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Natural Toothpaste

Posted on 2023-07-18

[Question] I received an email from Grow Network. They are selling their dental kit which has these ingredients:

  • Natural Bentonite Clay
  • Baking Soda (Aluminum Free)
  • ​100% Pure, Activated Charcoal
  • Organic Peppermint Essential Oil

Would you say that tooth enamel can be restored with these ingredients? Can this fight any nasty bacteria in one’s mouth?

[Mick’s Answer] Eva, this is a good natural toothpaste. I have made something similar except(1) I used calcium carbonate powder rather than activated charcoal, (2) I used fennel essential oil rather than peppermint (which can neutralize homeopathic remedies), and (3) I added powdered comfrey leaf and powdered horsetail leaf to help build the teeth. I’m not sure how much this kit cost, but a homemade tooth powder is generally a fairly inexpensive proposition… and if you have any thyme, it wouldn’t hurt to throw it in, too.

(1) I’m going to assume that you have baking soda already. (2) Calcium carbonate powder is available on Amazon; but if you don’t like to shop there, here is where I get mine: https://www.vitacost.com/now-calcium-carbonate-pure-powder?ta=calcium+carbonate+powder&t=calcium+carbonate+powder; (3) Bentonite clay powder costs a fortune if you buy it in small bottles, so I buy the big ones (they ship for free, by the way): https://shop.redmondagriculture.com/products/redmond-clay?variant=40780147589235; (4) If you want to add comfrey powder or horsetail powder, you might be able to buy small amounts in the bulk-herb section of a local health-food store. If you can’t find those, then no biggie. OR… if you have plantain growing in your yard, you could dry and powder some of that (it is excellent for helping to remineralize teeth).


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