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by Health & Wellness Team | Feb 20, 2024 | Ordinary Wisdom, Homeopathy, Health & Wellness
Ordinary Wisdom [Kimberly] Please consider deworming people in our families. There are mild ways to do this. In conjunction with the brazen serpent prayer as mentioned above. Parasites hatch around full moon. They have a two to three week cycle of hatching so...by Sustainability Team | Feb 12, 2024 | Sustainable Living, Ordinary Wisdom, Food
Ordinary Wisdom [Talitha] I have filled a bowl with water and 1/4 c. Vinegar. Soak for 2 min. Then dry fruit completely. I store strawberries and blueberries and lettuce, etc.…in mason jars in the fridge. They last a long time. I have a spray bottle of white vinegar I...