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Respiratory Illnesses in Dogs

Posted on 2023-11-21
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Ordinary Wisdom

[Mick] From the article: “Your dog will run a fever and they won’t feel good. They’ll become lethargic, meaning they want to lie around more when normally they’d be wanting to play outside… and the coughing part of it, that becomes more productive like a wet cough, like a hacking cough.” These symptoms make me think of Gelsemium and Arsenicum. If the dog has the above symptoms and also seems like light bothers him or like he is stiff and achy, then I would lean toward Gelsemium. But if the symptoms from the quote above are accompanies by anxiety and the dog’s seeming to not want to be left alone, then I would lean toward Arsenicum. Another quote from the article: “The department listed symptoms including sneezing, eye or nose discharge, fatigue, blue or purple gums from oxygen deprivation, trouble breathing, and negative tests for other common respiratory illnesses.” As Karen said on the H&W thread, Carbo veg is good for symptoms of oxygen depravation (blue gums or purple gums, trouble breathing). For the cough and discharge from the lungs, I think of Kali carb, Lachesis, Hepar sulph, Eupatorium perfoliatum, Drosera, and Cuprum (depending on the symptoms… Drosera or Cuprum especially if the cough is spasmodic). If the dog coughs up sputum that is tinged with blood, I would consider Phosphorus. If Doggie acts like the cough is painful, I would consider Bryonia. Susan B on the H&W thread says that she has had much success with using Aconite 200 and Drosera 6 or 9 when her dog gets symptoms reminiscent of kennel cough. Lastly, if my dog were to come down with the symptoms of this mystery disease, I would not hesitate to use several remedies in combination… perhaps up to 5 or 6. The combination that I would use would depend on the particular symptoms. Hope this helps.



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