Congress Releases Abortion Video Kamala Harris, Planned Parenthood and Judge William Orrick Teamed Up to Ban

Posted on 2024-08-01
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On Tuesday, July 30, Rep. Marjorie Taylor-Greene (R-GA) released full footage of a tape of undercover footage of a New York abortionist, footage that had been banned for eight years. I have included the full press release from David Daleiden’s Center for Medical Progress (CMP) below. I am going to offer some commentary on both the history behind it and what some of the actual terms implicate. So, reverse the normal order and read the press release first, watch the video at the link, then come back to read this.

Several things from the video are critical:

First, New York Planned Parenthood (PP) Abortion Services Director Stacey De-Lin eagerly seeks out payments of $1,000 to $1,500 for delivery of fresh livers from babies. That is a serious violation of the federal prohibition against abortionists profiting from the sale of baby body parts. What is more hideous is how De-Lin proposes to get those livers: through the clinical sounding, “intact dilation and evacuation abortions – or intact D & E”

Intact D & E is the most brutal form of partial-birth abortion – which is also banned by federal law after six months of gestation. It actually goes beyond partial birth abortion. In an intact D & E, the abortionist does not kill the baby while it is partially born, but uses the forceps to carefully remove the baby fully intact. This guarantees the freshness of the organs. De-Lin notes that the baby is not given feticidal chemicals to kill it before it is born in their clinics. (That, too, could diminish the value of the organs vivisected from it.) What you have is a living baby fully born. It can only die in one of three ways: 1) It dies from exposure and neglect; 2) Its spinal cord is cut; or 3) It dies when it is taken to procurement, where a technician begins cutting up the living baby.

There was a situation in depositions from the cases involved in the successful effort by then California Attorney General Kamala Harris and San Francisco Federal Judge William Orrick’s to cover up these videos through another permutation of lawfare. The technician being deposed explained that, yes, sometimes babies are born alive. When asked how they then die, she euphemistically said they are taken to procurement. Pressed for specifics on how they died, she started trembling and said they die when the technician cuts the heart out of their chest. That’s the reality here.

I had to go talk with a Priest after this, for I was having trouble sleeping. The savagery of killing living, born babies and treating it as all in a day’s work got to me badly, even though I have long managed to compartmentalize the horrors of abortion. (You have to if you are going to be able to press on with this work.) I weep not only for the babies, but for the badly mutilated humanity of people who do this as a matter of course for their livelihoods.

This video is no different in quality to the videos that were not banned. What is different is the level of intensity and the revelation that PP is routinely violating federal law with impunity and raw savagery. An honorable society would recoil in horror – and then go to work putting Planned Parenthood and its affiliates out of business before sending many of them to prison for atrocities. But we live in an evil age. That is why this video – and others like it – had to be ruthlessly suppressed.

A couple of weeks after meeting privately with California PP officials, Kamala Harris sprang into action. On April 5, 2016, she ordered an armed raid of Daleiden’s home to seize all video and computers that might contain videos. As I recall, there were 11 armed agents, but my memory might be exaggerating. I know it was at least seven. Of course, Daleiden is no fool. He had copies offsite from his home. Those Democrats sure do love ordering armed raids on their ideological opponents, though! What Harris refused to do is ever investigate PP, despite the criminality the videos revealed. Why would she? She was planning to run for the Senate and wanted their help. Her successor in the Attorney General’s office held his victory party at PP headquarters when he won the office in his own right. That would be Xavier Becerra – now the Secretary of Health and Human Services in the Biden-Harris administration.

A little aside…a year or so later Daleiden, who is a night owl, but not an early riser, called me early in the morning. He was extremely agitated and told me someone was knocking at his front door. I suggested he go answer it. “The last time someone knocked on my door at 7 a.m. it was Kamala Harris’ goon squad,” he replied. “Well, roll over and go back to sleep,” I said. “If it’s another goon squad they won’t go away and you’ll have to get up. If it isn’t, they will go away and you don’t need to miss any sleep over it.” Whoever it was went away and all was well.

