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Rabies Protocols

Posted on 2024-03-29

Ordinary Wisdom

[Charlotte] I’m looking for advice against rabies…a friend was bitten…trying to get animal control to help round up the dog.

[Mick] Charlotte, do you have the Epidemic Diseases document? If so, there are various protocols for rabies prophylaxis in it. If you don’t have a link to the document, please let me know. The remedies that immediately come to mind are Lyssin (also called Lyssinum and Hydrophobinum), Stramonium, Hypericum, Arsenicum, and Ledum. There may be others.
[Talitha] Here is the Rabies section of Mick’s doc, “Rabies:”
“Rabies is a virus, usually transmitted by saliva during an animal bite. It can also be contracted from contact with mucous membranes or an open wound. After being infected, symptoms may occur in  anywhere from ten days to over a year. Symptoms begin with mental depression, weakness,  restlessness, and fever. Extreme excitement, salivation, and painful spasm of the larynx follow. The  spasms make it difficult to drink, and the patient will refuse liquids in spite of great thirst. Death can  occur in three to five days due to asphyxia, paralysis, or exhaustion.
NOTE: if possible, observe the animal that did the biting. If it does not develop symptoms within ten  days, then it probably didn’t have rabies.”
“NOTE: Rabies is a virus that spreads through the central nervous system and affects the brain. The virus  is usually transmitted through saliva but can also be passed on through a cut scratch or moist tissue in  the nose or eyes. The symptoms include fever, depression, agitation and painful spasms followed by  excessive saliva. Death occurs within 7 days if not treated properly.”
  • Dr. H. S. Khaneja, Find Your Remedy An Illustrated Homeopathic Guide. Third Edition, page 575.
  • Alan V. Schmukler, Homeopathy An A to Z Home Handbook, pages 182-183.
Rabies Prophylaxis 1 of 3
Hydrophobimum (also called Lyssin or Lyssinum) 30c, Belladonna 3c (or 30c for children)
“This only to be used if the bite is from a rabid animal or if there is high probability of it; Hydrophobinum  30c, 3 times a day for one week followed by Belladonna 3c (or 30c for children) 2 times a day for 6  months.
NOTE: When using a remedy for extended periods it is best to dissolve it in a bottle of water and take 1/2 teaspoon doses. Tap the bottle 10 times against a book or table before each use. It you should develop a reaction to the remedy, stop for a week and try it again.”
Vitamin C: see “Extras” section for details.
  • Alan V. Schmukler, Homeopathy An A to Z Home Handbook, page 183.
  • Dr. Thomas E. Levy, Curing the Incurable, Vitamin C, Infectious Diseases, and Toxins. 3rd Edition, Copyright 2009, pages 94-105.
Rabies Prophylaxis 2 of 3
Banerji Protocol: Stramonium 200c mixed with Arsenicum album 200c
Take the Stramonium 200c mixed with Arsenicum album 200c, one dose every 3 hours.
Vitamin C: see “Extras” section for details.
  • Epidemic Diseases, Page 53 of 97
  • Prasanta Banerji, Pratip Banerji, The Banerji Protocols, A New Method of Treatment with  Homeopathic Medicines, pages 108-109.
  • Dr. Thomas E. Levy, Curing the Incurable, Vitamin C, Infectious Diseases, and Toxins. 3rd Edition, Copyright 2009, pages 94-105.
Rabies Prophylaxis 3 of 3
Alternate Banerji Protocol for Animal and Human Bite Wounds: Hypericum 200c mixed with Arsenicum  Album 200c, Stramonium 200c mixed with Arsenicum Album 200c
  1. Hypericum 200c mixed with Arsenicum Album 200c, one dose every 3 hours for any type of animal or human bite.
  2. Stramonium 200c mixed with Arsenicum Album 200c, particularly for dog bites, to be given, 4 doses a day for 1 month
Vitamin C: see “Extras” section for details.
  • Prasanta Banerji, Pratip Banerji, The Banerji Protocols, A New Method of Treatment with  Homeopathic Medicines, page 48.
