[Mick Question] Marilyn, how do you keep your cubed or shredded potatoes from turning brown when you dehydrate them?
[Marilyn Answer] Par bowl. Shredded 2 minutes, cubed-3 minutes and sliced 4-5 minutes. Put kettle with water on stove bring to a boil. While waiting for it to come to a boil, peel and shred potatoes-put into a bowl of cold water to rinse while waiting for the water in kettle. As soon as the water boils, drain the waiting potatoes and gently place into boiling water. Bring back to a boil and start timing for the alotted amount of time. Once time is up, With a slotted dipper, scoop out potatoes and place into a bowl of cold water. Drain and arrange on dehydrating trays. Dehydrate temp between 125-135 degrees until very dry. They crackle when done.