PP and the National Abortion Federation (NAF) then filed suit to get the videos banned and force Daleiden to pay them millions in damages. In quite the stroke of luck (or something) for them the case was assigned to Federal Judge William Orrick of San Francisco. Orrick had recruited and financially supported a PP affiliate to open up in his law firm’s office building when he had been in private practice. Before he got the case, his wife had posted prolifically on social media demanding that Daleiden be jailed and stopped from criticizing PP. While a motion was filed, Orrick refused to recuse himself from the case. Of course he could be fair, he told all us wingnuts. It is unusual for me to call him a judge from San Francisco; usually I call him the Judge from Planned Parenthood.

After he banned hundreds of hours of videos, turns out I had one of the banned videos linked on my Next Right Step website. He was dead serious about finding and suppressing any site that had any of the videos he banned up. I received a formal notice from his office, threatening to charge me with contempt of court if I did not take it down. For a few days I was bumfuzzled. I spoke with a friend of mine who is a judge. Referencing my pilgrimage, He chuckled and said perhaps, as a matter of judicial courtesy, he ought to call Orrick’s office and tell him that, “You have no leverage over Charlie. This is a guy who camps out by streams in the middle of winter – for fun.” We snickered together over that idea. Finally, I found my answer. I discovered that Congress had a copy of that video, which it had subpoenaed in an investigation, up on one of its committee websites. So, I just switched the link to the Congressional website with the identical video. Now, if Orrick insisted it come down, he would have to go to war with Congress – a separate branch of the federal government. I never heard from his office again.

When Rep. Taylor-Greene held a public hearing on trafficking fetal body parts earlier this year, she released five truncated versions of some of the banned videos. Daleiden and CMP wrote about and linked to those truncated versions of his videos. NAF sprang into action and immediately tried to get him punished for violating the restraining order Orrick had issued. After wrestling with it, Orrick conceded he could not stop Daleiden from reposting and commenting on material Congress put in the public square, just as every other citizen in America can under the First Amendment. Now Congress has released a few unexpurgated versions of the banned videos. You will have to peruse conservative news and websites to get info on it: the gutter press of the establishment just ignores it, hoping it will all go away.

The bottom line is that, for all their mewling, PP is interested in profit more than women – and is willing and eager to commit what ordinary people view as absolute atrocities to get it. Their willing allies in government are eager and willing to engage in hideous lawfare – perversion of the justice system, to protect them from any consequences.

Sometimes, pro-abortion opponents do not really get why I grieve so over abortion. Of course, most of my grief is for the babies executed and the trauma the mothers must live as they realize what they have done. But I believe that every advocate of abortion will spend their eternity feeling what those poor babies feel in their last moments of agony. For all eternity. And worst of all, that will be the least of their agonies.

On Dec. 7, 1995, the eve of the Feast Day of the Immaculate Conception I experienced the most pivotal visitation of my life. (Note: I am not concerned that you believe I receive any visitations at all – but on some things it is good that you should know how they drive me, whether or not they are authentic or just how my mind processes a deep intuition.) It laid out in great detail the crisis ahead and what was expected of me. Oh, how I dreaded it – though there was much very hopeful information there, too. Our Lady told me that this was a mission that God wanted me to live, but my salvation was not dependent on me agreeing to it. I asked her what would happen if I said no. I was immediately suspended over a great pit, surrounded by agonized souls falling into it en masse, all cursing and accusing me because I had known and did nothing. I imagine that, however well or poorly I live my call, I will be so confronted by abortion advocates in the interregnum between the resurrection and the judgment, denouncing me for not more effectively showing them what they face. That memory haunts me – and is one of the two primary reasons why, after almost two years of wrestling, I finally said yes over 40 days of consecration in the fall of 1997 and irrevocably committed to this course.

Now, the release from Daleiden and CMP. I have edited out David’s personal phone number. I made no other edits:



Planned Parenthood Federation of America and National Abortion Federation Used Federal Injunction, Seizure Warrant from Kamala Harris To Hide Recording for 8 Years

Contact: David Daleiden,

NEW YORK CITY, Jul. 30—Newly-released undercover footage Planned Parenthood sought to block for 8 years shows the Abortion Services Director from the organization’s New York City headquarters admitting that a “financial incentive” to supply livers from late-term aborted babies “to the people we have to get this approved from, will be very happy about it.”

