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Can We Talk About J6?

Posted on 2024-12-03
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Can we finally talk about January 6 without fearing that Feds might bang down our doors at dawn? After all the lives that have smashed on the scaffolding of craftily-edited footage, fantastical narratives, and media malfeasance, can we at last talk about the national disgrace of January 6? 

No, not the fiction force-fed us by the media. The real disgrace of imprisoning U.S. citizens for their political beliefs in an effort to cover up wrongdoing by the other political party. The disgrace of citizens serving long periods in solitary confinement, years without a trial, beatings by guards, withholding of essential medical care, the abridgement of the right to religious services and access to Bibles, the stigmatization and destruction of their families, and the crime of the (Un)Select Committee destroying primary evidence. 

That disgrace.

The DOJ is still arresting citizens (as late as last week). But with a cleanup on aisle 6 coming in January, the chicanery is about to end. Soon we’ll mock the obviously false narrative that was stuffed down our gullets, and we will wonder how we ever swallowed it. Common sense should have told us that there is no insurrection when the so-called perpetrators are unarmed and guards wave them into the building, where they calmly talk to police, take tourist photos, and leave again. 

Did you know that around one-third of those imprisoned for J6 are military veterans, former law enforcement officers, and first responders? Decorated military veterans, with multiple deployments. Can you imagine putting your life on the line for your country and then being imprisoned by the irregular government of that country? For it will also come out that the J6 operation was planned specifically to insure the outcome of the 2020 election. 

People who hang on to the insurrection narrative like it’s going to save them from drowning at sea often say, “But, but…I’ve seen the video tapes!” 

No. You haven’t. You’ve seen cleverly edited clips. Most of the tens of thousands of hours of video have still not been released. Have you seen Jeremy Brown saving an older woman from police? Have you seen citizens who rushed to resuscitate Rosanne Boyland but were blocked by police? Have you seen the men who used anything at hand to shield women and elders from attack?

Have you seen Officer Michael Byrd, a man with prior disciplinary write-ups, safely hiding behind a wall, taking aim at an unarmed female who was trying to quell the chaos? Have you seen Officer Lila Morris beat a woman already down, over and over, with a baton, until she was beyond saving?

The “insurrection” narrative has enjoyed unchallenged dominance for so long, the truth reckoning will take time. The same 20 percent of the population who still line up for Covid boosters will probably persist in thinking that unarmed people escorted into the Capitol by officers were somehow mounting an attack on par with Pearl Harbor and 9/11. But let the remaining 80 percent of the American public hear the truth from those who were there and who have had their lives blown to bits and their spirits all but crushed.

Five, in fact, were crushed and took their own lives in the futility of ever being heard. Two others, women, were killed in cold blood by police who later took awards and money for their brutality. And two more died from the concussive effects of tear gas and flash-bangs thrown into the crowd by police. How I wish they were all here to stand with us now, as liberation approaches. 

On the other side, four Capitol policemen also committed suicide shortly after participating in the assault on civilians. At some point, decent officers realized they’d been set up and used. 

Brian Sicknick, the officer who was allegedly killed by a J6’er wielding a fire extinguisher, was revealed in video footage to be perfectly fine and walking around at the time of the supposed beating. The medical examiner in Washington, D.C., ruled that his death occurred the day after January 6—from natural causes, not blunt force trauma. The enormous lie that he was a casualty of the “riot,” and the uniform regurgitation of it by the media, indicates that malevolent people were orchestrating the event and its fallout. 

And then there is Michael Stenger, U.S. Marine Corps and Secret Service veteran and Senate Sergeant-at-Arms on January 6. Mitch McConnell requested and accepted Stenger’s resignation on January 7, presumably to pacify those who’d been whipped into a foam. Later, in the summer of 2022, Stenger was scheduled to testify before the (Un)Select Committee, with new evidence he’d obtained. He died the day before he was set to testify. 

Many of the imprisoned have suffered irreparable damage, like the one who lost an eye from a beating, the ones with permanent health issues after living with black mold and raw sewage in their cells, those whose minds are fractured from long periods in solitary, those spiritually starved because chaplains and Bibles were not allowed, and those physically starved by insufficient calories and unsanitary food that has resulted in bouts of dysentery and scurvy.

That is all unconstitutional, by the way. To most Americans, it will sound like the prison system of a third-world dictatorship. 

Early on, the Patriot Mail Project was created to track the whereabouts of the prisoners, many of whom were repeatedly moved through multiple prisons in multiple states, a demoralizing strategy cynically called “diesel therapy.” Through the PMP database, I corresponded with a prisoner who will soon complete his sentence. His business collapsed when he was arrested, and his wife has had to move back in with her parents; but his loyalty to a higher, better America has not wavered. Stories like his will fuel us as we try to recover our country from those who’ve made it so hideously alien the last four years.  

Pray God that the new administration will succeed in the recovery. If President Trump pardons the J6’ers, it will not be some sort of political payback. It will be because they were ambushed, unjustly tried and sentenced, and unconstitutionally detained. 

For every assertion I’ve made based on testimony from prisoners, their families, and the scant videotape that’s been released, along with the work of a few courageous independent journalists, skeptics can find rebuttals from countless mainstream sources. In fact, the ratio of rubber-stamped approved narratives to counter-narratives is at least 100 to 1. 

But if we’ve learned anything from the election just passed, it is that the mainstream media parrots propaganda from a central command, not from anything they’ve actively investigated. We will soon see who has told the truth. With the nomination of Kash Patel to head the FBI, the reckoning will be sooner rather than later. 

Let the truth at last be heard.

Counter-Narrative Resources

January 6: A True Timeline 

Capitol Punishment: Everything They Told You Was A Lie

Rep. Clay Higgins Interview 

Babylon Bee: The Most Deadliest Day. One of the actors from the Bee’s popular series Californians Move to Texas was arrested for J6. 

Sheryl Collmer is an independent consultant for several non-profit organizations. She holds a Masters in Theological Studies from the University of Dallas, as well as an MBA. She lives in the diocese of Tyler, Texas and also serves as CFO, co-coordinator of Region 8, and national news editor for CORAC.


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