Good News, Bad News, Best News

Posted on 2022-05-03
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The Good News

The backlash to anti-God left-wing authoritarianism has begun in earnest.

-A leaked first draft indicates that the Supreme Court has decided to overturn Roe v Wade.

-Elon Musk has bought Twitter – and free speech once again has a chance.

-Dinesh D’Souza has put together proof of MASSIVE vote fraud in 2020 and presents it in his new documentary, “2000 Mules.” Joe Biden lost the election by a large margin – and the criminal operation the once-noble Democratic Party has become brazenly stole it.

-The Disney Corporation’s challenge to families and the people of Florida has been met – and Disney’s market cap is in full-scale collapse as parents flee from perhaps the largest institutional child grooming operation in history.

-After spending $300 million to get CNN+ off the ground, it collapsed within three weeks. Whoever it was that successfully recommended to CNN suits that people would pay big bucks to watch what they would not watch for free is a genius of sorts. I hope he fails upward and continues to successfully give such toxic counsel to every woke corporation out there.

-After abandoning entertainment for woke hectoring, Netflix is now bleeding subscribers and cash like a hemophiliac.

-As much as authoritarians long for its return, their brand of irrational Covid panic is dead.

It has been long in coming, but ordinary Americans seem to be finding their way back to an understanding of traditional American values.

The Bad News

Have no doubt that the evil empire that American government and media has become will strike back hard. Allowing for genuine freedom and self-government would mean the elite’s total destruction.

-The leaking of the Supreme Court draft is likely an effort by a lefty to pressure some conservative justice to change his vote. I think it a desperate effort, but don’t be surprised if the left mounts a new round of “peaceful protests” like the fiery destruction of the summer of 2020 to try to scare any timid conservative justice into backing down. The anti-God left’s implicit message will be, “allow us to continue to murder babies or we might murder you.”

-Already the illegitimate Biden administration has set up a Ministry of Truth – the Disinformation Governance Board – to try to maintain control of the narrative by threatening to arrest you if you dare to disagree with the narrative. In a free country, citizens are never required to justify their opinions to the government; the government is required to justify its policies to the citizens.

-The left does not care about facts, evidence or truth; only that they get their way by hook or by crook – or by violence. Like a demon that has been revealed, they will not repent in the face of overwhelming proof of their identity. They will only hiss and snarl and claw all the harder. Demonic entities and their acolytes have no shame. They cannot be reasoned with, only defeated.

-Disney will fight and almost certainly lose, despite the hopeful meanderings of some legal sophists. But the greatest sick exposition of mass sexual disorder and psychosis will remain embedded in our dead culture. Working on a major ongoing project a few years back, a collaborator said to me in shock at our latest discoveries that, “My God, Charlie! When the history of this era is written it will turn out that we have long been governed by satanic pedophiles.” He spoke true.

-Entertainment, like everything else the left touches, has been ruined. Netflix, like Hollywood, is truly in the middle stages of catastrophic collapse. But bankruptcy will not deter them. The main actors are no longer purveyors of entertainment. They are demonic advocates who seek to pervert entertainment to destroy truth and memory.

-The animated Dr. Fauci (the evil doppelganger of Dr. Seuss – they both use absurdities to propel their narratives. Only Dr. Seuss’ absurdities were fun and wholesome) continues to opine that we must be prepared for more useless masking and damaging lockdowns. Bill Gates promises a new and even deadlier pandemic is just around the corner. The globalist left and its acolytes in the modern Democratic Party do not care what crisis allows them to take complete control via The Great Reset, only that one does. So they will keep manufacturing and peddling crises to the gullible in hopes that one will stick.

To paraphrase Winston Churchill, the very real backlash that has begun is not the end of malignant woke culture, it is not even the beginning of the end. It is, perhaps the end of the beginning. All but the more slow-witted have begun to realize we are in the midst of an existential crisis for western civilization – and are beginning to choose their sides…deciding for whom they will stand. The anti-God left is a spiritual and civilizational “terminator.” The wisest of people are beginning to realize, with Sarah Connor, that “…it can’t be reasoned with, it can’t be bargained with, it doesn’t feel pity or remorse or fear – and it absolutely will not stop. Ever.”

