A Sample "Go Forth" Initiative: Ever get discouraged with the lack of civility at...
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Natural Toothpaste
[Question] I received an email from Grow Network. They are selling their dental kit...
A Grasshopper Problem in the Garden
[Mick] If you can manage to catch a grasshopper, crush it and tincture it in a little...
Covid Vax Remedies
It is my strong belief that everyone who has been vaxxed should be on the homeopathic...
Malaria Remedies
Another word about malaria: Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) is a synthetic derivative of the...
Finding Our Courage
"Courage is being scared to death, but saddling up anyway." -- John Wayne To better...
Go Forth
One of the most important initiatives CORAC is promoting this year is our "Go Forth"...
From the Ground Up
A chat with national team leaders from CORAC where we discuss not only the challenges...
America: Lost in Place
How much has America changed over the last 70+ years? Dr. Joe Brickner (CORAC's...
Region 8 Field Day
CORAC East Texas, geographically located around the center of Region 8 (Texas,...
Procession With Our Lady of Guadalupe
On Friday October 7th, the Northern Colorado team hosted a dinner and the second of...
Gun Laws Event (Video Photo Album)
Region 9 (Upper Midwest) gathered for a session on Gun Laws, hosted by Ed Hajek....
CORAC National Zoom Session 1 (Video)
Join Charlie Johnston, CORAC leaders and members in this first national zoom session...
Value Them Both – Special Podcast
Recorded 07/25/22 | This is a special podcast addressing the "Value Them Both...
Consider the Squirrels
This is from Kathy, one of our Region 9 members; enjoy. - Ann In November, I noticed...
Region 8 Newsletter
MOST RECENT EDITION December 10, 2021 | Do you feel the difference?________12/10/21 -...
Simple Quotes to Ponder in Charity
As self-interest and a dominating spirit try to get the upper hand in today's world,...
Simple Quotes to Ponder on the Road to Renewal
In these times of trial and rapid change, here's some simple quotes to ponder. We're...
The J6 Project
We've all seen the people who were present in the Capitol on January 6, singing,...
Stuff Every Leader Should Be Doing to Serve Well
Here’s some good and healthy habits grounded in Jesus’ example from the Gospel. You...
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