From the Cleveland Clinic: “Intussusception is a condition in which one segment of intestine ‘telescopes’ inside of another, causing an intestinal obstruction (blockage). Although intussusception can occur anywhere in the gastrointestinal tract, it usually occurs at the junction of the small and large intestines. The obstruction can cause swelling and inflammation that can lead to intestinal injury. The exact cause of intussusception is unknown. In most cases, it is preceded by a virus that produces swelling of the lining of the intestine, which then slips into the intestine below. In some children, it is caused by a condition that the child is born with, such as a polyp or diverticulum.”
Note from a conventional medical professional from the H&W team: The rotavirus vaccine has intussusception as one of its major side effects.
Intussusception is a medical emergency. This article discusses the homeopathic remedies Opium, Plumbum met, and Veratrum album for treatment:
This article gives brief symptom pictures for Opium, Plumbum, and Veratrum album; but it also lists Aconitum (30C – 1M) as a possible treatment for intussusception:
This doctor used Arsenicum 200, in water doses as needed, to successfully treat intussusception in a
7-month-old baby:
From a member of the H&W team: “I just got out Murphy’s MetaRepertory and looked up intussusception in the Clinicals chapter (p.2314). It says, ‘See Intestines.’ So I went to the Intestines chapter. On p. 1292, I found over 3 dozen remedies listed under the rubric ‘Intussception’; and there are also 8 subrubrics. In alphabetical order, here are the top five remedies listed under the rubric: Arsenicum album, Colocynthis, Opium, Plumbum, and Veratrum album. The subrubrics would be helpful in narrowing down the remedy choice(s), depending on the particular symptoms; and a materia medica would be necessary to finalize the remedy choice(s).”