Over the next week and a half, we are doing a matching fundraising drive for CORAC. In just under five months, we have put together a national organization with Coordinators acting in every Region of the Continental United States (See the interactive map on the website). Our people have put on several events involving public prayer and demonstrations of support for police. We have people working to put together tutorials on how to store, gather and prepare food in case of emergency, along with other skills to help support and defend each other in the case of significant social disruption. I will get on the road next month to meet with allied groups and potential allies – and to work directly with and get a sense of what leaders and volunteers are focusing on in each region. I have set a goal of $15,000 for this drive. It is important that we get as much as possible before and immediately after the election, for this is when we are most vulnerable to those who would disrupt the social fabric. If you can help, please give here. If not this time, please pray for our battered country, world, and Church.


I have had a lot of people write or call privately after my last piece, including some in authority. Some have disagreed with my specific analysis, suggesting other scenarios. I heard from a few folks who think the election of Pope Francis was so flawed that it is invalid and Benedict is still Pope. Others still think the Pope is being misquoted (for seven straight years without corrections). One suggested to me that the Pope just doesn’t have the intellectual depth to understand the consequences of what he is doing. Quite candidly, I am not wed to any particular scenario. The thing is we are in the deep – and going deeper. There will be a lot of surprises for all of us, including me. I think the sooner people quit trying to figure out what will happen exactly and focus on holding God’s hand so we can respond well to whatever happens, the sooner we will be prepared for the fullness of the trials before us. We are launched at sea and have a lot ahead.

Now the Vatican intends to support UN resolutions to seek financial “remediation” from targeted nations to clean up the environment. You can guess who the target will be. Strange thinking. Do you know what the best indicator for environmental health is for a nation? Economic development. Do you know which nation has reduced carbon emissions these last four years? It is not a signatory to any UN schemes – it is the United States. Did you know that almost 90% of the plastics in the ocean come from 10 rivers in Asia and Africa – most from China? Did you know that the United States contributes significantly less than 8 percent of the plastics in the ocean (Last I looked, it was three percent). If the US completely eliminated all American sources, it would barely make a dent in the problem. But, of course, while continually decrying America, Vatican officials maintain that China best represents Catholic social doctrine. Frankly, the Vatican’s betrayal of Chinese Catholics and collaboration with atheist communists there would be one of the greatest scandals in the history of the Church, if this Vatican had not become such an efficient assembly line for scandal. So the Vatican’s prescription for the environment is to decry the country that does the best job and force every nation to become like those which are the worst polluters?! And they wonder why I say they are not serious people.

And now the Vatican plans to take the lead in reworking the world’s economic system – to build the “economy of Francesco.” What a joke!

The day will come when the hierarchy will be humbled, will see its ignorance and incompetence in political affairs, and will come humbly back to preaching Christ and Him crucified When they do, like so many Church officials in the past, their temporal advice will often be well worth heeding. When they are humble about their role, they are often insightful. When they are triumphal in their temporal ambitions, they are useless and dangerous. The day will come when they recollect their duty and live it once more. But that day is not now. And where they lead on political and temporal matters, I will not follow.


People across the political spectrum are preparing for intense civil disturbances following the election, however it comes out. The unhinged left is following a very old playbook: get the camel’s nose under the tent, then kill the camel and take over everything. The best chance we have of thwarting this violent takeover attempt with minimal loss of life is an absolute Trump landslide.

But while we are pre-occupied with American disputes, Europe is rapidly approaching its hour of downfall. French President Emmanuel Macron declared that France is at war because of the recent violent attacks by Jihadists. So what does France do? After November 2nd, all religious services in France are banned. Jihadists around the world have erupted in rioting against France – and because there is nothing they love so much as a good riot. Get out and massacre innocents and rape children – that will surely show Allah how devoted they are to him. Meantime, what do our good allies, the British do? Well, they are planning to crack down on people who gather in private homes for family Christmas celebrations. When elites are incompetent at staving off wolves, they join them in attacking the sheep. When they are incompetent at grappling with big, serious problems, they magnify mere annoyances and focus on them to look heroic. Most of our exalted global leaders are busy pretending to be in a pitched life or death battle with a fluffy bunny, while a weyr of dragons draws nigh. I have thought for some time that Islam will make its final stand in Europe – and for the third time in barely over a century the feckless European governments will have to be liberated by others. (I personally think that Russia will be the lead among the liberators, invading Europe to subdue the Jihadists…and make a few satellites, in the process.)

We think the US is on the verge of crack-up because we do not fully understand the depth of the crisis. The whole world is on the verge of a crack-up like we have never seen before in history. Even if, miraculously, the US suddenly became the America many of us knew and loved for so long, it will not prevent the collapse of Europe or the predatory ambitions of China or the hierarchy of the Church gone rogue against Scripture and the Magisterium. In fact, that is why such panic has risen over trifling things. Incompetent leaders want to make you think they are boldly fighting against great scourges while taking few risks and exercising maximum arbitrary power. Insightful people think the “leaders” are, themselves, the scourge. The truly wise know that the “leaders” are just smug dupes of the scourge that awaits its hour, which draws perilously near. This IS a spiritual battle. European governments think they can resolve it by banning Christian worship and practice. American authorities are not far behind, using Covid to run test bans of Christian worship and practice. The Vatican conspires with China to ban the vestiges of Christianity out of Christian worship – and replace it with neo-pagan and neo-pantheistic sentimentality. But God is not mocked. When God cannot rely on the courage, clarity and wisdom of existing leaders, He turns to those He can rely on – and so we approach the hour of the hobbits. Do not be shaken by the great crises to come. God has not abandoned us: He is empowering the faithful to take the place of the failed leaders (Psalm 109:8). Do not think He is going to destroy governments or the hierarchy. Rather, He is going to cast down the decadent that have occupied positions of leadership and replace them with faithful hobbits. We live in heroic times – but every hero must traverse many fiery trials that he may be proven.


David Daleiden of the Center for Medical Progress released another video yesterday, showing that the story told by Planned Parenthood officials is dramatically different when they are under oath than when they are talking to the press. They lie all the time when they are not facing the peril of being under oath. And our fact-free media gleefully reports the lies and ignores the sworn testimony. Planned Parenthood has made a motion in the civil rights case Daleiden filed against them to get a permanent injunction against all the videos, labeling them dangerous. Yep, they are dangerous to Planned Parenthood, as they reveal all the lies they tell all the time. Daleiden also published an article in Breitbart Wednesday chronicling the efforts by Kamala Harris to weaponize her office to protect Planned Parenthood and destroy him.

I have not read Rod Dreher’s new book, “Live Not by Lies,” but I love the title. This election is going to determine whether the American people will succumb to lies or not. The marvelous Rabbi Dov Fischer has a penetrating article up on the American Spectator which chronicles the role of a corrupted press in fostering tyranny historically. It is well worth the read – and worth sending on to your rational, good-hearted friends who just get all their news from the MSNBCNNABCBS complex.


Texas Right to Life (TRTL) has its fabulous annual gala dinner on Saturday, Nov. 14, at the Hilton of the Americas in downtown Houston. Tickets are $100 each, but TRTL has offered comp tickets for all members of CORAC who request them. All you need to do is sign up at the CORAC website, then send me an email at CJohnston@corac.co to request the tickets. Please note that it is corac.co – not corac.com. Do it this weekend, though, for I am going to give them a final count on Monday.

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