There are three systems that help us process information: visual, auditory, and kinesthetic. For the majority of us we can learn through any of these modes even though we have a preferred mode of learning. For some learners, though, there can be a strength in one area that is far greater than the other two areas. How do you know if your child has a preferred learning method? You do this by observation.
Visual learners learn by seeing it. Some even have a photographic memory. If you play memory games with your children, like showing them 10 items and then covering them up, they will be able to recall most of the items easily. They tend to be good readers and prefer to read information themselves instead of having someone read it out loud to them. These learners do well if they are shown how to do a math problem step by step. Taking notes is also helpful for them to review later. They may organize their material with color codes. When performing a writing assignment, they do better if they use a color coded organizer when making an outline.
For auditory learners, they learn by hearing it. Often auditory learners are very musical. They tend to read very slowly and do not remember what they read, but if material is read to them, they retain it quite well. When reading novels, they do best with audio books. The library and are wonderful resources for this. For tests, read the instructions out loud to them before they begin.
For kinesthetic learners, they learn by doing it. Kinesthetic learners tend to have a lot of energy and want to move a lot. They can also excel in sports. These learners love the opportunity to explore at discovery museums. Kinesthetic learners benefit from hands-on learning. Bring them to the white board with you and have them work out steps in a math problem alongside you. Their memory will also be assisted if you write down notes on a white board and have them copy what you wrote.
We tend to teach or explain things using the learning mode that works best for us without even realizing it. If your learner seems to be tuned out or is getting frustrated, take a break from school by doing something your child enjoys (in school they call it recess), and then reteach the information in the child’s learning style.
LisaMarie Lombardi