I started a piece a few days ago on some hard realities facing us that I thought was going to be of relatively short or medium length. It has grown like kudzu and is a lot more complicated than I originally expected. In the interim, I have decided to give you an important update and to correct a few misimpressions that have arisen as I struggle to refine an intellectual and strategic framework for what is ahead of us.
First, late next week I will begin a series of meetings and talks that I will give over the next few months. I will not publish event details on this site. For that, you will have to register at CORAC and look under the “Meetings” tab. You won’t be able to see that page unless you have first filled out the information on the “Join” tab and submitted it. It is only a small measure of security, but probably a necessary one in these days of cancel culture and doxxing.
Meantime, though I have yet to write the piece on secession, there is something that I need to make very clear. I do not advocate it as an offensive strategy; rather, I am pushing preparation for it as a defensive tactic. If the Potemkin administration of Joe Biden and the Congressional and cultural pagan left do not reverse course, we are headed for a very sudden and rapid collapse, accompanied by at least a raft of significant regional conflicts around the globe. Meantime, the policies they are seeking to enact would make the existing nation into a giant gulag in which the liberties of all would be crushed, even as it is only enforced, at first, against those who are openly traditionally religious or conservative. If that push continues unabated, the existing nation of America will cease to be a Constitutional Republic, but a command state of a few rulers and oligarchs regulating the behavior of the rest of us serfs. My interest in secession is as a failsafe should current trends continue or accelerate – to preserve Constitutional liberty in a safe haven on this continent as the reigning powers destroy it in the home country. You can’t very well accomplish this if you have not planned ahead and laid the infrastructure – and clearly doing so helps as a deterrent to the over-exuberant, ascendant tyrants now holding the reigns of formal power in this country. In short, it is as an emergency exit to weather the storm that I prepare for it now, not as a primary strategy before we know how things will play out.
I mentioned that I was contemplating changing my political registration to Independent. I have decided against that. If there is hope to right this ship, we need the infrastructure that the existing Republican Party has. In recent years, I have refused to vote for any Democrat no matter how moderate or reasonable they sounded – for the simple reason that if you were willing to don the mantle of that party that has become so vicious and predatory, you are not worthy of support. Many of my Republican votes in general elections have been defensive – I would vote for squishes rationalizing that if they would not defend me, at least they wouldn’t actively attack me. No more. With Republican “moderates” showing they will, at best, give normal people no defense and, at worst, will pile on to the depredations in hope of buying some credits from the left, I will vote for no Republican “moderates” in a general election. That means the Democrat is more likely to win. So be it. If they won’t protect us at all, let us reveal the nature of the predatory compassion of the left in order that more may convert. And it also will help put the lie to any hopes the establishment has of arguing that only “moderates” can win. Of course, if the left succeeds in bringing on catastrophic collapse, it is all moot anyway. But Jesus teaches us to act in the present moment that all righteousness be fulfilled. (Matthew 3: 13-15)
I have had some very good people tell me they stand with the existing system despite its flaws because they support the “rule of law.” That phrase is shorthand for the clearer phrase of “equal justice under law.” Unless the law requires equal justice and liberty, the shorter phrase can be a trap. The depredations in the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany were almost all done under the color of law. If you become a willing tool of the lawless, even though they hold transient power, you may support the rule of law but you do not support the rule of equal justice under law. I fully support the rule of American Constitutional law. Even so, those who are laboring to try to bring us back to that system by working through the system now deserve a lot of latitude. If they succeed, we will all be better for it. If they fail, it is good that we should have a safe haven for them, too.
Some have suggested we withdraw from the world and from political disputes. The time may come for that. But my whole outlook is centered on how to take a few first principles – acknowledge God, take the next right step, and be a sign of hope – and apply that Christianity vigorously to everyday life. Again, Jesus did not advise us to separate ourselves from the dough, but to be leaven in the dough transforming the whole loaf. (Luke 13:20-21)
Just a few tidbits from my cogitations as I continue to work to mount a coherent moral and strategic framework going forward. Onward to the Triumph!