Steady On…

Posted on 2024-11-11

Tyler, Texas – Well, I killed another computer going into the end of the week. When you are constantly pounding away writing, a laptop PC has a shelf life of about three to three and a half years before some of the keys stop working. This time it was primarily the P key –  and a few others sporadically. I had hoped I could nurse it for another month by typing most of the word and then using auto-correct options to help. But by Saturday it was clear it was no more. Last time around it was primarily the M key that went out. So I’m good now until late ’27 or early ’28. That’ll work – a new laptop for a new political era.


I spent much of last week euphoric and feeling that a huge weight had been lifted from my shoulders. It is a good feeling, but it can also make you nervous waiting for the other shoe to drop.

We dodged a very big bullet. The authoritarian left was dead serious about seizing permanent control, making America a one-party command state, and punishing – including with prison – all who dissent from their toxic delusions of grandeur. Now we will have a genuine ally at the helm of the American state as we go about the work of rebuilding Western Civilization from the ground up.

Do not be deceived. We still have a ton of work to accomplish our aim of rebuilding a healthy culture that builds people up and gives them meaning and joy. But we will not have to fight a brutal rear-guard action to preserve basic freedoms and the objective rule of ordered law here in America, itself. Which is not to say we will not have to fight that rear-guard action at all. While many Democrats are now talking unity and insisting Republicans sit with them and sing Kumbaya, they are a sneaky bunch. All they care about is power. They are plotting and scheming as you read this on how to seize victory from the jaws of defeat by fooling Republican rubes. Right now, the State Dept. is busily trying to game things to make permanent the Biden-Harris policies of sticking it to our allies and coddling our enemies. The Biden White House is trying to give more protection to the unaccountable bureaucrats who have made our lives such a misery. The Deep State is burrowing in and curling up like those little shelled bugs you find when you turn over a rock.

Even larger, we have become completely deranged about what elections mean. In America, elections were designed to choose the clerks who would carry out the peoples’ will. Instead, we have come to think of them as a choice over who will rule us imperiously for the next few years. America has become one big Homeowners Association (HOA) run amok. We must take the people’s sovereignty back village by village, county by county, state by state, and city by city. While local petty tyrants are not quite as powerful as the ones the left wanted to permanently embed in Washington, they are both annoying and mindless – and dangerous. Time to send all the HOA’s packing.

I think, as we go forward, there are three things we must now concentrate on.

First is Vigilance. We got into this situation because we were complacent and neglectful, all too willing to allow mouthy halfwits with delusions of adequacy to rule us – so long as they would do the work and leave us be. As we have found out, delusional halfwits NEVER just leave you be. There comes a critical point where they convince themselves they are geniuses and you must bow to their imperial will. We must oust them all – and never let them take control of anything again. I would start with county health departments. They were WAY too eager and brutal in making up and enforcing rules that had no genuine scientific basis or common sense during Covid just because they could. They were thrilled about how powerful they were. Let them – and all who went on these vicious, mindless, power trips – be shown that their viciousness will quickly earn them a trip to the ash heap, forever after an object of scorn and contempt.

During the Biden years, at least 10,000 Islamic terrorists and a thousand Chinese operatives were allowed to pour through our non-existent southern border. They did not vanish when Trump won. We will suffer terrorist attacks, perhaps something coordinated nationally. The danger of that goes up as we recover – because the bad actors in the world desperately need to keep us divided in order to execute their sinister plans in the rest of the world.

Globally, China has got to be thinking seriously of taking Taiwan before Trump is sworn in – giving him a fait accompli to deal with rather than allowing him to take the much easier task of deterrence. Though things have gone badly for Iran’s effort to unite world Muslims in an apocalyptic effort to take over the world (which was what Oct. 7 last year was intended to be the opening gambit for), it has to frantically be calculating how to survive and change the tide. I continue to think Islam is going to effectively conquer western Europe – and that will be the base it will use to fight us.

Why are we in NATO at all? England, France, Germany and Spain have all become authoritarian tyrant states, to one extent or another. Why is our money going to prop up their tyranny? And don’t even get me started on the U.N., the most corrupt large agency in world history that has degenerated to a world dictator’s club…that we pay for. We need to do a complete overhaul of diplomatic thinking for a very changed world – and aggressively pursue American interests. For all the overheated rhetoric and constant demonization, Russia is now a freer country than England – and more tolerant of all religions. I will be writing about the whole cohort of geo-political changes and priorities to rebuild western civilization in this next year.

Do not underestimate the depravity and stealth of the Deep State. Be prepared for yet another assassination attempt on Trump and an actual violent insurrection, since their administrative efforts, relying on massive lawfare, didn’t pan out. These people have a LOT at stake…not just their jobs, but serious legal jeopardy, as well. Throughout history leftists have almost always punctuated their dying efforts with a grand gesture of desperate violence. Remember John Wilkes Booth? Maybe it won’t happen, but I am not about to sing Kumbaya with a bunch of orcs who are sizing up which part of my back would be the best place in which to stick a shiv.