In a larger sense, most of the nascent backlash to the left’s attempt to seize and topple western civilization is entirely secular. Don’t get me wrong. I am not some Christian triumphalist who turns up his nose and sniffs at any help from people who have a different faith than I do – or even no religious faith. I know enough about the faith to know that, to do that, I would have to condemn St. Thomas Aquinas for relying so heavily on the work of an ancient pagan philosopher; that I would have to condemn St. Paul for mounting an apostolate to the Gentiles; and that I would have to condemn Jesus Christ for routinely ministering to pagans and Samaritans – and I would find especially noxious Jesus’ words about the pagan centurion: “I tell you, not even in Israel have I found such faith.” The folks who first ask, before considering the thoughts of another, “Is he Catholic?” or “Is he Baptist?” or whatever version of “Is he part of the tribe I prefer?” don’t get it at all – and are in grave danger of having Christ someday say to them, “Depart from me. I never knew you.” I well know that wisdom is its own justification and the very process of people collaborating together in some great cause is, itself, a powerful form of evangelization. Christianity has some simple, solid, immutable rules derived from the words of Our Founder and His Apostles – but it is NOT tribal. Yet even many serious Christians have been infected by the secular ethos of our age: when things get dire, they abandon the principles of faith because tacitly they think severe problems are too serious to be left to the vagaries of one’s favorite ‘superstition.’ I was saddened during my very serious bout with Covid when some I trust tried to persuade me to abandon my publicly stated principles and go into the hospital just because I was near death. But there it is – when push comes to shove, our trust is too often in man rather than God. Much of the turmoil we are undergoing is being used by God to teach us anew that, “…the battle is not to the strong nor the race to the swift.” Without a critical mass of people who understand that God is the only sovereign, our efforts are as useless as the spinning of a stripped gear.

We are, “…not contending against flesh and blood, but against the principalities, against the powers, against the world rulers of this present darkness, against the spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places…” (Ephesians 6:12) If we rely primarily on the tools of man to contend against demonically inspired assaults, we will lose, no matter how elegantly our resistance is crafted. Yet this great and terrible process we have entered into is not for our destruction but that we may learn, even from our failures, that nothing will avail until we put on the whole armor of God.

The Best News

God wins. I say that not in a superficial, chirpy way of whistling past the graveyard, but as the simple, immovable reality of human history. Whenever any of the lesser conflicts before this have happened in human history, the forces of darkness have exacted a terrible toll in human lives and misery before the assault is repulsed. I expect nothing to be significantly different about this most great and terrible confrontation between good and evil. The history of western civilization is the history of Christianity – one that progressively gave the greatest benefits to mankind. But it is a history of constant struggle. Times of peace and prosperity have been the times when we must struggle hardest against out own cupidity.

I think God is not seeking to change our minds: rather, He is in the midst of changing our mindsets. That is part of this process of renewal He has initiated and is a pre-requisite to the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart.

When I was at my worst, laying in my sickbed, I told Beckita that if God decreed that I would be more useful to the work before us in purgatory or in heaven, He would take me. If He decreed that I would be more useful here, He would leave me. Whatever happened to me, the will of God would be advanced since I was a willing collaborator, trusting in whatever He decreed. I did tell her that I thought the Lord was taking me down to the foundation, that He might build me anew, but that was just my speculation. That trust did NOT mean that I forsook all temporal efforts at healing. I took many supplements and such. But it did mean that I would NOT violate any matters of fundamental principle – either that I had publicly articulated or privately vowed. I did fail once. In panic over one very painful symptom that lasted a few days, I ordered some supplements that I knew I should not have. (Perfectly licit supplements – but not for me…and I knew it.) Amusingly, when the expensive supplements arrived and I took them, it turned out that I was allergic to them. I laughed. Such a gentle and amusing way of God chastising me for briefly giving in to my panic. I regarded it as Him swatting me on the nose for not trusting to Him completely as I had vowed and then patting me on the head and telling me I was still a good dog who just had a bad moment.

