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Remedies For Bloating

Remedies For Bloating

[Mick] For gas in children, some good herbal remedies (in tea, tincture, glycerite,...

Vehicle Batteries

Vehicle Batteries

[Stuart] On Saturday, a member of local law enforcement asked me what chargers I...

Once Upon a Thyme

Once Upon a Thyme

[Mick] How do you use thyme? When I remember, I apply it to the soles of the feet if...

Dehyrdrating Potatoes

Dehyrdrating Potatoes

[Mick Question] Marilyn, how do you keep your cubed or shredded potatoes from turning...

Cough Remedies

Cough Remedies

[Talitha] Rumex (incessant cough with a tickle in the throat pit), Sulphur...

A Communications Q&A

A Communications Q&A

[Q] Does anyone know if it is prudent to have the shortwave radio rec. in the article...

For Broken Bones

For Broken Bones

[Mick] If I had a broken bone that had been properly set, I would take Symphytum 200C...

Treating Rash or Hives

Treating Rash or Hives

[Natalie] … when I had my hives battle, a few things brought me relief.   I used...

Treating Shingles

Treating Shingles

[Catherine] L-lysine works like a champ in the early stages. It stops the replication...

Advil Alternative

Advil Alternative

[Eva] Are there alternatives to Advil? [Audrey] Arnica 200c put in water with...

Growing Corn

Growing Corn

[MB] Personally, I don’t grow corn anymore because for my purposes (cornmeal) it...

Cold Treatments

Cold Treatments

[MB] For those interested, there are several homeopathic and herbal options for the...

What’s In Your Cup?

What’s In Your Cup?

[PV] Some words (original source may be someone else), from Farokh Master, world...

Acid Reflux in a Newborn

Acid Reflux in a Newborn

[MB] The Banerji Protocol for acid reflux is Iris ver 200 and Lycopodium 200. The...

To C or Not to C

To C or Not to C

[SB] Though I have not focused my research on it, from what I have seen the role of...

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