Seeds, Seedlings & Gardening (Video Class)
In this latest Zoom collaboration from the Sustainable Living team, Jacquie (Region 6) discusses “Seed Saving” and “Starting Your Seeds For the Next Season,” followed by Mick’s discussion on “Winter Gardening” and “How...
Answers to Potato Questions
Best Time to Plant Plant after the danger of frozen soil is past. In Zone 5 you should be able to plant mid-April because the plants start to show up at the beginning of May. Potatoes do best in temperatures between 16 and 26°C (61 to 79°F). This is all also a matter...
Growing Corn
[MB] Personally, I don’t grow corn anymore because for my purposes (cornmeal) it takes up a ton of space for not that much return. But for those interested in growing corn, it would be wise to buy several years’ worth of non-GMO seed (and preferably heirloom or...