At this time in salvation history God has called each of you. Think carefully and deeply before making any vows. I tire of the casual mindless ways in which so many say, “I would never…” in order to demonstrate their prowess without having to actually live it. Whatever vows you make, rest assured that God will test whether you mean them or not by having to actually live it. So be slow to make any vows beyond the commands of Christ and absolutely steadfast in living it when it is demanded of you. It will be. Live simply. Then, when you fail in a particular, do not go into despair – which is a trap of the satan and a perverse form of pride. Don’t you know that you do not have the prowess to live even the simplest of vows? It is the Lord who strengthens you. Trust in Him, even to bind up your self-inflicted wounds, and He will take the little fish you offer Him and feed a multitude with it. This is His process of purification for you that you may be made fit to care for others.

Do not be like some who retreat into idealizing some age past, magnifying its virtues and minimizing its vices as a means of solving everything. That is trusting your judgment rather than Christ’s. Do not be like some who think that by meddling with the form you can secure the substance of what is good. Do not retreat into prophecies that either tell you that God will take care of everything without you having to contribute even a crust of bread, or that all is lost just because the storm is whirling with mad fury about us. We are each called to go forth and bear fruit that will last – and the only way to do that is to walk humbly with God, knowing that even if we are the noblest of dogs, we are going to stumble often – and sometimes go off chasing after rabbits when we should be focused on the task at hand.

I have always had a very blue-collar approach to whatever work I do. I cannot change the world. Most times I cannot even change the day. But I can do the work right in front of me, trusting that if I do that as well as I can, neither giving myself over to pouting when it seems I have failed nor to gloating when it seems that I have triumphed, that the Lord will protect me from the two frauds of triumph and disaster and make what little fruit I bear last.

The Lord is calling each of us. Like Peter after the Resurrection, He is asking us, “Do you love me more than these?” If our answer is yes, He demands that we prove it by feeding His lambs. We are called to be missionaries of the Gospel, not just to oppose the great evil that has come upon the world (though we are certainly to do that), but to effectively call as many as we can to the peace and joy that is in Christ. That is fruit that will last.

You have been invited to participate with God in the renewal of the faith and the face of the world. Take up your cross and follow Him joyfully and you will live to see an amazingly renewed world of true faith, brotherhood and prosperity either from the vantage point of here or of the next world. That is good news, indeed.


I know it is considered bad form to ask for donations for another organization when you are in the midst of a fundraising drive yourself, but Catholic Culture is one of my two favorite Catholic sites. I love the work of both Phil Lawler and Jeff Mirus there. I saw today that they have only reached 12 % of their modest Easter goal. Why don’t you check it out, read a few pieces and, if you find it as good as I do, send them a little donation if you can. Of course, at CORAC we just reached 50% of our Easter goal. So I don’t want you to forget us. But the workmen who are doing steadfast work in the field are worthy of their hire. I hope you find us worthy and donate what you can.  If you haven’t been to the site in a while, go check it out. We have made significant improvements to make it more user-friendly – and of course, we continue to add substance to it every week. Right now, we are planning to add a new section for “Downloads,” printable pieces that will include a vaccine exemption letter, short cards on what initial steps to take in various crisis situations, and sheets of cards you can print out to pass out to friends and acquaintances urging them now to gather at their local Church at 9 a.m. on Saturday mornings if communications go out. We will add useful things you can print out at home as things continue to expand. Also, our talented executive director, MP, edited pieces from one of my talks to make a wonderful three-minute video entitled, “Why CORAC?” He is an amazing editor.


In celebration of Elon Musk’s pending purchase of Twitter, I have finally set up an account there, hoping it will become a bastion of free speech. I just did it Friday, so I have made no impact yet, but you can find me at @Charlie62394802 on Twitter. I will start adding my pieces on that site, too.


If communication goes out for any length of time, meet outside your local Church at 9 a.m. on Saturday mornings. Tell friends at Church now in case you can’t then. CORAC teams will be out looking for people to gather in and work with.

Find me on Gab at Charliej373 or at the CORAC group.

Find me on Twitter at @Charlie62394802


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