Treating Cold & Flu
Ordinary Wisdom [Andrea] Has anyone had the thing with the headache, sore throat, head/chest congestion, vomiting (only children), cough, achiness—that lasts for 3 or more weeks? What homeopathic things should work? [Mick] We had it at our house. The remedies...
Ordinary Wisdom Marie posted several links on Elderberry. [Mick] Thanks for this information and for the links, Marie. Yep, I remember how at the beginning of the Covid stuff in 2020, there was information flying around the internet about avoiding Elderberry like the...
Cough Remedies
[Talitha] Rumex (incessant cough with a tickle in the throat pit), Sulphur (dislodging remaining mucus at the end of a cold), Bryonia (worse when moving, better laying down), For dry, itching ticking Apis or Ignatia can work. I would personally start with Rumex, Apis...