that as a team, I’d prefer that we stick to either buying remedies or grafting them. Below is an exchange I had with a lady I’ll call “Jane” I thought I would share.

“Hey Mick. Have you used bionetix or radionics in homeopathy?”

“As far as your question goes, I do not use a bionetix or radionics machine. They make me nervous (or, more accurately, they cause me to be spiritually unsettled, so to speak).”

Jane: “Oh, that is interesting with that machine. I am hearing it works very well for making medicines but I am being a techy nerd trying to figure out how a plastic bottle full of medicated pellets can transform into a glass bottle full of blank pellets without bringing over the plastic too. I thought you would be the person that could help me understand. Spiritually unsettled sparks my interest!”

Mick: “Well, that’s the rub… from a scientific, “techy” perspective, there’s no way the machine can work. I have had it explained to me by three people who have them and use them a lot; and none of them can explain how it works. It doesn’t work on the basis of chemistry. It doesn’t work on the basis of physics. Homeopathy is physics-based, and is thus based in sound science. But when they told me that you can write the name of a remedy on a piece of paper and generate a remedy, or “broadcast” a remedy to someone at a distance… there is no way that that is scientifically possible. As a Christian, I believe in the power of prayer and in miracles. But a machine is not a vehicle for prayer or miracles; and when the machine supposedly generates a “miracle” by sending a remedy through space and time to someone or by turning a word on a piece of paper into a remedy… this, to me, smacks of the occult and thus of demonic activity. I don’t mean to sound harsh or alarmist, but I am very wary of all forms of occult influence. It’s probably because of my great-grandmother. I’ll explain: Just as there are physical and psychological miasms that get passed down through family lines, I believe that there are spiritual “miasms” that can pass through generations of a family. My great-grandmother was black and Cherokee. She was a medicine woman, and she was also heavily involved in the occult. Her son, my grandfather, became a 33rd-degree Freemason; two of his daughters (my mother’s sisters) are members of the Eastern Star and are devotees of astrology. My mother escaped all that, but not without battle scars. And the way this spiritual “miasm” seems to have affected me is that ever since I was a young child, I have had (for lack of a better way of putting it) a spiritual sensitivity toward and abhorrence of anything influenced by the occult. This includes books, movies and TV, music, art, games (like D&D), you name it. This spiritual sensitivity often causes an unsettling in my interior (my soul, if you will) when I’m exposed to something occult, and this has kept me out of a lot of trouble in my lifetime. Anyhow, when I first started hearing about the radionics machines, I was skeptical (techy nerds like you and math geeks like me need hard and fast evidence, no?). But the more I learn about the machines, the more and more I get that unsettling in my soul. Is this 100% proof that the machines “work” because of occult/demonic influence? No; but it’s enough for me to want to keep my distance from them. I apologize for the long-winded answer, but there’s no short-winded way to explain my reasoning.”

So the bottom line is that, whereas before I only had suspicions about the radionix/bionetix machines, I’m now pretty convinced that they are demonically influenced. I will never own one or use remedies that have been made on one. Everyone, of course, must do their own due diligence and prayerfully discern; but this is the conclusion that I have reached.

Additional thoughts:

“I would take your intuition very seriously and would be wary… I think our objections to this will necessarily be more intuitive, based in that sense you have of possible occult influence, or in my case on the sense that we can move from a right use of power (in materials, in words) to a grasping for power that gets disordered as it gets more and more abstracted from “grounding” in person, in substance…wanting the power more than a good end it might accomplish. In the case of transmitting a word of power via some technology, you can’t help but feel that diabolical reduction of Word to means being used without recourse to the One who is Word…a reduction of prayer that eliminates the One prayed to. Anything can tempt us to ‘just use it to get the effect we seek’ and so to bypass the prayer that offers substance or word or act to God as worship, asking for His blessing.”

“Ellen Bench had taught for years that they (remedy making machines) are to be avoided. They do not create effective remedies.”


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