  • Dr. Thomas E. Levy, Curing the Incurable, Vitamin C, Infectious Diseases, and Toxins. 3rd Edition, Copyright 2009, pages 316-319.
Rabies Treatment 1 of 3
Banerji Protocol: Stramonium 200c mixed with Arsenicum album 200c, Hydrophobinum 30c (Lyssin or 
  1. Take the Stramonium 200c mixed with Arsenicum album 200c, 1 dose every 3 hours.
  2. Then take Hydrophobinum 30c, one dose daily. Take this for at least 15 days, and longer if symptoms persist.
Vitamin C: see “Extras” section for details.
  • Prasanta Banerji, Pratip Banerji, The Banerji Protocols, A New Method of Treatment with Homeopathic Medicines, pages 108-109.
  • Dr. Thomas E. Levy, Curing the Incurable, Vitamin C, Infectious Diseases, and Toxins. 3rd Edition, Copyright 2009, pages 94-105.
Rabies Treatment 2 of 3
This the Classical approach to rabies treatment. Use the remedies that match the symptom picture:
“Agava americana Mother Tincture: A very good remedy for rabies. Give 10 drops (without the addition of water which is dreaded by the patient) right on the tongue every 10 minutes till cured.
Hydrophobinum 200c (one dose): Actions violent. Jumps, strikes and bites like a mad dog.
Lyssinum 200c (one dose for 3 days): Convulsion brought about by the sight of running water. 
Hypersensitiveness of all senses. Start the treatment with this remedy.
Epidemic Diseases
Page 54 of 97
Stramonium 200c (STAT: one dose only, repeat every 3rd day): Madness of a person on seeing running water or even by drinking water.
Xanthium 200c (one dose): It is said to be a specific remedy for hydrophobia.
Anagallis 1x (3 times daily), Cantharis (3 times daily): These remedies are given symptomatically and when there is great fear of water.
Belladonna 30c (2 times daily): After 7 days- one dose every evening and morning when there is fever and diarrhea.”
“*Hydrophobinum: Treatment may be started with this nosode. Follow with appropriate remedies.
*Belladonna: Face red, hot and sweaty. Neck veins bulging. Thirsty but can’t swallow water. Delirium, convulsions, striking, biting, and spitting. Worse from noise, light or being jarred.
*Stramonium: Can’t bear the sight of water or any glistening object. Unable to drink. Delirium, convulsions. Fears darkness and being alone. Better from light. Awakens screaming.
*Hyoscyamus: Twitching, jerking muscles. Insomnia. Extreme thirst but can’t swallow. Much perspiration. Talkative (or very quiet), jealous, and suspicious. Fumbles with his hands and picks at things. Worse from touch.
Cantharis: Itching and burning sensations. Anger and convulsions. Worse from the sight of water or bright objects.
Lachesis: Face red, delirious, very talkative, worse from heat, worse after sleep, difficulty swallowing especially liquids, sensitive to light touch, can’t bear anything around his neck or waist. His tongue trembles so much, he can’t stick it out.”
  • Dr. H. S. Khaneja, Find Your Remedy An Illustrated Homeopathic Guide. Third Edition, pages 371, 575.
  • Alan V. Schmukler, Homeopathy An A to Z Home Handbook, pages 182-183.Rabies Treatment 3 of 3
Herbal: Echinacea, Lobelia, Mad-dog skullcap, Gentian, Plantain or Comfrey, Baikal skullcap (Chinese skullcap), Isantis, Licorice, Cordyceps, Japanese knotweed, Lion’s mane, Kudzu
The herbs listed are antiviral and protective of the brain and central nervous system.
Vitamin C: see “Extras” section for details.
  • Stephen Harrod Buhner: Herbal Antivirals Natural Remedies for Emerging & Resistant Viral Infections. Second Edition, pages 160-162, 164-170.
  • Dr. Thomas E. Levy, Curing the Incurable, Vitamin C, Infectious Diseases, and Toxins. 3rd Edition, Copyright 2009, pages 94-105.
  • Stephen Harrod Buhner: Herbal Antivirals Natural Remedies for Emerging & Resistant Viral Infections. Second Edition


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