*As we move through what Charlie has identified as Armageddon ~ the long-foretold decisive battle between good and evil, happening now ~ that CORAC members will acknowledge God, take the next right step, and be a sign of hope to those around us
*For the spiritual gift of discernment, that we be able to distinguish truth from falsehood or error and act accordingly
* For continual trust in God’s Divine Providence and his infinite mercy in these times of uncertainty
* That through Our Lady’s Rosary, the Flame of Love, other Christian devotions, and Jewish prayer forms, all of our loved ones will return (or come to) the fervent and joyful practice of our Judeo-Christian faith as quickly as possible
* For healings and restoration to occur for all who are sick and battling disease in the body or mind, healing that will defy medical rationale and can only be explained by the healing power of our Lord, the Divine Healer
*That our daily spiritual journeys to holiness be nourished by God’s abundant grace: for more focused meditations, more pointed fasting, and more selfless charity to others ~ all to honor God’s great love for us!
*That existing and new CORAC members may strongly desire and find the means to participate in financial support for our vital ministries
*For all intentions carried in the hearts of CORAC members and those posted on the CORAC Prayer Hotline, with gratitude for prayers answered in our daily lives
St. Gabriel, enlighten us.
St. Michael, defend us.
St. Raphael, protect us.
Ave Maria, Stella Maris!
Prayer Warriors
BH-MT | MP-AZ | JB– IL | NS-NE | KM-KS | KU-OR | KA-MN | CF-NE | MK-IA | ET-MT | PB-PA | PW-MI | NS-NE | CC-MO | CE-NE | WH-IA | AL-MN | PB-PA | CG-MT |KB-VA | AM-GA | SO-TX | MD-NS | FA-WI | MM-OR | AH-WI | CM-NY | CS-GA | CS-TX | MC-IL | LA-LA | KO-MI | MP-OH | RW-OH | BM-WV | ST-SD | SB-CT | GF-IL | PP-OH | MK-NJ | KR-MN | PW-MI | MC-MT | LK-WA | RD-WI | ES-GA | BW-MA | SE-MT | SG-MN | JS-NY | KM-CT | CJ-IA | DE-CA | BM-IA | BN-VA | KT-TN | MR-MA | DT-MA | TP-NH | BC-KY | KM-FL | TP-MN | JH-CO | JR-CT | MB-MN | JT-MD | CB-TX | AW-CA | DL-BC | AR-MA | KM-IA | CO-Int’l | MC-MA | CB-TX | JS-MN | MC-CA | SP-WY | BW-MA | JL-NY | CC-Int’l | CB-LA | CR-LA | RS-LA | TS-IL | MU-IA | MJ-CT | SrC-MS | VG-MT | YM-Int’l | MT-Int’l | GC-MT | ML-Int’l | TT-MT | LN-WI | MF-Int’l | JS-MN | RP-MN | NW-OH | YM-Int’l | GD-MT | BG-MI | BP-MO | CB-LA | SA-PA | EM-NY | DW-KY | MD-FL | LB-IL | ML-MO | TR-CA | PS-CO | SS-IA | SF-MB | BP-MO | DD-Int’l | CC-MO | CB-WI | GW-CA | SF-OH | LP-VA | MP-TX | DT-MA | JL-NY | CG-MT |Â MM-MT | JM-CO | MW-IA | ET-MT | AR-MA | MK-WI | CD-PE | CG-CO | MD-GA | CB – WI | DW-MN | ES-ND | P-AZ | CA-KS | ED-IL | MB-IL | AM-IL | MV-NE | DT-MA | GL-NM | JH-OK | AL-WI | MK-IL | CG-MT | EB-AK