Off Grid Laundry Options
There are many options when it comes to off-grind laundry. This is to give you some ideas to build from. Even if you don’t have the time or resources to buy special equipment eyeball some items around the house that will allow you to create an effective solution....
Grid-down Soap Options
Stocking up Checklist Hand soap Dish soap Laundry detergent Reusable washing eggs, Soap nuts or other products Shampoo/conditioner Make your own Laundry and Dish Soap Checklist Borax Washing soda Fels naphtha soap or similar bar soap or soap flakes Oxiclean (optional)...
Line Drying Wash
Line drying clothing is a part of life for me. I do it every day. We do not use a dryer (it has been broken for years). The process is very straight forward, but I hope to give you a few tips that may be useful. In the warm, non-rainy weather it takes less planning. I...