Tomorrow is the day. Will the American Republic be saved tomorrow? I doubt it. But the battle lines will now be clear. The pagan left thinks they have accomplished the steal and now everyone will just knuckle under. As the great Rabbi and legal scholar Dov Fischer says, “Not this time, dear leftists!” I am delighted to see that Kurt Schlichter, a man I deeply admire, has fully girded his loins for the battle before us. Now I await Victor Davis Hanson to accept fully the reality before us. As much as people want the ugliness, the corruption, the fraud and the violence to go away, it will not until we fully make our stand.
If our protest tomorrow changes things in the electoral college, I will be profoundly grateful. But whether it does or not, it will signal clearly to the fraudulent powers that be that the great mass of Christian and conservative Americans are not Congressional Republicans or federal judges. We have a spine – and though we hoped that the leaders we honored with our votes would stand for us, since they have largely gimped out, we will stand for ourselves. If this final fraud stands, you owe no loyalty to the fraudulent government that occupies this country. Any cooperation you give can only be coerced cooperation. I will NOT let my children and grandchildren be deprived of the liberty I once enjoyed without a fight to the death.
For those coming to Washington tomorrow, through our CORAC group or otherwise, I repeat this link of tips for hostile environments. I will update you on Thursday on what happened and how our group fared. (I would update you tomorrow, but it’s going to be a hectic day.)
Our own resident rocket scientist (literally – not like Jill Biden) Steve BC made a comment and provided a link that explains why the states that have locked down the hardest have seen the worst results. To give a layman’s summary, outside of clinical settings with proper protocols, masks become viral incubators. Additionally, because they reduce the available oxygen by around 20% under the best of circumstances, they weaken the wearer’s immune system, making him more vulnerable to the viruses that the incubators on his face are breeding. That makes perfect sense. This is all about control, not public safety or public health. Lockdowns, themselves, are the greatest super-spreaders of all manner of viruses. Eventually, that will be understood by all – and will be one of the final nails in the coffin of the credentialed class.
Many are dismayed by the Vatican’s and most Bishops’ assurance that we can licitly take the vaccine for Covid despite almost all of them using stem cell lines from aborted children. Even worse, they opine that there is no religious exemption for Catholics – so if government mandates we take the vaccine, to refuse would be a crime. And our Bishops will not defend the faithful. The Bishops’ justification for this is that the stem cells used for this are from the 70’s – a long time ago. Perhaps the Bishops could give us approval for buying lampshades made from the skin of the victims of German concentration camps. After all, that atrocity is from the 40’s, even longer ago.
I think the Bishops are out of their league here – just desperately trying to find ways to accommodate themselves to the world. To argue that it is licit to intentionally benefit from an atrocity because it was a long time ago is both a betrayal of Christ and a feckless maneuver to try to pacify a pagan left that will come after the Churches whatever compromises with the commands of Christ those Churches make. During the Arian Heresy, the laity were more faithful and devoted to fidelity than the Bishops of the time were. Here we are again.
I am delaying writing a serious piece about the hierarchy, because I know they are under siege and deeply demoralized (at least the ones who are not actively trying to undermine Scripture and the Magisterium). Generally, I think Bishops are more well-intentioned, but less shrewd and intelligent, than Congressmen (and you know what I think of most Congressmen). They are frozen because this crisis has come swirling with great unexpected power and they genuinely don’t know what to do. Eventually though, the good intentions of the average Bishop are going to have to be translated into a vigorous defense of the faith and the faithful. If they want to reclaim some vestige of their moral stature, their pronouncements must be consistent with Christian morality – and designed to confront, rather than appease, a pagan foe.
Always keep in mind that Jesus Christ established the hierarchy. It is a divine institution populated by oh-so-fallible men. I am not going to speak at length on this until I have developed an approach that both offers the hope of reform of the hierarchy and the elevation of it in new honor. But to opine that we must take the vaccine if government orders it (which is what the combination of proclaiming it licit and that Catholics have no religious exemption actually is) is a betrayal of basic Christian morality. Some of our Bishops may choose to betray Christ because they have made themselves tacit enemies of the faith. Other may choose to betray Christ because they put primacy on collegiality and want to avoid offending other Bishops. Thank God for those Bishops like Archbishop Vigano, Cardinal Burke, and Bishop Strickland who have stood strongly for Scripture and the Magisterium, whatever the pagan left may think. But whether the Pope and some Bishops betray Christ – either from malice or fecklessness, I will not. It is the time of the hobbits. May our fidelity inspire the same in our leaders.
I was tickled by this book, written in 1896, which seemed to foresee the Trump presidency and the downfall of the American Republic. Sometime truth really is stranger than fiction.
I spent most of Advent and Christmas with my son and his family. He unintentionally gave me a great compliment when he told me I was as hard to buy for as the man who has everything. In some surprise, I noted that I certainly do not have everything. He nodded and said, “But you don’t want anything.” Actually, he is wrong. I love the trappings of Christmas – the music, the smells, the food, but mostly the wonder of the children. I was absolutely giddy on Christmas Eve as we put the final gifts for the kids under the tree. Then I was vibrating with excitement and enthusiasm when the kids got up on Christmas morning to discover their wonderful gifts.
I do NOT like the modern practice of the “elf on the shelf,” where parents go to great pains to make a mess at night and attribute it to the elf. This is not a Christmas elf, but a malignant spirit marring the face and meaning of Christmas. Thankfully, my son and daughter-in-law have a different practice. They have a little stuffed shepherd they call Levi – and tell the kids that Levi is looking for Jesus. They hide it each night before bed and each morning the kids have to find where Levi wound up the previous night. On Christmas morning, Levi is at the manger of their Nativity Set. He found Jesus. I love this.
Yet my son touched on one of my great aspirations – to have as if having not and to have not as if having. St. Paul lauds this practice as well in Philippians 4:12 – “I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want.”
In the coming year, we all must take this dictum to heart, knowing that if we have love for God, we have all we need.
I will give a final round-up of how our Epiphany campaign for CORAC fared this weekend. You made a profound difference. And it is because of you that we are going in! Oh, and I made the title of this post as an homage to one of the favorite sayings of one of my favorite Priests, Fr. Richard Heilman – Roman Catholic Man.