Second is reforming the Churches. This is actually the first priority, but in a crisis you must go with what is most urgent first, in order to build a stable base from which to operate. The first thing to understand is that whatever the variety of Christian Church, it belongs to Christ, not to Pope Francis or Rick Warren. They are administrators and leaders of Christ’s Church – and they seem to want to make Christ a pale mascot for their own idiosyncratic churches. I am invigorated by and have learned much from serious doctrinal and theological debate with all my brothers in faith. But I am a Christian…and when our leaders start contradicting the plain words of Christ and the Church Fathers, I will NOT follow them into the perdition they are laying out for themselves. Enough already. And lest anyone get puffed up, every major Church and denomination has become infected with elements that have become entirely worldly and are embracing practices that directly contradict Christ and Scripture. If you want a church of woke, go build one. But you will NOT pervert the teaching of Christ to overthrow Him from His throne in Christian Churches.

I will be writing much more about this in the coming year. First we had to get a government that would not restlessly search for pretexts on which to persecute and arrest Christians. I have high hopes that that mission is accomplished.

It absolutely shames me that the head of the Doctrinal Office in my Catholic Church, Cdl. Victor Manuel Fernandez, was best known for his homo-erotic poetry and prose before Pope Francis appointed him to head one of the most vital departments of the Church. Most of my Protestant brethren have similar horrifying scandals from their own leadership that shame them. It is time for all of us who truly believe in Christ, whatever our plausible doctrinal disagreements, to make common cause in re-establishing that Christ reigns as the true King of the Universe. No, we can’t (and probably shouldn’t) change leadership overnight. But even when vast swaths of our leadership have been corrupted by ideology and worldly ambition, we can still live faith with fidelity – and make clear that an order to defy Christ’s plain Scriptural teaching is no order at all…and refuse to obey such.

The counter-revolution to this insurrection against Christ by some of the leadership begins now…and it starts by enthusiastically and publicly supporting those leaders who DO respect the divine sovereignty of Jesus Christ.

Third is Evangelization. Many people have been deeply confused by the inane and insane ideologies and enthusiasms of the atheist left. Some are completely and permanently lost in those delusions, thinking that the only meaning in life comes from power and the will to dominance. All those, both the confused and the lost, are miserable and angry. We don’t know which are the lost and which are merely the confused. So we are called to evangelize, to share the good news of the Gospel in ways that can bring the confused back into the fold to find the meaning and joy that faith, family, and freedom bring.

That does not mean we don’t fight abuses in some puerile effort to “be nice.” We must fight abuses. But we should make those who would be enemies of the faith prove that they are enemies. St. Joan of Arc, my great patron, would spend an hour before each battle pleading with the enemy to surrender or retreat. She mainly got a lot of abuse for her efforts, but she was faithful in doing them. After that, though, she was all hammer and tong until the battle was won. A useful example for us going forward.

We must also refuse to make the perfect the enemy of the good. Do NOT be so arrogant, petty, and vain that you condemn those who have begun their walk towards real faith because they are not as far along as you think they should be. In these matters, trajectory is king. It is what is in your heart and where you are headed that most interests me. If your heart and your trajectory are good, I have no doubt that God will take care of the rest in His good time. I cannot tell you how disgusted I am at those pro-lifers who wanted to dump Trump – the man who gave us the biggest pro-life victory in over 50 years – because he is not as advanced on the issue as they think they are. Frankly, if you are going to savage those who bring you victory because they are not as pure as you, you will not earn any more victories…and you don’t deserve to.

These are the three overriding themes I will be talking about in the near future.


In the midst of everything happening last week, Beckita pointed me to a website set up by RFJK Jr. to discuss the serious issues before us rather than just listening to midwit talking heads and celebrities tell us what we should think. It looks like the sort of forum a lot of folks on this site would enjoy.

Even more intriguing, Kennedy is seeking nominees of top people from the ground up, particularly for reforming our health agencies. I hope to see some Frontline Doctors there and some CORAC Health and Wellness leaders. Let us step up and make a difference now that we are getting a government that wants to hear what we think rather than telling us what we must think.

If communication goes out for any length of time, meet outside your local Church at 9 a.m. on Saturday mornings. Tell friends at Church now in case you can’t then. CORAC teams will be out looking for people to gather in and work with.

Find me on Twitter at @JohnstonPilgrim

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The Corps of Renewal and Charity (CORAC)

18208 Preston Rd., Ste. D9-552

Dallas, Texas 75252

1 Comment

  1. schoooter

    Wow, Charlie. This packs a punch. Thank you.

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