Power Outage Scenario
AN ELECTRICAL GRID OUTAGE CAN HAPPEN AT ANY TIME A power outage imay disrupt communications, water and transportation. It can close retail businesses, grocery stores, gas stations, ATM’s, banks and other services. It can also cause food spoilage and water...
Power Failure Emergency Card
Please note for all emergencies: CORAC Communications runs a HAM radio net on Sunday evenings at 7:30 PM Eastern time. At 7:30 Eastern, they are up on 14.227 MHz (20 meter band), then, at 8:00 PM Eastern, they switch to 7.284.1 MHz. In an emergency situation, they...
Power Grid Failure 2022 Scenario – Useful Links
Useful Links: One of the most likely crises we may face is power outage, so here is a handy compilation of useful links for further preparation. First, remember your resources on our own CORAC website: Sustainable Living Teams Crisis Scenarios Team Health &...