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I hit the wall on Wednesday this last week. Utterly exhausted after getting into St. Louis, I realized I hadn’t taken a full day off for over a month and a half. Back when I was running big campaigns, I was pretty insistent that the candidate should take at least one day off in each nine, figuring that when you run at 40%, you are about 90% more likely to make a catastrophic error. Physician, heal thyself.

Over the course of the week our CORAC site was besieged by a bunch of Chinese bots – and a malicious one kept trying to occupy the payment portal to keep everyone else out. Our management and IT team worked to bolster everything and lock out the bots, but it slowed things down rather dramatically onsite. It is kind of nice to know we have twisted the tail of the dragon. He can annoy us and slow us down, but the bad news for him is that Our Boss is stronger than he is. With every attack, we get a little stronger and more experienced. We are just over 30% of our fundraising goal, so I hope you will help us out if you have not already done so. If you prefer to mail a check (as many do), make it out to: The Corps of Renewal and Charity and send it to CORAC, 13940 W. 26th Ave., Golden, Colorado 80401.

Traveling around as I have been, I have learned it is best to get gas in a red or moderate state rather than in an incompetently run blue state. It seems the philosophy of the elite grandees of the pagan left is to charge everyone more for everything and give them less. Their poor victims among small businesses have to add the charge on to their customers in their ever more desperate effort to survive – as the grandees live high on the hog and refuse to work at all. So I shrewdly made sure the gas tank was full before crossing from Missouri into Illinois. That was good thinking – for the moment you cross the border gas prices go up at least thirty cents per gallon. The tax for corruption and incompetence grows ever higher. The great Russian dissident, Aleksander Solzhenitsyn loved Mother Russia while hating what the communists had done to it. I can relate. I feel pretty much the same way about my once-home state of Illinois.

The media was salivating over the mass shooting in Boulder, sure it would be the near mythical white supremacist wearing a red MAGA hat. Alas for them, it turned out to be another case of Jihadi Joe – and all of his victims were white folks. Ah, privilege! Turns out the FBI knew all about the shooter before the attack took place but did nothing. Our politicized Justice Department and FBI are far too busy trying to manufacture cases against political dissidents to waste any time going after actual criminals who hurt, kill and maim the innocent. I wish the FBI would quit hunting snipe and start hunting violent criminals. The autocratic Tsars of Russia before the communist take-over were more responsible in fighting actual crime – and more tolerant of dissent than those who now control the levers of government in America. Go figure.

I was writing a meaty piece when I hit the wall. I will finish it this weekend and put it up Monday. For all those whose emails and calls I have not gotten back to, I think the batteries have recharged. I expect to have a holy – and vigorous – Holy Week as I get back in the saddle. I’ll be speaking in Quincy, Illinois tomorrow and in the Chicago area on Wednesday. If you want to go to one of these events and join us in our work to defend faith, family and freedom in collaboration with others, sign up at CORAC and then you can get the information on upcoming meetings.

I have been working so frantically because, for the first time in my life, events are moving much more quickly than I expected. The official government effort to outlaw and punish traditional Judeo-Christian faith and any dissent from the insanity Biden and company call policy is not going to have the effect they hoped for. It’s all grins and giggles until you are punched in the face. It has taken a few months for people to wrap their minds around what the people who now occupy the halls of formal power are about, but with almost daily new waves of madness and offenses coming from Washington, the picture is becoming clearer to almost all. Our new overlords are determined to make America into a dystopian nightmare that will make Venezuela look tame. I am afraid we are in for a very long, hot summer as ordinary people increasingly fight back. These first three months of the year have been the time of people getting their bearings – shocked that the pagan left really wants to criminalize faith, family and freedom while enabling and supporting actual violent criminals. The next two months are the calm before the storm. Then comes the fullness of the storm. I fear that many ordinary people are going to strike back with wild, undisciplined fury. The left, believing as it always does, that just a little more force, coercion and oppression will force everyone to bend the knee to their dark fantasies, will ratchet things up only to see the dissidents ratchet things up. It could become a very ugly accelerating cycle. I am so frantic because I want a core of people who are committed to the idea that neither official left-wing violence and oppression nor angry right-wing vengeance are the way. I want people committed to a third way – a Triune way, if you will – who will stand together against offenses, resisting force and coercion forcefully while steadfastly building up communities that will preserve the things that once bound us into a prosperous nation – God, family and freedom – without giving into the despair of unfocused rage.

The bywords that I have given since I first started writing of these things are still the lodestar that will renew the faith and face of the world: Acknowledge God, take the next right step, and be a sign of hope to those around you.

St. Gabriel, enlighten us.

St. Michael, defend us.

St. Raphael, protect us.

St. Joseph, send all demons back to hell.

Ave Maria, Stella Maris!