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Functional Homeopathy: Flus, Cough, Cold, Colic, Vomiting, Diarrhea (Video Class 4)

Posted on 2023-06-28
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  7. Functional Homeopathy: Flus, Cough, Cold, Colic, Vomiting,...

This is Class 4 of Functional Homeopathy, a 5-part series, where you will continue learning general homeopathic principles for Flus, Cough, Cold, Colic, Vomiting, Diarrhea scenarios and how to apply them. Presented by Talitha (Region 14) of CORAC’s Health & Wellness team.

Class Topic – Flus, Cough, Cold, Colic, Vomiting, Diarrhea:
Please read the chapters for each week before class and write down any questions you may have. Also, feel free to ask questions on the Signal chat as you are reading.

Required Book:
“The Best Family Homeopathy Acute Care Manual: A Pictorial Guide to First Aid and Acute Therapeutics” by Kate Birch ($40 on Amazon)


  • Read Chapter 2, Sections 4 & 5 in the required book above by Kate Birch

Additional remedy readings for Class 4:
Participants will be asked to read the whole page out loud during class to facilitate ‘getting to know remedies.’

  • Eupatorium Page 168
  • Calendula Page 155
  • Cantharis Page 156
  • Mag Phos Page 187
  • Rhus Tox Page 203

Helpful websites:

Helpful Books:

First beginning books…

  • “Homeopathic Remedies: A quick and easy guide to common disorders and their homeopathic treatments.” by Asa Hershoff (provides simpler explanations and pictures)
  • “Homeopathy: An A to Z Home Handbook,” by Alan v. Schmukler (not the Kindle edition)

Homeopathy Book List in order of preference…

  • “The Banerji Protocols: A New Method of Treatment with Homeopathic Medicines,” by Prasanta and Pratip Banerji (2013). Please note that after much searching all copies currently being sold on the market have errors in the printing. Don’t spend more money for your copy thinking you will get a better one. The expensive ones are the same as the inexpensive ones. There is a document list of errors in the book that can be made available to you.
  • “Additional Protocols from the Banerji Clinic” by Nimisha Parekh (2019)
  • “Homeopathic Clinical Repertory” by Robin Murphy, 4th edition
  • “Nature’s Materia Medica” by Robin Murphy, 4th edition
  • “Vaccine Free” by Kate Birch (This is not just about “vaccines” but how to treat epidemic and childhood diseases with homeopathy)
  • “A Repertory of Homeopathic Nosodes & Sarcodes” by Berkeley Squire (if you have a nosode kit)

A quick reference book is helpful like the following…

  • “Homeopathy Made Simple” by Dr. R. Donald Papon

Some great pictures and diagrams…

  • “Homeopathy for Musculoskeletal Healing” by Asa Hershoff

Homeopathy for Plants book…

Potential/Future Costs:
Homeopathic remedy costs =$8-$1000…the following are different approaches:

  1. You can buy individual remedies for $6-$10 each at places like Whole Foods or other health food/supplement shop. You can order individual remedies from Washington Homeopathic Remedies (USA) >
  2. 50 remedy (mix of 30c and 200c) kit ($145) >
  3. Or buy a 100 remedy kit in (30c) and 100 remedy kit in (200c) for $255 each. This is the most economical long term, but a large sum initially. Ask me for more details if you are interested in this option.

Additional Books = $4 – $200

Grafting Supplies = $40 – $100



Functional Homeopathy: Introduction (Video Class 1)

Watch video >

Functional Homeopathy: First Aid (Video Class 2)

Watch video >

Functional Homeopathy: Fevers & Ear Infections (Video Class 3)

Watch video >

Functional Homeopathy: Flus, Cough, Cold, Colic, Vomitting, Diarrhea (Video Class 4)

Watch video >

Functional Homeopathy: Mind & Emotions & Next Steps (Video Class 5)

Watch video >


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