In the footage, filmed at the National Abortion Federation’s 2015 commercial tradeshow, an undercover reporter posing as a laboratory wholesaler tells Planned Parenthood New York City’s Abortion Services Director, Dr. Stacey De-Lin, “We could pay you $1,000, up to $1,500 for a liver.”

Dr. De-Lin replies enthusiastically, stating, “Yeah, that’s great,” and, “I think a financial incentive from you guys like, to the people we have to get this approved from, will be very happy about it.”

The undercover reporter, from The Center for Medical Progress, asks Dr. De-Lin to confirm, “Right, the financial incentive would make people happy, is that what I’m hearing you saying?”

Dr. De-Lin giggles excitedly and replies, “Yes, absolutely!”

The transfer of any human fetal tissue for valuable consideration is a federal felony, punishable by up to 10 years in prison or a fine of up to $500,000 (42 U.S.C. 289g-2).

During the full conversation, Dr. De-Lin also admits that her Planned Parenthood headquarters performs intact dilation and evacuation (D&E) abortions, where the abortion provider uses forceps to pull the baby out of the mother in one piece, on fetuses up to 6 months of pregnancy. When the CMP undercover reporter tells Dr. De-Lin, “We can pay incredible amounts for intact specimens,” Dr. De-Lin asks, “Yeah, so like you mean completely intact D&E?”

“Not all, but yes, but some,” the reporter replies.

“Yeah, I mean, that’s just like a case-by-case basis,” Dr. De-Lin admits, and goes on to confirm, “But we certainly do intact D&Es, so.”

“You do?” asks the reporter, and Dr. De-Lin replies, “Yeah.”

“Intact D&E” of a living fetus, according to the U. S. Supreme Court, is a violation of the federal partial-birth abortion law (18 U.S.C. 1531). In previous undercover footage released by CMP, Dr. Deborah Nucatola—then Planned Parenthood Federation of America’s Senior Director of Medical Services, who also practiced at PPNYC—confirmed that the New York center does not use feticidal chemicals to kill the fetuses before the abortions.

“This undercover footage proves Planned Parenthood sells baby parts from partial-birth abortions in violation of federal law,” notes David Daleiden, founder and project lead at CMP. “As Attorney General of California, Kamala Harris weaponized the powers of her office to cover up Planned Parenthood’s sale of aborted baby body parts. Attorney General Harris raided my home and seized this footage to try to block it from release for eight years, on orders from Planned Parenthood and the National Abortion Federation. Now everyone can see why they did it—the remaining undercover videos are too incriminating to explain away.”

In 2015, the National Abortion Federation, stating it was representing institutional member Planned Parenthood, sought and received a federal injunction against the release of the footage in San Francisco federal court. At the same time, Planned Parenthood requested then-California Attorney General Kamala Harris’ office to seize from Daleiden the digital media containing the videos. Two weeks after a March 2016 meeting with top Planned Parenthood California officials implicated in the videos, AG Harris’ office conducted the raid on Daleiden’s home.

However, Congress had also subpoenaed the footage from CMP in late 2015. In May of this year, the San Francisco District Court finally ruled that CMP cannot be prevented from republishing any of the subpoenaed footage released by Congress. Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene held a hearing in March with Rep. Mary Miller and Rep. Chip Roy on “Investigating the Black Market of Baby Organ Harvesting”, during which she played clips from the subpoenaed footage publicly for the first time. Rep. Greene released a Hearing Addendum earlier today with the full footage of the conversations.

The Center for Medical Progress is the non-profit citizen journalism organization responsible for the 2015 undercover video series showing top Planned Parenthood officials negotiating the harvesting and sale of aborted fetal body parts.


Watch the new video here:

Learn more about CMP here:

Attachments area

Preview YouTube video Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene Leads Hearing on Investigating the Black Market of Baby Organ Harvesting

Preview YouTube video Planned Parenthood Headquarters Seeks $1,500 “Financial Incentive” Per Aborted Fetal Liver

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