*That CORAC members respond with patience and kindness to family members, neighbors, friends, and other people of good will who have been Made To Be Afraid™ of the November 5, 2024, election results; and that we be signs of hope for those around us
*For Charlie as, with a lighter heart, he revises CORAC’s manual: Revival: A Handbook and Manual for Building Functional Communities
*That CORAC members experience renewed vigor and hope as we work to help renew the culture, neighborhood by neighborhood, with God’s grace and assistance to lead people back to Him
*For CORAC members to seek and receive gifts of discernment as we continue to face and resist cultural efforts that oppose or disregard God’s design and commandments
*That many people be healed in body, mind, and spirit through the online Physical Healing Prayer Session via Zoom (usually on the last Wednesday of each month); and through many other healing prayer ministries in which CORAC members are engaged
*That CORAC members may strongly desire and find the means to participate in financial support for our vital ministries
For all intentions carried in the hearts of CORAC members and those posted on the CORAC Prayer Hotline, with gratitude for prayers answered in our daily lives
St. Gabriel, enlighten us.
St. Michael, defend us.
St. Raphael, protect us.
Ave Maria, Stella Maris!
Prayer Warriors
BH-MT | MP-AZ | JB– IL | NS-NE | KM-KS | KU-OR | KA-MN | CF-NE | MK-IA | PB-PA | PW-MI | NS-NE | CC-MO | CE-NE | WH-IA | AL-MN | PB-PA | CG-MT |KB-VA | AM-GA | SO-TX | MD-NS | FA-WI | MM-OR | AH-WI | CM-NY | CS-GA | CS-TX | MC-IL | LA-LA | KO-MI | MP-OH | RW-OH | BM-WV | ST-SD | SB-CT | GF-IL | PP-OH | MK-NJ | KR-MN | PW-MI | MC-MT | LK-WA | RD-WI | ES-GA | BW-MA | SE-MT | SG-MN | JS-NY | KM-CT | CJ-IA | DE-CA | BM-IA | BN-VA | KT-TN | MR-MA | DT-MA | TP-NH | BC-KY | KM-FL | TP-MN | JH-CO | JR-CT | MB-MN | JT-MD | CB-TX | AW-CA | DL-BC | AR-MA | KM-IA | CO-Int’l | MC-MA | CB-TX | JS-MN | MC-CA | SP-WY | BW-MA | JL-NY | CC-Int’l | CB-LA | CR-LA | RS-LA | TS-IL | MU-IA | MJ-CT | SrC-MS | VG-MT | YM-Int’l | MT-Int’l | GC-MT | ML-Int’l | TT-MT | LN-WI | MF-Int’l | JS-MN | RP-MN | NW-OH | YM-Int’l | GD-MT | BG-MI | BP-MO | CB-LA | SA-PA | EM-NY | DW-KY | MD-FL | LB-IL | ML-MO | TR-CA | PS-CO | SS-IA | SF-MB | BP-MO | DD-Int’l | CC-MO | CB-WI | GW-CA | SF-OH | LP-VA | MP-TX | DT-MA | JL-NY | CG-MT | MM-MT | JM-CO | MW-IA | ET-MT | AR-MA | MK-WI | CD-PE | CG-CO | MD-GA | CB – WI | DW-MN | ES-ND | P-AZ | CA-KS | ED-IL | MB-IL | AM-IL | MV-NE | DT-MA | GL-NM | AL-WI | MK-IL | CG-MT | EB-AK | RD-MA | TK-MT | ET-MT | PN-MT | LB-MI | JG-NY | BH-AZ | JH-OK | SM-KS | LS-OR | ML-CO | PD-VA | ES-ND | GF-NM| LK-IL | BS-CO | JL-NS | GC-MT | EG-IN | TS-IL | MR-IA | LB-FL | GC-MT