[MB] I was recently talking with a CORAC member about homemade tooth powder, so it got me think about oral hygiene from a sustainability perspective. For anybody who might be interested, this is the recipe that I used when making tooth powder (it’s a combination of 2 or 3 different recipes that I’ve come across over the years). It works well, and the kids didn’t mind it once they got used to the fact that it didn’t taste or operate like the toothpaste from the store. So, the recipe: 1 cup bentonite clay, 3/4 cup calcium carbonate powder , 1/4 cup baking soda, 2 tablespoons fennel powder, 2 tablespoons comfrey powder, 2 tablespoons horsetail powder, 25 drops fennel essential oil. The last 4 ingredients are optional, and other essential oils could be used (clove, lemon, orange… just no oils that would antitode homeopathic remedies). Mix everything together really well, and then store in an airtight container with as little head space as possible (several small containers would be better than one large container). A good price on a good brand of bentonite clay can be found here: https://redmond.life/products/