Emergency Farm & Household Animal Care
Safe Environment for You and the Animal Clean environment. Separate from other animals. Have crates available or a stall or separate area. Wound Care Supplies Injury care with Homeopathics: (Have all remedies prepped in a spray bottle or dropper bottle. Most do not...
Essential Alternative Animal Feeds
Poultry Free range or modified free range Whole grains-grown your own, wheat, oats, barley, some corn Sprout whole grains in the winter Weeds – lamb’s quarter, pigweed, comfrey, chickweed, alfalfa, chard, clover, dandelion greens, cress, grass, sunflower seeds,...
How Much Land Do You Need?
[Question] How much land do you need? [Answer] In general an acre of reasonably good pasture will keep a cow for a month. Six goats or sheep equal one cow. A horse equals one cow but is harder on pasture due to the horse’s close cropping of grass. You can divide your...
Animal Emergency Preparedness
Pets, farm animals and livestock rely on their humans to protect them and keep them safe in all types of emergencies. It’s important to have a plan in place ahead of severe weather and other disasters to protect your animals and livestock. The following checklists...