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The CORAC Communications Group has started broadcasting a weekly CORAC High Frequency (HF) Net! Each broadcast will start out with an introduction, the reading of a chosen scripture, sharing CORAC news of interest, then opening the net for anyone who desires to check-in! Of course, to check-in, you will have to have an HF radio with transmission capabilities, and, at least at this time, a General amateur radio license. After check-ins, we will sign off. There is no set time limit, and people checking in are free to discuss any issues concerning CORAC, faith, family, and freedom. Our very own Russ Duteau in Dawsonville, Georgia, will be transmitting. We are in discussions to alternate the broadcast, but for now, it will be Russ. Information below:
Time: 7:30 PM Eastern, 6:30 PM Central, 5:30 PM Mountain, and 4:30 PM Pacific
Frequency: 10.130 MHz
Time: 7:45 PM Eastern, 6:45 PM Central, 5:45 PM Mountain, and 4:45 PM Pacific
Frequency: 7.078 MHz
Time: 8:00 PM Eastern, 7:00 PM Central, 6:00 PM Mountain, and 5:00 PM Pacific
Frequency: 7.284.1 MHz
All unlicensed members are invited to listen to the CORAC net using a shortwave radio. If you can hear the transmission, please post your comments in the CORAC Communications Forum, and send an email with your comments (or just to report hearing the broadcast) to the organizers listed. Hope to hear from everyone!