Mordor Is Come

Posted on 2022-06-11

(Our own Sheryl Collmer, editor of the CORAC Newsletter, published this magnificent piece at the Tyler, Texas website, Truth for Souls. It is so good, I had to republish it here in its entirety-CJ)

By Sheryl Collmer

Gandalf: The board is set… the pieces are moving.
The fate of the world will now be decided.

Like Sauron’s army spilling out of Mordor, Satan has come out in our lifetime. He has dispensed with the glamour phase of human recruitment, and has moved into the brute force phase. No longer dangling shiny objects in order to attract innocents, he is out in the open.

See how Satan once disguised abortion as health care, as compassion for women. He seduced those of decent intent who merely lacked critical thinking skills, and sucked them in. When they didn’t fight, evil overcame them. Now, abortion advocates carry signs that say, “Abortion = Good Snack.” Satan is confident enough of his servants to drop any pretense of civility.

In the Lord of the Rings, Sauron committed all his assets in one final play for domination of Middle Earth. The current axis of corrupt government, tech giants, the disciples of the demonic World Economic Forum and World Health Organization, and the complicit media is Mordor.

Saruman: Together, my lord Sauron, we shall rule this Middle Earth. The old world will burn in the forest of industry. Forests will fall. A new order will rise. We will drive the machine of war with the sword, and the spear, and the iron fist of the orc.

The great question is: will we fight? Will the world of men stand up, or be boiled alive like frogs in a pot? Do we have the courage of intrepid hobbits who, with the thinnest, most tenuous hope of success, set out for Mordor to destroy the Ring?

Theoden: How did it come to this?

The darkness has been lowering for many years now, slowly enough that it seemed normal, though it was filled with evil. Was there ever anything normal about random promiscuity and the circumvention of God’s great gift of procreation, and the extermination of any little human who slipped through the sieve? Is massive corporate farming using toxic materials normal? Is the weaponization of health care normal? Pornography? Pedophilia? The manipulation of psychically weak personalities to carry out evil agendas?

We’re not longing for what we once called normal; we’re longing for what normal should have been. We’re longing for the Shire, for cozy homes with happy children, good food and ale, tilled earth and green growing things, music and dancing, and above all, a community that held together through generations. We are longing for a world of goodness and love, not that old world we used to call “normal.”

Consider the endgame now evident: the worldwide medical destruction caused by an engineered virus, the dangerous shot, the excess mortality rates in working age people, the organized shutdown of viewpoints that differ from the approved narrative; the hemorrhaging of US funds to foreign powers, the planned instability at our Southern border, the manufactured food shortages which are only in the beginning stages, the dangerous biolabs placed around the world by a US shadow government, the targeting of children in their innocence, and the perfidious media deliberately hiding it all.

In fact, the media is the lynchpin of the whole enterprise. The media runs cover for Mordor.

And the endgame is intensifying. Governments are rolling out a digital identity system that will control behavior and spending. New bioweapons are being revealed, to suck in the unthinking. Children are assaulted on every possible front. If evil were a game of Jenga, we would be nudging the last remaining block that holds the tower up.

It won’t be enough to flee the cities. Mordor is advancing, like a flood of poisoned waters. It will reach everywhere if we don’t stop it.

Pippin: Maybe Treebeard’s right. We don’t belong here. It’s too big for us. What can we do? We’ve got the Shire. Maybe we should go.
Merry: The fires of Isengard will spread. And all that was green and good in this world will be gone. There won’t be a Shire, Pippin.

The media makes excuses for all the things that are purposefully being done to us, but even the most willfully blinded people know something is off. It’s like downshifting on a hill; you can feel the change in Satan’s energy. Anyone who hasn’t realized it yet undoubtedly will, if diesel runs low and our food supply is short, if groceries can’t be bought without digital identity, if witches take over the public square and the attacks on our churches heat up in earnest, if the government arrests a critical mass of people for holding unacceptable views. The warning signs have been posted.

None of this is stupidity; it’s not party politics or conspiracy theory. It’s Sauron releasing the Orcs.

The Orcs are in every major institution of the world. While we raised our families, worshipped our God, and found joy in the created world, Satan was planning, and placing his minions in influential positions literally everywhere. This is a huge, coordinated machine we’re up against.

Evil has no love, no pleasure in simple things, none of what gives human life its sheen; it is not distracted from its one purpose. That’s why Jesus warned us that the children of darkness are more shrewd in their dealings with their kind, than the children of light are with theirs. Darkness doesn’t rest, even when we must.

So we must rise united, ready to shore each other up; we must forgive each other’s faults, and allow nothing to come between us. No one of us can fight this battle alone.

Elrond: Strangers from distant lands, friends of old, you have been summoned here to answer the threat of Mordor. Middle Earth stands upon the brink of destruction; none can escape it. You will unite, or you will fall.

Every day, more people realize that there is a plan, not a hash of unrelated disasters. Every time a complicit news outlet is compelled to reveal a fact previously hidden, every time a bought politician has to backpedal to save his skin, every time one person decides to stop complying with the madness, it’s like a light switched on in the middle of the night, sending the cockroaches scurrying. These skirmishes show that the battle can be won. Don’t listen to those who say, “It’s too big; we can’t win.”

We can win. Middle Earth wasn’t saved by the hobbits who hid in their holes. It was saved by those willing to leave, to make sure their home would survive. We must come up out of our semi-comfortable lives. Understand that Satan has committed unimaginable assets to this battle, perhaps all his assets. It is both his strongest and weakest moment. We have a chance for a decisive victory, but it will take all of us.

Gandalf: Men are not as weak as he supposed. There is courage still, strength enough, perhaps, to challenge him.

He will not risk the peoples of Middle Earth uniting under one banner.

How we will fight is not as essential as determining that we will fight. We will figure out the logistics later, but we must first decisively show up to the battle. We will not hide ourselves from painful facts. We will not believe media rationalizations without investigating. We will not take refuge in junk movies and video games to escape the realization of the grave danger we are in. We will not bite back the truth for fear of repercussions. We will not turn our faces from evils that make us sick to our stomachs, as Jesus did not turn from evils so hideous that He sweat blood in contemplation of them.

Prayer is the foundation of all we do, but prayer alone is not enough. God has placed us here, now, to fight this battle. All heaven is watching, all the faithful gone before us, all the thrones and dominions.  Can you imagine how the great saints would have loved to live in this time, deemed worthy to fight for the Good?

It is time for us to unite under one banner, the hosts of the Lord, and destroy Mordor.

Aragorn: This day we fight! By all that you hold dear on this good earth, I bid you stand, Men of the West!

Christians, come out!  The army of the Lord is moving.

If communication goes out for any length of time, meet outside your local Church at 9 a.m. on Saturday mornings. Tell friends at Church now in case you can’t then. CORAC teams will be out looking for people to gather in and work with.

Find me on Gab at Charliej373 or at the CORAC group.

Find me on Twitter at @Charlie62394802


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