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Flu-like Illness Remedies

Posted on 2024-03-28
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  7. Flu-like Illness Remedies
Family members recently contracted a flu-like illness (throat and face or scalp pain/heavy head like pre-headache presented with recent bouts).

Here is what we used at first onset:

  • Arconitum 30
  • Arsenicum 30
  • Eupatorium 200
  • Oscilloccocinum tube divided into 3 doses over the course of 12 hours
  • Ruta Gravens 200 for “head” feeling heavy
  • Immune c plus 12 in 1 by kappa nutrition (aka combo of vitamins for immune building and disease prevention)
  • Rest & fluids but do not force food

We then put the following remedies together in an 8 ounce for water dosing:*

  • RS virus nosode 30c (rsv)
  • Nat mur 6x (excessive thirst)
  • Silicea 30c (exposed to vax)
  • Lomatium dis 30c (immune boost)
  • Echinacea 200c (immune boost)
  • Carb veg 200c (cough)
  • Eupat per 30c/200 (exposed to illness or shed)
  • Variolinum 30c (exposed to spike)
  • Spongia tosta 30c (cough)**
  • Arnica Montana 6C (pain)
  • Ipecacuanha 200c (flu/cough)**
  • Chelidonium maj 30c (pain in organs)
  • Thuja 30c (exposed to vax)

As symptoms presented, additional tinctures were taken such as:

  • Dandelion
  • Echinacea
  • Tart cherry

Additional remedies taken as needed:

  • Rhus tox 200 (bad aches!)
  • Hepar sulph 200 (throat pain)
  • phosphorous 30 (helps with dark feelings during illness.)

Other notes/links:

  • This illness was 10 days in duration. Ivermectin seemed to be ineffective except on days 14-17 (post illness) to lift brain fog; cough lingered and changed much over time (see link for cough specific remedies to consider**).
  • The “pain in face or scalp or feeling of headache and violent throat pain” are key to treat quickly with oscill.
  • This illness seemed to go through many phases of illness starting with what felt like strep throat then flu then rsv in particular then maybe covid and ending in seasonal allergies with very watery eyes.
  • Recommended for seasonal (tree) allergies: water dose of allium 200 and sabadilla 200 for as long as needed (1 tablespoon 2-3 x’s day or if there’s a sudden attack as needed can dab around eyes or on sinuses or put on bottom of feet too).
  • Water Dosing >
  • Homeopathic Cheat Sheet >


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