Homemade Fertilizer
Ordinary Wisdom [Eva] We had a guest over from Romania. He knew right away my garlic plants were garlic. Oh I had so much to ask him but he wasn’t here for long. He was telling me a bit, just a bit of how they fertilized the soil when their country was taken over by...
Planting Yellow Potato Onions
Ordinary Wisdom Regarding the perennial Yellow Potato Onions that she had dug from Mick’s garden a few days prior. [Peg] I have kept these onion sets moist but will plant today. I should have written down what you said. Was it 3 or 6 inches apart & same...
Low Water Planter Demo
Learn how to make this simple planter to conserve on water and time. Presented by Marilyn, CORAC’s Sustainable Living team lead. Run time: 00h | 03m |29s Other Resources: albopepper.com > albopepper on Youtube > (How to build a self-watering SIP...