We’re living on borrowed time. Election Day is immovably looming ahead, like the last feature on a roll through Freddy Fear’s House of Scares. We’re clicking toward it, buckled in with the master switch thrown to lock us in our seats.
I try to make the most of every day while they still feel “normal,” though we know how tenuous “normal” is. Every morning, I laugh at the bird riots at my backyard feeder, smell the yellow roses blooming late in the garden, gratefully receive the Holy Eucharist. These daily events are treasures to hold dear while the Church suffers massive apostasy, America unconstitutionally goes to war, and a shadowy government tries to silence pro-lifers, patriots, Christians, and Jews. The enemy builds victory upon victory.
We are mere dust motes in comparison. How big is the enemy? Five billion people were sleepwalked, coerced, or bribed into taking a gene-altering shot with zero long-term testing. Two-thirds of the world suspended their common sense, and most of the Catholic bishops helped. That’s a scary-big opponent.
We have already seen the enemy’s hatred of God in big-money abortion and human trafficking. Life means nothing. Children are either experiments or toys for adults. At least two serious attempts on the life of the most recognized man on the planet have been made. It’s like a rigged video game where one team has unlimited lives and gets to keep shooting until the target is neutralized. That’s a scary-evil opponent.
With some idea of who the enemy is, then, we can’t pretend it’s just jolly fun like Halloween, all over in one night and no harm intended. These people mean business. There must come a point, in the descent into evil, at which a human being loses his capacity to turn around, the intellect so darkened that good becomes unfathomable.
As we roll on toward the election, we are beginning to hear whispers of monstrous sex operations, the floorboards rotting away at the edges, exposing a basement of scrambling sewer rats. Diddy is one, but they are legion. When it is revealed what they have done, it will make us vomit.
I think it is this last that will finally shake the people who continue to close their eyes and ears to the signs of the times. We will wish we’d woken sooner; because when it comes out what has been done to children by people we were meant to admire, we’ll desperately wish we could go back in time.
But it had to be this way. We have allowed evil to proliferate under the surface, continuing to elect it into power with our money, adulation, and actual votes. We have preferred our comforts, and we have convinced ourselves that anything we can’t stomach must be a conspiracy theory. Denial is human and understandable, but it’s dangerous.
For complex reasons I barely understand, Donald Trump is the blood foe of the enemy. The hatred of the powerful for Trump is so beyond reason that it must be supernaturally sourced. Something very, very big is at stake.
In the natural realm, Trump apparently represents the cutoff valve to the wealth and resources hoarded by the world’s great powers, stolen from the masses of ordinary people.
Remember that expression, “ordinary people”? It’s been erased to the point that it’s almost as hard for the minions to define as “woman.” To recap, ordinary people are those who want to learn, marry, have families and productive work, create things, worship God, build strong friendships, and leave a good example for the next generation.
That is not at all the life plan of the minions on the enemy’s side. Their life plan is free-for-all sex, killing offspring, trafficking children, and encouraging men to replace women. At the risk of being indelicate, did you know that a leftist PAC posted an ad showing a man masturbating and implying that Republicans might not let him “finish”? There is a woman making a social media career out of having sex with one hundred men in one day. Harris appeared on a drag queen reality show to stump for her ticket, and a six-year old “drag queen” was featured at a Walz rally in Nebraska.
No one should mistake the rot in the heart of the enemy. It’s not a political party; it’s a viewing platform for Hell.
This election, which we know is apocalyptic, is proceeding semi-normally for now. I voted at a church where I stood in line behind someone with a double mask who boasted, unsolicited, about her latest shots. Two people with obviously different world views, but there was courtesy and general good will between us. Neighborliness is holding so far.
Reports of anomalies, mistakes, and illegal voting are already rolling in, so we aren’t likely to ever get a real number, but perhaps “too big to rig” is a real thing. Perhaps we’ll at least win the chance to put our public life back on a benevolent track.
But we’ll still have a fight on our hands. The enemy’s character is death and destruction, and it must continue to advance. There’s nothing else for it to do.
A few weeks ago, Department of Defense directive 5240.01 was amended to specifically authorize the use of military lethal force in domestic operations—that is, against U.S. citizens on American soil. As mouthpiece Biden said in 2021, “Our patience is wearing thin.”
The world we live in, our experience of goodness and light and relative plenty, will likely be upended for a time. It’s impossible to predict the enemy’s next move, but it won’t be kind to us. We must put on the armor of God and pray He makes champions of us.
O God, will you not execute judgment upon them? For we are powerless against this great multitude that is coming against us. We do not know what to do, but our eyes are upon You. (2 Chronicles 20:12)
That’s why, in this calm before the storm, I treasure my birds, roses, and encounters with Jesus in the Eucharist. We are on borrowed time.