Lycopodium Clavatum
Ordinary Wisdom Treats: cirrhosis of the liver, reflux, typhoid, intercranial tumors, kidney disease, salmonella, sinusitis, hiccups. [Mick] A couple of weeks ago, Jacquie and I were talking about Lycopodium clavatum (the herb, not the homeopathic remedy). Jacquie...
Mushroom Tinctures
Ordinary Wisdom [Mick] Agaricus blazei can be used in powder form, tincture form, or in homeopathic form. I have the powder and will tincture it one of these days. If you plan to tincture it, then consider buying it from Mushroom Harvest in Washington state because...
Basics of Tincturing – Part 3 (Video Class)
This 3-part video series provides you with a hands-on introduction to preparing tinctures, hosted by Natalie Wanner of CORAC’s Health & Wellness team. In Part 3, we tincture together with your selected herbs. Run time: 01h | 05m | 40s Basics of Tincturing...
Basics of Tincturing – Part 2 (Video Class)
This 3-part video series provides you with a hands-on introduction to preparing tinctures, hosted by Natalie Wanner of CORAC’s Health & Wellness team. In Part 2, learn how to cook/heat the Isatis and Astragalus tinctures. Run time: 00h | 43m | 54s Basics...
Basics of Tincturing – Part 1 (Video Class)
This 3-part video series provides you with a hands-on introduction to preparing tinctures, hosted by Natalie Wanner of CORAC’s Health & Wellness team. In Part 1, learn how to make and press a tincture. Run time: 00h | 48m | 11s Basics of Tincturing Class...
All Things Cayenne
Ordinary Wisdom [Mick] Dr. Christopher discussed cayenne in his book; but his book is a brick and costs a fortune. Sam Biser wrote an exellent book called “Curing with Cayenne”; but it’s been out of print forever, and the one used copy that I found...
Remedies For Bloating
[Mick] For gas in children, some good herbal remedies (in tea, tincture, glycerite, or essential oil form) are peppermint, spearmint, catnip, lemon balm, oregano, culinary basil, Indian basil, thyme (all of which are members of the mint family) and fennel. Some of...
Boneset Tincture for Colds & Flu
[MB] For those who might be interested in making Eupatorium perf. tincture, the herb that you would by is Boneset (Eupatorium perfoliatum), not Sweet Joe Pye Weed (Eupatorium purpureum). The best price available on Boneset right now is from Mountain Maus; they have...