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Mast Cell Activation Syndrome

Posted on 2024-05-03
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  7. Mast Cell Activation Syndrome

Ordinary Wisdom

[EPS] My daughter has mast cell disease.  This disease concerns me. I hope we can find a quality medical practitioner.

[EMT] I have Mast Cell Activation Syndrome.  Is this what she has?

[EPS] Yes.

[LL] Not to get off topic on this thread, but diet and low-histamine foods and low-tyramine foods really helped me, along with Mast cell stabilization through quercetin, bromelain, famotidine, non-citrus C (rose hips), Isatis, and L-theanine (supplement natural occurring in green tea).

[EMT] I take Quercetin, Vit. C, and stinging nettle.  Oh also maintain a low histamine diet.

[JN] Just diagnosed with Mast Cell disorder today.  My doc suggested more fermented foods.  At least my pain has a name. I could take anti-inflammatories but those tear up the body. I am grateful for any prayers offered in this direction!   Especially, as I try to make lifestyle changes. Is there a book and/or website where I can learn more about low histamine foods? I would appreciate others’ experience and suggestions. Thank you!

[EMT] I control it with food.  Histamines are a huge part of this.  I’m going to give you a link I watched the other day.  It talked goofs you should avoid because of histamine intolerance and MAST Cell Activation Syndrome. I promise you can get though this.  Mine has gotten to the point of where it causes my throat to swell up and I’m not able to swallow.  I keep steroids with me, but I limit my histamines.

WATCH VIDEO: Is Histamine Intolerance The Cause Of Your Mysterious Symptoms? >

To be honest, doctors are just being educated on this.  Many doctors I’ve seen haven’t heard of it.  I was diagnosed 7 years ago.  Being gluten-free is one of this things that has helped to save my life.  I keep a low histamine bucket.  When it starts to spill over, I have problems.  You can research low histamine foods and Pinterest has been my best friend for dining recipes.

[JN] Thanks EMT. I am grateful for any info. Apparently, my inflammation is very high. Which explains why I have so much pain.

[EMT] I take turmeric for inflammation twice a day.  In the morning and at night.  It helps tremendously.  Once you start taking food out of your diet that is causing inflammation, you will begin to feel better.

[MB] JN, have you seen this article? I like Dr. Homeo, and his articles are my go-to when I’m researching a classical-homeopathic approach to various health conditions. Anyhow, the link:

READ MORE:  What is Polymyalgia Rheumatica and it’s Homeopathic Treatment >

[MV] This article talks about mast cell disorder and list foods that are high in histamine including fermented food!!

DOWNLOAD PDF:  Mast Cell Activation Syndrome >

[MB] JN, if you have nettles growing on your property, they might help (as a tea, or as cooked greens):

READ MORE: Top 7 Naturopathic Home Remedies For Mast Cell Degranulation And Histamine Stabilization >


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