Essential Oils in Scripture
Did you know that the Bible describes over 33 different essential oils and aromatic plants and mentions over 1000 applications! Some people even claim God our Father to be the very first aromatherapist. Well that makes sense when you think about the first things that...
Lycopodium Clavatum
Ordinary Wisdom Treats: cirrhosis of the liver, reflux, typhoid, intercranial tumors, kidney disease, salmonella, sinusitis, hiccups. [Mick] A couple of weeks ago, Jacquie and I were talking about Lycopodium clavatum (the herb, not the homeopathic remedy). Jacquie...
Ordinary Wisdom Marie posted several links on Elderberry. [Mick] Thanks for this information and for the links, Marie. Yep, I remember how at the beginning of the Covid stuff in 2020, there was information flying around the internet about avoiding Elderberry like the...