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Posted on 2023-08-03

About Rabies

Preventative: Lyssinum (Hydrophobinum) 30c for 7 days followed by Belladonna 6c 2D for 6 months. 

Once symptoms start: 

  • Stramonium 200c mixed with Arsenicum album 200c e3H till better and Lyssinum 
  • (Hydrophobinum) 30c 1D for 15 days. Banerji book pg. 108, Survivalist pg. 100

[Talitha] Preventative: Lyssinum (Hydrophobinum) 30c for 7 days followed by Belladonna 6c 2D for 6 months. 

Once symptoms start: 

  • Stramonium 200c mixed with Arsenicum album 200c e3H till better and Lyssinum 
  • (Hydrophobinum) 30c 1D for 15 days. Banerji book pg. 108, Survivalist pg. 100

1 Comment

  1. SteveBC

    Talitha, this has always been a kind of thought problem for me as to whether I would take the vaccine for rabies or try something else. It’s a thought problem because I always try homeopathy when I can (or herbs, whatever seems the best), but if a person makes a mistake on a rabies infection, the consequences are quite scary.

    Are the homeopathic remedies you recommend above meant to replace the normally provided vaccine? I just looked for information on the effectiveness of the vaccine for rabies but found little except that the new one is well-tolerated and highly effective if given before the virus gets established in the nervous system.

    I also don’t know the probabilities of successful treatment or of a treatment failure for this homeopathic program. Is it as effective as the vaccine? How thoroughly has that claim been tested in animals or humans?

    Of course, no matter whether I chose the vaccine or not, I would do this homeopathic program, take as much Vitamin C as possible, as well as other supplements that suppress viral replication, and so on.

    One other thing: It seems that once symptoms show up, the vaccine will not work. Unlike the vaccine, your homeopathic program has a part where it can be used after symptoms show up. Any positive effectiveness after symptoms show up is a bonus, so what is the cure rate of your program *after* symptoms show up?

    One thing I try to do is to develop protocols that are effective at treating scary diseases, so that I no longer need to fear that disease and react with panic if I get it. Having developed and proven a protocol to clear tetanus, I no longer fear getting it (though clearly I don’t want to get it!). I’d like to do the same thing with rabies, as that remains top of my “scary disease” list. Thus, my interest in the degree of effectiveness of your simple protocol here.

    Thank you!

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