A Conversation About Communications
[MB] I’ve been browsing the communication guides on CORAC and I’m sure those are going to be helpful too. I’d like to buy a radio while I’m studying for a license, because I think having one in front of me to tinker with simultaneously would make understand everything...
Studying For Your HAM Radio License
[Mick] Here’s a tip about a quick study method for getting your HAM radio license: My suggestion would result in your not really learning anything, so it might be better to follow the advice of others. However, if you’re primarily interested in just passing the test...
Radio Basics & Handheld Radios
GOALS & OBJECTIVES In this time of chaos, do you find yourself asking these questions? Basic understanding of radio waves. Basic understanding of the types of handheld radio technology. Understanding of the legal requirements for this technology. Be aware of HAM...
Communications Licenses
Links to classes to acquire HAM radio license ARRL > HamTestOnline > Ham Radio Prep > FRS (Family Radio Service), GMRS (General Mobile Radio Service), & Amateur HAM radio licensure FRS does not require testing or licensing for the FCC. GMRS does not...