Refined sugar IS delectably sweet… and too much of it is destructive.
Have you been wrestling with trying to taper or eliminate your sugar habit? Sugar cravings are often caused by blood sugar imbalances. Sugar’s roller coaster will take you on a high of pleasure because of the dopamine and oxytocin hits which ensue when it’s ingested. After the high comes the crash when cravings seem unabated… until you satisfy those cravings with more sugar (This could also be accomplished in the form of eating an overabundance of refined, simple carbs which are readily digested, becoming glucose, just as refined sugar does.). Many are they who become trapped in the repetitive cycle.
The work of Bible Study Evangelista, Sonja Corbitt, is replete with teachings that address the challenges of childhood trauma and/or wounds which launch sugar addiction. This actually can be a way of self-medicating when old wounds are provoked. Corbitt’s teachings rise from a foundation of healthy spiritual development integrated with healthy human development. She preaches about the power of getting with God via the Scriptures so that HE becomes the source of our dopamine and oxytocin hits. As we build our relationship with Him, we allow Him into the depths of our old wounds, the more fully to heal us.
Homeopathy has remedy options which help tremendously. Before considering those remedies, first consider this article, written by a homeopath who dives deeply into the devastating effects on the body which too much sugar causes:
Especially take note of the damage sugar wreaks on the gut microbiome, essentially weakening one’s immune systemas well as negatively impacting neurotransmitter production.
Helpful Homeopathic Remedies:
An oral spray, in a category of remedies – developed by homeopath Ellen Bench – named, Remedi Health Solutions, has a particular remedy called: Blood Sugar Support, available here:
- Additional remedy options:
- Ethylicum 200C
- Saccharum album 200C and 1M Argentum nit
- Chelidonium
- Syzygium tincture
Additional remedies to consider:
- Nux vomica
- Helonias
- Possibly Avena Sativa (milky oat) tincture
If you have more questions, consider studying homeopathy and/or touch base with a budding homeopath in your region.